Chapter 2, The Battle

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Evander POV After about 20 minutes the smell starts to get stronger. I’m getting excited and anxious but don’t know why. Maybe I’m just really hungry or something. I have to find the source of this smell nothing seems more important. The smell gets stronger and I go faster determined to find it. As I run into a clearing the scent becomes about a hundred times stronger. And that’s when I see her! The most beautiful women in the whole world! She doesn’t see me yet she has a little sun dress on that goes half passed her knees. It’s light yellow and seems to glow in the sunlight. She has a wicker basket over her one arm and it’s filled with flowers and plants. Her hair is long and flowing. The most beautiful light brown that I have ever seen. She is what, or should I say who I have been smelling. It’s her! She’s the one! I think she can feel me. She cautiously looks up and turns towards me. The sight of her face just blows me away. Her features are soft and delicate. Her face slightly round but more of an oval. And her eyes! Oh her eyes! They are the lightest hazel brown that I have ever seen. They match her hair color perfectly. I don’t think anyone could every match her beauty right now. Without even thinking I walk closer to her. I can’t help it I’m forever drawn to her. But I still don’t know her and don’t want to scary her away. I know I am a big guy. I stop 2 feet in front of her. We both stand there for a brief moment starting into each other’s eyes. Then she spoke. “Mate??” She said it as both a question and a statement. She tilted her head as if questioning the truth to her words. I took one step closer and took her free hand in mine. Sparks shot through my arm and radiated thought my whole body. Like a gentleman I raised her hand up and kissed it. The word ‘mine’ escaped my mouth but came out sounding more as a sigh of relief. My entire body relaxed for the first time in I don’t know how long. It was like the whole world fell away and we were the only things that existed. Gia POV Wow I can’t believe it! How can this be? I found my mate! I didn’t think that I had one or that I would ever find him even if I was blessed with one. A lot of omegas never find their mates because we don’t travel and sometimes don’t have strong wolf senses. I had given up a long time ago. I mean I’m so old. Well I’m young but to find your mate at 28 is almost unheard of. I think he has been waiting a long time too. He feels so warn out and broken. I would think he was a rouge but he clearly isn’t. He is dressed very nice with a quality cotton collared shirt and nice black pants. His upper body has so much muscle that he almost looks unbalanced. I have only seen pictures of body builders who have had that much muscle on them. He is ripped from head to toe and is quite tall. Which is great because I’m tall as well I didn’t want someone shorter then me. His eyes seem yellow at the moment but that’s probably just because he found me. His hair is jet black and glossy. His facial features are symmetrical, sharp and well defined just like the rest of his body. He is so handsome and looks like he could be on the front cover of every magazine. He’s almost too perfect. Out of nowhere my wolf started to scream ‘Danger, Danger, Danger’ in my head. I pulled my self out of his gaze and scanned the aria. But I don’t see anything. I must be missing something. The gorgeous man looked confused but is smelling something now. He turned his back to me and stepped in front of me letting out a deep low growl. I don’t know if I should be afraid or… That’s when I smelled it! We weren’t alone. Sure enough slowly they came out one by one forming a half circle around us. They where all barring their teeth at us and slowly advancing. I counted 15 but there are still more coming. I had a cool face on but started to panic. Not because I’m afraid for myself but the overall realization of how helpless I am right now. I don’t know how to fight! I even skipped all the self defense lessons in school. I figured I would never need it. I don’t leave our territory and it’s always been so safe hear. Why are we being attacked? Where are the guards? Oh no, what do I do? Before I could think too much it started. A wolf jumped at my mate. He easily swatted him down. The wolf fell at his feet barely conscious . There was a brief pause and it looked like the brown one was giving the others orders. Next thing I knew they all started lounging at him one after the other. But my mate is amazing. Still in his human form he grabbed each of them and sent them flying in either directions . I was watching him in aw when he turned around and for a second it looked like he was coming after me! He looked like he was going to rip my head off but I still didn’t more. He grazed my cheek giving warm chills and clobbered a wolf who almost got my neck. I didn’t even know he was there. Because my mate did that, he exposed his back to the other wolves and it gave them just what they needed. One clamped down on his ankle and another bit right below his shoulder staining his shirt with red. Mate quickly turned and got free of both of them but another one went after me again. This time I was more aware and ducked down making him fly right over me. I could feel my mate get scared when he saw the wolf just missed me. He turned to me and said “Run! They don’t know who you are! Run!” without a second thought I did what he said. I ran as fast as I could and as soon as I was out of sight I shifted throwing by basket to the side so that I could run even faster. I ran all the way home slammed the door behind me and locked it. Before I slid to the floor crying. What had I done. I left my mate!
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