Chapter 3- Let's Save Them!

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Suddenly Plaredel leaves Otis and Henry alone. It was only two years left before Henry would have his fifteenth birthday and become an adult. Otis noticed the sudden change in Henry's behavior. Otis has now started to observe Henry more frequently. Otis feared that a strong emotion such as sadness and loneliness would trigger the hidden power of Henry. So in anyway, Otis tried to make Henry laugh by telling jokes. But months and years passed by, the hidden power that defeated Andreas is nowhere to be seen. Otis felt more worried about this rather than feeling better. Cause he knows that the hidden power will one day wake up and ruin his plan once again. “Damn! Finding the trigger for his hidden power is harder than I thought.” ‘What could be the trigger!? The last time it activated was when I killed two of his allies. It was sadness, loneliness, and wrath.’ Using his tail, Otis slapped his face after realizing something. “Of course! It isn't activating because there's a missing piece!” Otis suddenly put his tail near his mouth and thought to himself, ‘But what if wrath was the only trigger that could activate his power. This more complex than I ever imagined. However, I still have time I can even observe how much he will grow.' Otis then gazes down at the sleeping Henry. Then he remembered something important. Once again, Otis slapped his face using his tail. “How could I have forgotten about that! I've been too focused on finding the trigger of his hidden power. That I forgot that tomorrow is his fifteenth birthday.” Otis then transitions his gaze from the sleeping Henry to the glass window. He then spoke, “It been five years since I reincarnated into this body. What was I even doing in my old body? I almost forgot what I have done.” Otis slowly wrapped himself around using his body. He then falls asleep slowly, “It's annoying that I have to sleep. I miss my old body.” *Yawns* The sound of the roosters dominated the entire village. Then the sun rays entered through the window of the house. Then suddenly, Otis was woken up by Henry. “Otis! Otis!" “What is it Henry, I'm still enjoying my beauty rest!" “Have you forgot what day today is!” “It's your birth…” “Wait! Your turning into an adult!" Henry pouted his mouth and spoke, “I can't believe you almost forget about my birthday. My best friend forgetting my birthday is unforgivable.” Otis was annoyed and said unto himself. ‘This hero! Even he's an adult; he still maintains his childish behaviors!’ “Sorry about that, Henry. I hope I can compensate anything.” Henry's pouting then changed into a smile after hearing Otis. On the other hand, Otis did not like the grin that Henry had on his face. To Otis, it was like Henry was scheming something. Then what Henry said next was shocking to Otis. “Let's go to the capital and become adventurers!” “What!?” “Don't worry, Otis, I have saved up some money to pay registration. We're not going to get paid immediately, so I also have some extra to pay for an INN and food. I think it's enough for the two of us.” “This is so sudden! Have you even pa-" “No need to worry once again, Otis! I have packed my things. I also bought new tools as well as a new sword. Since we will become adventurers, a new blade is a must!” “You are enthusiastic, aren't you, Henry." But after Otis finished his speech, Henry had already washed and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. “What the hell! Guy!" Henry immediately grabs Otis and dashes out of his house. He dashed towards a wagon carrying agricultural products. Then the coachman looked over his shoulder and greeted them. “Otis and Henry, you two are leaving. This older man will miss you two. Even though I did not meet you that much, Otis, but you've been looking after the village's troublesome boy. It makes me feel associated with you. He always tells how caring you are to him." ”Stop it, Mister Calico! You're embarrassing him! Look at his scales turning red.” “But my scales are already red!” ‘After that, the carriage proceeded to move. It was the first time I will leave this village. So, it somewhat makes me feel excited. I was seeing the outside after five years of training in secret.’ ‘Somehow, I have forgotten how beautiful this world was. It's been a thousand years since I last saw such beautiful scenery. The golden fields of wheat almost look endless. It looks like a lake of gold. The blow of the wind caressing my scales as it hits my body was something I haven't felt for a long time. It was a very nostalgic feeling. I somewhat enjoy having my flesh again.' ‘For a thousand years, after accepting the deal with my master. I have forgotten everything about this world as I am on my path to destroy the pain that this world is suffering. I am a hero in my way, but for others, I'm a villain. Those words were from my father, and I still can't believe that I had always adhered to that saying until today.’ ‘So the villain in my way of achieving that goal. To end all suffering is this man, whose neck I am currently lying down, Henry, the hero of the people. Future hero, to be exact.’ After traveling non-stop for four hours, the two got out of the wagon. Henry and Otis then said goodbye to the coachman as he goes on a separate way. “Now, Otis, it's just you and me! Let's hurry up and get to the capital!” Henry yelled as he raised his fist high up in the air. Henry walked forward enthusiastically under the scorching heat of the sun, not a worry in the world. Then after two hours of walking, Henry was already sweating as if he was a fountain. On the other hand, Otis was also not in good shape, as he is a cold-blooded animal. “Henry, is there water nearby? I'm feeling hot, and it's uncomfortable.” “Sorry, Otis, but I forgot to bring any water with us. My money was not enough to buy a water canteen from the tanner.” ‘This hero is truly an i***t! No wonder why you were unable to protect your allies. It's because of your unbearable stupidness and your preparedness!’ However, as they continued to walk towards the dirt road, thirsty and exhausted. Henry and Otis heard a scream. “Aaaaaaahh!” The clashes of swords then followed the scream. Otis and Henry immediately attempt to locate the source on the small hilly sides of the path. Then Henry, with his excellent hearing senses, finally finds the sounds, which was quite near them. Immediately Henry rushes in that direction as he unsheathes his sword. There the two of them saw a carriage surrounded by three-headed dog-like monsters. There were five maids carrying swords and two knights protecting the carriage against the beasts. But Henry can tell that the group is near their limit as most of them are injured. Not only that, but it seems they were already fighting for a little while now. Then one of the knights was ganged up in by the beasts. It was causing the number of defenders to decrease. But Henry was not able to contain himself, so he charges forward, raising his sword. Henry sliced the beast that noticed him first in half. Otis was quite surprised as he had never seen Henry fight before. “Otis, regulate my mana! I'm going to use some magic enhancement.” “S-sure." Otis immediately used his skill that helps regulate the usage of mana. Then Henry's body started to glow a bluish color. ‘Wait! Is this the power that defeated me!?’ However, the glow disappeared, and Otis noticed the sudden surge of power in Henry, who suddenly charged forward. ‘His speed! Increased this much from just regulating his mana. Could it finally be the power that defeated my old self?’ Henry slashes his sword to the monsters coming towards him. With a single s***h to every beast, Henry sliced them in half. It was like a Henry was cutting through a bunch of butter. The maids and the only knight was in amazed at how Henry was reducing the enemies with ease. The three-headed dog beasts that were initially attacking the carriage turned their attention towards Henry. All of the beasts charged towards him with all of their might. The beast had Henry surrounded as they attacked from all sides. Henry remained calm, but then somehow, Otis noticed something. Henry, within the span of zero point five seconds, had seemed to sliced every beast coming towards him in every direction. This scene was the abnormality that Otis noticed. Then before the dog-like beasts could reach him, Henry had already turned their body into smaller cuts. Bloods of the beast then exploded towards Henry, making him a bath in blood. Otis as well bathed in the blood of the dog-like beasts. Then after that, Henry puts back his sword to its sheath. However, as it was near the sheath, his sword broke into smaller pieces. Similar to how a glass breaks. “My only sword broke. It broke; all of my money went into that sword. Now I can't continue my adventuring career.” However, as Henry was crying and kneeling on his broken sword, a pink-haired girl in her teens opened the carriage door. The maids suddenly kneeled as well as the remaining knight. Henry was too busy worrying about his shattered sword, did not notice this. Meanwhile, Otis was the only one who noticed the girl. “Wait! That girl isn't she.”
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