Chapter 10.5 - Registering as Adventurers

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Medina and Otis look into each other. Then Medina lowered his head towards Otis and apologized. I'm sorry for what had happened yesterday.” ‘She's surprisingly polite, utterly different from the aura she emitted before. However, I can still feel the girl from yesterday lurks. I guess she only wants to apologize.' “Do not worry so much about it; I have no grudge held against a warrior like you.” Medina lets out a sigh of relief after hearing Otis. She looked directly into Otis's eyes and spoke, “I hope for your help in our future travels, comrade.” I bowed my head down and replied to the Cleric, “I also look forward to working with you.” “Such show of friendship and trust! So this is how camaraderie between adventurers starts.” Princess Anne exclaimed as she gazes at the two of us. “Princess, what are we waiting for, standing idly here? Let's go inside and take the first step in fulfilling our dreams.” Excitedly yelled, Henry with enthusiasm. The four went inside the guild. Upon entering, the group saw seats and tables similar to a tavern. Burly men almost occupied all of the seats. Of course, there were some women and beast-men seated. The four went to the counter, where a woman somewhere in her twenties talking to some young people. When they got near the young people, they were also applying to be adventurers. Otis notices the smile of the newly registered adventurers as they receive a card. ‘Such fools, becoming gleeful for a job, that's just for people without a profession. If it weren't for monsters, these people would be living in the streets begging for money.’ ‘Not to mention, there's no insurance for such job. Surprisingly this adventurer guild still gets young people into their ranks. Probably the sense of adventurer and friendship you make does sound an excellent advertisement to get young people. But when these young ones find out that reality is often disappointing. Pain, death, and refusal all will be running in their mind.’ Otis gaze at an old fellow who only stares at his table, like a crazed individual. ‘These young people will be like that old man. And I can't wait to see the looks on their faces, hahaha.’ After the young lads before them left, Anne immediately leans towards the cashier and excitedly spoke. “We would like to register as adventurers, madame!” “I see, and these are your party members, I assume?” The clerk behind the counter asks as she peeks at us. “Yes, they are my party members. So how can we register?” “Well, if you have the money to register. We can immediately proceed." Anne pulls out a bag that was hanging in her waist. She then asks the clerk, ”how much is it for a person." “It will be five bronze coins per head, young miss. So it would be twenty bronze or two silver coins, miss. If you are going to register your comrades.” Anne pulls out two silver coins from the bag and lays them on the table. The clerk takes it and puts the payment in a drawer. She then pulls out a parchment and a quill. “Now that payment has been made, may I have your name?” Anne, without thinking twice of the consequences. “Anne Armada." Hearing the girl spoke her name, the clerk was in shock. Petrified of the sudden revelation, ”P-princess, I'm sorry for my rudeness, your highness.” It was not the clerk who was shocked but the entire people in the guild. The noise they made stopped and only gazed at the pink-haired girl about to register herself as an adventurer.e “It's not a problem, miss Clerk. I'm here not as a process but as an adventurer. So can we please proceed? And treat like the normal adventurer.” ‘Looks like this girl revealing herself might cause some problems. However, this is a good eye-opener for her. But I'm worried about this revelation.' Otis gazed unto the crowd of adventurers and saw three men with strange gazes. Otis has immediately concluded that the three adventurers were up to no good. ‘Looks like we have caught some unnecessary attention. Base on their looks, they might be planning something. However, base on their capabilities, they are no match for Henry and even Medina.’ But as Otis watches the men, they suddenly walk out of their table. They are leaving payment for their drinks on the table for the barmaid to collect. But just after that, they had already finished registering themselves. Anne gave each one of them a card, but Otis can't hold anything. She gave his card to Henry for him to keep it. After successfully registering. However, it was not only a card that was issued. The clerk also gave a bronze necklace for each one of us. The chain represents the ranks of each adventurer. Bronze the lowest; it will go to silver, gold, emerald, and the highest diamond. But as my fellow party members, The clerk behind the counter spoke. “Congratulations on becoming adventurers. Would you like to accept any quests right now?” The Clerk raised her hands towards her right side and spoke, “If you go in that direction. There you'll see the quest board where you will see the available job requests. But please do remember that each job request has a rank requirement." But after the Clerk spoke. Medina pulls out a letter from her pouch and gives it to the Clerk. The clerk saw the church's seal in the letter, leading her to pick it up and immediately read. The clerk had a stupified face after reading the letter. “What the hell is happening, first? It was the princess, now the bishop. Why are there a lot of people with power doing some business here? I guess I cannot complain. I'm only an employee here. Ha~.” The clerk gazed at Anne and spoke, “Looks like the church has some special request for you in-store, princess. It's an investigation mission in a town. The church will be providing the reward.” After that, Anne had a wry smile as she gazes at the clerk who had a tough day. The four immediately walked out of the guild and headed to the gate that leads them to the town. However, on their way, three men tailed them quietly.
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