The Best Place

1359 Words
"I was a jerk, am a jerk and am very sorry." Layla just scoffs. "Am really very sorry Layla. I didn't mean to blow you off like that. Am not even going to make any excuses." He looks at her apologetically with his hands behind his back. "Am never, ever calling you again. " "Hey don't say that." He comes close to her and she finds herself holding her breath. "Please forgive me." He whispers and she blushes instantly. She knows he is doing it deliberately but she finds his closeness very exhilarating too. She pushes him back reluctantly not wanting to make a fool of herself. Suddenly this room has become too small because she feels like he is filling every part of it. "Alright, you are forgiven but only because you are my doctor and I still need you." "Oh is that right?" He is back in her personal space and she regrets having made the decision to call him earlier. She doesn't even know how to react when he is this close except hold tightly to the sheets on her bed. "Yes." Her voice is barely a whisper and she sees him smile. She just bites her lips in response and struggles to look away. "I will be right back then." The moment he walks out Layla sighs loudly. She reaches over to get a magazine copy and fans herself. All she wanted was to listen to his voice but now that she got the whole lot of him it's more than she can handle. She falls back on her bed and looks at the ceiling wondering how she is going to make it through. "Why aren't you him?" She whines. "Why didn't I meet you before him hmmm? And why are you here now?" Everytime she is with him it's becoming clear and she is afraid of what is bound to happen. Damn her dreams for painting that picture perfect dream that she so much wants to be a reality. She closes her eyes and tries to relive that dream. Up to now it's still so clear in her mind. The two adorable creatures are the first to pop up. Her little babies. The thought of being a mom herself makes her so happy she wishes it to be soon. Her hand moves to touch her cheek where her husband just placed a kiss. He is everything she ever wanted and more. "Am probably being very unprofessional right now so if I get caught be ready to defend me." Layla opens her eyes the moment she hears his voice and she finds him standing in front of her with a bag of potato chips in hand and what looks like a bowl of something she can't quite clearly see. "You said you wanted company." He smirks when she looks at him confused. "And this is to help make it more interesting." He shows off the stuff he is carrying. She can't keep herself from smiling with all that charm oozing from her doctor. "If you do get caught I will sure come to your rescue, no worries about that." Layla declares as a matter of fact. "I will just tell them I was having a melt down and needed my doctor." "About that?" She finds him looking at her seriously and she looks away. It's not something she wants to get into, at least not with him and not right now. "Layla?" She loves how her name sounds everytime he calls her. "It's nothing really." But when he looks like he doesn't buy it she blurts out the first thing that comes in her head. "I just missed you." "You missed me?" He is looking at her with eye brows raised and she regrets using that as an excuse. "I..I...yes, I mean no." She fumbles all over her words and Caleb looks at her amused. "Look, you are here now and it doesn't matter anymore okay" He just looks at her thoughtfully for moment before he smiles at her. "If you say so. And just so you know I kind of missed you too and am glad you called." He shrugs as he puts the stuff he came with on the counter top that's in the room and she is left blushing. He on the other hand is oblivious to what his simple words have done to her. "Now move over." "What?" "You don't expect me to sit on this uncomfortable visitor's chair now do you? "So demanding!" She retorts. She moves a little, leaving him a bit of space and he sits right next to her. She freezes for a moment for being so close to him but she relaxes a little when he goes on like he is not affected at all. "So what's up?" He asks when he is sitted comfortably. She doesn't get how he can be this relaxed when having him so close makes even breathing hard for her. She decides to steer away from the reason that made her call him and asks him something else to answer him. "When do you think I can leave this place?" "You want to leave?" He looks a bit hurt but masks it just as quickly. "Well no, I mean yes... you wouldn't want me to stay here forever would you?" "" She doesn't know what to make of his hesitation but surprisingly she finds herself not minding if his answer was a yes. "What did you bring?" She changes the topic when he becomes too quiet. "Oh that, just snacks." He hands her the bowl and he gets the bag of chips. She smiles when she sees what's in the bowl. Nicely sliced red apples arranged in a very neat heart pattern. "Where did you get this at such an hour?" "From my very private stash in my office." He grins. "You did this?" "Yes, why?" "For me?" She sees him turn to her fully. "Why, you don't like it?" "It's just uh..." She breathes in deeply trying to get a hold on her emotions that are overwhelming her right now. It might be a simple thing to him but she still hasn't gotten used to having anyone do things for her. Especially when she can see it was done with her in mind. "You deserve so much more Layla, don't ever think otherwise." He rubs her cheek and she closes her eyes as she enjoys the comforting feeling she is getting from him. "Thank you." "You don't have to thank me Layla dear." "What...what did you call me?" "Layla." "No, the whole thing." "Layla dear?" She smiles and her eyes become glossy. Only one other person ever called her that. "What is it Layla?" "Do you believe in life after death?" Caleb looks at her surprised. "Okay not the answer I was expecting... Why do you ask?" She plays with her fingers hesitating on telling him anything just incase he thinks she is crazy. "Layla?" She looks up and finds him looking back at her with concern and she visibly sighs. "It's...It's Just that I think I saw my late mother the day of my accident. And before you say am crazy, she did really look very real to me." "I would never think you are crazy." He caresses her right cheek and she can't help but lean into his touch. Just that one simple action from him has covered her with so much warmth and comfort. "Firstly am a man of science but I do believe in miracles. I see them everyday in the emergency room, yourself included." He smiles as he points at her. "But for the dead to come back to life, that one is beyond me am afraid." "But I do think there could be a logical explanation for what you saw." "Yeah.." She wonders what that logical explanation might be. She leans on him and it feels like dejavu but only this time there are like a million butterflies flapping in her stomach. She feels his arm wrap around her and she smiles. This is the best place she has been in a long time.
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