Chapter 9- Stalemate

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Dust covered the entire area where Otis and Medina fought. The audience witnesses the fighting between the two. They locked their gazes at the site as they waited for the dust to clear. But all of them were excited to see who had emerged victoriously. The dust slowly cleared, first revealing the silhouette of Medina standing. However, when the smoke started to disappear—showing a heavily injured Medina. Then after a few seconds, she fell to her knees. Then there, they also saw Otis, heavily damaged but not dead. The bishop had the look of disbelief written on his face upon seeing Otis with Medina gasping for air. “I-impossible! That was high-level exorcist magic designed to defeat a demon general.” When the King heard the bishop, he had realized that the bishop had used something designed to defeat a demon. However, the bishop has failed in killing Otis. So the king stood up from his throne and declared. “I at this moment declare this duel a stalemate. None have lost, and none have won. However,” the king gazed at the bishop. The bishop looked at the king and asked, “However, what your, majesty?” “Bishop, you must still give your promised compensation to the snake as I will be providing what I had promised.” “Why do you say that your, majesty? No winners emerged from this battle." The King sat back at his throne and spoke. “Then perhaps you would like to pay the damages for the palace. I never thought that you would back down on your words about compensating the snake. When he is not a demon, or perhaps bishops are not clean after all. They are also merely disobeying God by creating a sin, the sin of lies. Yet they tell that people that God does not want anyone to lie, the hypocrisy.” After hearing the king, the Bishop clicked his tongue before replying, “Tsk! There are no winners here, your majesty.” “Oh! Is that so, hypocrite? You said it to me, Bishop. Suppose the snake proved that he is not a demon. You would compensate. You did not say that you will kill the snake.” The king's words silenced the bishop, who has clenched his staff tightly. After a few seconds, the bishop gathered his courage after being scolded by the king. “Fine! I will compensate the snake.” The bishop then looked at the Cleric and yelled, “Medina! I'll give you the money that the church will compensate for this misunderstanding. Since you will be joining the princess's party, who go to that small town.” After that, the Bishop looked at the king and spoke, “your majesty, I will be taking my leave now.” The bishop then changed his gaze towards the princess, “Princess Anne, I will leave my apprentice in your care tomorrow.” Princess Anne looked at the injured female Cleric and said, “I hope that you don't hold any grudges to Otis. ” The Cleric Medina replied to Princess, “Do not worry, your highness, your ally was of equal strength to me. I don't why, but that makes me happy that my ally would is as powerful as me.” After hearing the Cleric, Anne had a smile on her face that made Medina blush. She thought she was in front of a beautiful goddess as she felt warm inside, gazing at the princess's smile. The bishop and the female Cleric Medina then gave a bow before leaving the throne room. After the two left the room, the king gazed at Henry, who was in shock after witnessing the duel. “Henry!” The king yelled loudly, snapping him from the shock. After regaining his focus, Henry immediately rushed toward the injured Otis. He picked him up using his hands; however, Henry got scolded. After touching Otis's injury. “Henry, you i***t! That's a wound. Don't touch it!” “Sorry, Otis, I don't know how to treat your injuries.” Upon seeing this, the king ordered, “throw a healing potion at the injured snake” at one of the guards. A guard then rushed toward Otis, pulling out a bottle of potion. The guard poured the potion down to Otis. When the red liquid touched the body of Otis, all of his wounds started to close slowly. Using the red liquid became the new flesh and skin that Otis lost during the battle. The potion replaced the sliced muscles, blood, and flesh when it is applied. Tinctures are very expensive for a commoner to buy; even the lowest grade is equivalent to two months worth of pay. So Henry became worried seeing the potion poured down on Otis. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to pay the price of the healing potion. However, Henry was happy at seeing his friend healed from his injuries. The King noticed the worried Henry, so he spoke, “young man, do not worry about paying me back. Your pet did deserve that potion after all, especially how he had entertained me.” Henry looked at the king and lowered his head, “thank you very much, your majesty!” “Now then, Henry, we got interrupted before. I was going to say that I will be giving you your reward. So what is it you want?” The king asked Henry. Henry was scared of saying anything, but he has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Being asked for something you want by the king has always been the dream of commoners. However, Henry did not want to ask something greedy as he believed that it would leave a wrong impression. So Henry replied to the king, “I want a new sword, your majesty. I want the best sword in the entire kingdom. That's the only thing I wish.” “Such a bold request for a reward.” The king spoke as his face leans on his palm. Henry was terrified after hearing the king. He thought he had asked too much. Now the king thinks that he is a greedy bastard taking advantage of saving the princess; that was what inside Henry's mind. However, the king spoke once again to Henry, who was terrified. “It's a bold reward, Henry. However, the kingdom cannot provide as the most powerful sword is not in our grasps. Someone already owns it. The last thing I heard about the sword was at a farming village.” Henry felt relieved after hearing the king. It's like a piece of thorn was plucked out of his worried heart. But Henry asked what the sword looked like to have a clue. “Your majesty, may I know what the appearance of that sword is.” The King smiled at Henry before speaking, “So you're interested in it? I guess telling you is not a problem.” The King then narrates the appearance of the sword, “The sword has a blade that has blue shine in it, they said the person who wields it is the shining star of hope and peace. They say the sword can slice through the toughest armor made of steel. Gold, silver, and some blue steel composed its hilt.” After hearing the king, Henry spoke, “Does that sword have the words Blazing Blue, in its blade.” “Yes, that is correct, Henry.” Henry scratched his head and unintentionally spoke, “Wait! The sword you are talking about majesty seems awfully the same as the sword my father gave me. Which I left at my village, cause it is a family heirloom that we can pawn if we need money.” After hearing Henry, the king laughed and spoke, “So you have a counterfeit version of it, hahaha.” “I guess so, but what kind of steel glows in the dark, your majesty. Caused when during a new moon, when I have to pee, I have to use it as light.” After hearing Henry telling the king about the glowing blade. The king yelled, “WHAT!?”
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