Dealing With Daniel

1004 Words

Lana's POV I was staring at my so-called friend who thinks the worst of Arden and he wants me. "Yes, this is a bad time," I said to him. He nodded, his expression changing. "So you are back with him?" he gestured towards Arden. "Yes," I said, he didn't need to know why Arden was here. He shook his head in disappointment, "After everything he did to you? Seriously, Lana, who was there to get you through what that f^cker did to you?" he was working himself up. "Watch your f^cking mouth and stay the hell away from Lana," Arden said through clenched teeth. Charl started to cry and I looked towards Arden. His brows were furrowed, clearly ready for a fight and if looks could kill, Daniel would be dead right now. "Arden, I can handle this," I said to him. "You're the one who f^cked La

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