Getting Close

1228 Words

Lana's POV I felt bad for telling Arden that I couldn't bare to look at him, but just seeing the resemblance of Gerard in him, triggered those events. I wish that I hadn't said that to him because the pain that I saw in his eyes and his expression, pained me. I hurt him further with those words. I had to be honest. I tried to take a nap but I couldn't. My mother was on her way to New York and I didn't want to see her at all. I want to be left alone and be with Arden even though it is a trigger. His comfort is still the same and something that soothes me. I wanted him to have s*x with me that night after the events so that I would forget too. But I hope that as time goes on that things will get better and that I can look at Arden easily again. I got up from bed and I walked barefoot do

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