Dinner Invitation

1289 Words

Arden's POV As I turned on my side, groaning. I felt very uncomfortable. Opening my eyes, I take in my surroundings. I'm in my lounge, lying down on my sofa. As my eyes squinted due to the sun. I sat up straight. The bottle of scotch was nearly done, which was on the coffee table and an empty glass next to it. I had a lot to drink last night. Something made me uncomfortable and I reached inside of my pocket. It was my phone. I checked it. Sh^t. I forgot about Lana. My heart was beating at a rapid pace. "Sh^t..I can't believe I did this," I muttered to myself. She must be furious with me. What if something happened? "F^ck," my phone was on silent. "I hope that everything is okay," I looked up and Miranda walked towards the kitchen. "I forgot about Lana," I replied with defeat. I di

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