Getting to know Arden

1025 Words

Lana's POV Arden and I just stayed in bed for the rest of the evening. His one arm was draped over me, lying on my back. I caressed his arm, the white sheet covering our naked bodies. I am still soaking in what had just happened moments ago. "So is this what it's going to be like every time that we have s^x?" I asked. "If you want it to be. Just remember that we need to be careful," Arden replied. "Of course. Have you ever liked another student?" I asked. "No, never have." "Why me then?" I was curious. "There is something about you. You have drawn me to you and I haven't felt this way since...since a long time ago," he said. "What do you mean?" I asked. He let out a sigh, "Being happy." "So I make you happy?" I turned to my side to face him. "Yes, you do. You make me f

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