Too Close

1426 Words
Layla just gulps. She opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Him being so close is messing up her brain. He is intimidating too and she wants to shy away but he is too close for her to even look away so her eyes stay on his. He blinks and every emotion in them pours out to her and her heart flatters. She can tell he is serious and genuine about his offer but she finds herself unable to commit. Not yet at least and it's not for the reasons that she thinks he might be thinking. The truth is she is afraid. Afraid of herself and what might become of them if she were to become his housemate. To fall asleep and wake up under the same roof. She can't trust herself around him and their position right now just proves it. It's taken everything in her to stay rooted in her seat when all she wants is to get closer than he actually is. She has just been here for a few hours but she is already beyond just blushing at this point with her entire self awakened by that soft whisper in her ear. "Caleb.." her voice comes out raspy and she sees him lick his lips that look a lot like the juicy strawberries on her plate. She wonders if they taste just as sweet, as the silence in the house gets thicker and only the sound of their breathing can be heard. "Well?" He repeats his question but all she hears is his voice that sounds a lot like it just dropped a thousand tones lower and she finds it very desirable beyond anything. With her body reacting of its own accord she is no longer in control. "Plea...Please let me think about it." She stutters her voice coming out in a hushed tone and she is unsure if he even heard her. She is still consumed with him when his hand extends towards her aiming for her face. Her heart feels like its beating twice for every one of its beats and she closes her eyes in anticipation. "Okay." His voice is barely a whisper and she shudders when his hand comes in contact with her skin as he brushes some loose locks of her hair behind her ear. "Thanks." "You don't have to thank me." She let's out a loud scream when he suddenly scoops her and starts walking out of the kitchen. She grabs hold of his shirt afraid of falling as she looks up at him. "Hey what are you doing? put me down!" She hits his chest softly. "In a moment, just relax will you?" He makes her feel like a little girl and she just huffs but also relaxes knowing there is nothing she can do until he decides to put her down. He brings them to his couch and sets her on it. "Happy?" "How is my leg supposed to get better if I don't get to use it huh?" She is pouting and she sees a smile cross his lips that makes her shift in her seat. "Talking about legs, let me have a look." He makes her stretch her leg out and straight away gives it a massage. "Tell me if hurts." "Okay." Her voice is barely a whisper. She bites her lips not understanding why even simple words like that make her react to him in a way that brings so many thoughts that have nothing to do with what he asking. "How is that?" His hands are moving up her leg and the trail of heat they are leaving behind is working up more magic within her than he knows. She wasn't ready for this and each squeeze is making her heart skip a beat. "Okay." It's seems that's the only word she can utter for now because the way he is looking at her as he works has her tongue tied. She closes her eyes as she enjoys the feel of his skin on hers but after a while he suddenly stops and she opens her eyes. She finds him standing up with his eyes on his phone. "Damn! It's the hospital. Am sorry but I got to go." There is regret on his face but she smiles letting him know it's ok. "Aren't you going to uh...change?" She nods towards his outfit when all he does is grab his keys and seems ready to go. He still looks handsome in his Tee and short but she is wondering how appropriate it is for the hospital. "Nope...I don't intend to stay long and besides this tells everyone that I was in the middle of something which I intend to get back to as soon as possible." He winks at her and she is sure she just became beet red. "Are you sure you are going to be fine?" He squats before her searching her eyes. "Yes and incase of anything I got this to get my doctor here in a flash." She grins as she waves her phone in his face. A smile crosses his lips and he just watches her without saying anything. He still doesn't look convinced that she will be fine all by herself but she is not going to let him stay here for her sake when someone else's life might need him more. "We are talking about this when I get back and you better have an answer for me. It better make me happy too." He is still smiling and for a moment she is lost as to what he is referring to but when she remembers that she owes him an answer she nods. He moves closer to her and she panics at his sudden movement again but a feeling of warmth spreads across her cheeks when he brushes his lips there with what she thinks is a good bye kiss. It is so quick it takes her by surprise and she is shocked at how naturally he does it with no care in the world. When he moves back there is satisfaction on his face and something else that she can't quite decipher. "See you later." "Later." She actually feels wife vibes coming on and he being the husband heading out to put in an honest day's work for his family. She has a huge smile on her face after watching him disappear behind his front door. She shakes her head trying to get rid of all these fantasies which keep on popping up every now and then. And she knows sitting in this huge house all alone is not going to help either because she does really feel like a wife waiting for her husband to get home already. She takes a moment to really look around now that she is alone. It's a beautiful house too but of course with the usual bachelor tones. A lot of greys, browns and whites. It's simple but elegant with what looks like carefully selected furniture that seems to compliment each other. From the tiniest of ornaments to the big comfy seats that she is currently in, everything matches not only in colour but in style too. And just like his choice of clothes she is sure he has a designer that put all of this together otherwise it would make him the pure definition of perfection if he put this together by himself. She is still amazed at how big it is though. It makes her former residence look a lot smaller compared to it. Just the kitchen alone is so spacious it looks like it could host two huge families for thanks giving. She smiles when her mind automatically pictures the two of them sweating around the kitchen as they get a thanksgiving dinner ready with their twins running about. "Oh Layla." She mumbles to herself as She leans back in the seat with her eyes on the beautiful high ceilings. She sighs in contentment. The cool and quiet atmosphere is bliss though she misses him already. But some quiet time by herself is going to do her some good and maybe she might have an answer for him by the time he gets back. Though everytime she tries to think about it, his own image is the first to pop up making her to lose her train of thought. She may have asked to think about it and is pretending to think about it but her answer is already clear. "She wants to be here with him" 
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