Supporting Each Other

2465 Words

Lana’s POV After getting to the hospital, I felt like it was never ending. I saw nurses and doctors and I just didn't want to talk to anyone. I was processing what was happening to me and they had to check if it was a miscarriage and it was. I couldn't look at Arden when it was said because it was my fault. I didn't go to any appointments and that made me feel guilty. As I lie here in the hospital bed, I'm still thinking about everything and just remembering the panic on Arden’s face and the concern, it made me feel guilty. He went through this before and I didn't prevent it enough. He might just think that I would end up being like Lucinda. He might leave me and I don't want that. I don't know what is going through his mind because of what he saw in the bathroom, but it was a horrible s

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