Chapter Five: Rogue wolves on the loose

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CHAPTER FIVE: ROGUE WOLVES ON THE LOOSE   {beta jax beckett's point of view}  Now, this is some f*****g foul smell.      I cringe in the infuriating smell of the dead marked red wolves. You would think that with their garbage-like scent, they couldn't get anymore nastier as they usually are. Well, try to smell their distinctive dead bodies. The very smell of their decomposing body is so f*****g nasty that we're finding it hard to smell them. Having to be a werewolf, who had highlighted senses, is a disadvantage when it comes to these marked red wolves.     Since they are nothing but a virus itself to our kind, it was obvious that they would smell this rotten. Our mothers used to tell us that they smell so vicious to alert every wolf that they were near, as a kid- it was supposed to scare us whenever we stink.     However, when we grew up, we realized how true the stories were.      Marked red wolves are dangerous, one that is impossible to live normally with normal werewolves that are sane. Those monsters are nothing but death in our lives, all they wanted is to kill those who have mates and forcibly mate with those who they fill like it. If they are in need of a feed, they could kill their own kind and feast on them.     Instead of the usual heat that a normal wolf feels every month, their kind feels hunger- one that diminishes all their thoughts that are still semi-sane.      Since they have anything to lose, it was obvious that they will act like how they are acting now. Dangerous, and impulsive. These werewolves act like they didn’t care about life—like not a single thing matters to them. To which, in a sense, they do. I usually give pity to them but upon knowing why they are cast as marked red, I feel nothing but happiness to have them feel the remorse they are feeling at this very second.     There's been a lot of rogues lingering around the territory ever since the Alpha was invited to a yearly meeting with the Alpha King and all of the other Alphas. Almost every day, there are sight reporting of an unknown scent in the location. Rogues have been coming in and out of the pack like some roaches. I had tried everything that the Alpha advice but nothing seemed to worked.      Even the neighbouring pack was having some troubles with the rogues.      As a Beta, it is my job to protect the pack as long as the Alpha is not present.     "How many escaped?" I asked Drixon carefully, the pack's Delta.     He wipes the blood out of his face, looking around the bodies of the wolves that we had killed, "three or maybe even four more marked red. I already send some warriors to kill the marked ones and push the innocent away from the territory if they wish to have their lives spared. We mostly think that they were forced by the marked ones to be their allies."     "We're changing patrols. Everyone should be at the meeting room at five," I informed carefully before taking a whip of the surrounding, checking some major damages. All of the warriors looked at me carefully, waiting for my command.      "Is everybody okay?" I asked carefully.     They all released this satisfied smile which made me chuckle, "Yes, Beta."     I nodded as I take a look around, trying to scan any other signs of rogues. It's infuriating to know that they can escape the grasp of the patrols and dare to give threat to the pack. It was a really reckless thing to do, I might say. Especially knowing who this land belong to. Maddox doesn't take threats too lightly. If the Alpha was here to govern everyone, none of that marked red would have survived.      Speaking of those marked red, something is really wrong here. Either there is a traitor on this pack or some s**t. I'm hoping for the latter, having to execute a pack member would be hard, even for the Alpha.     The door bursts open and the two male who is guarding my mate appeared on the door. A frown escaped from my lips as I was sure to instruct them that they are not to leave my mate. A thought crept through my mind.      s**t. I have a bad feeling about this.      "Beta, she's-"     Before they could even utter another word, a loud roar from a motorbike erupted in the surrounding and I growled, knowing that my mate was trying to leave me. The wolf inside of me stirred and it didn't take a while before it released this loud snarl, setting the warriors to freeze in their positions. Having a beta wolf in rampage is something that isn't good for the pack.     My eyes scanned my men carefully as the beast inside me is trying his best to claw out and reveal himself. There are still some unknown wolves in the surrounding so there are some possible ways for her to get killed and that's not a good thing.      "She's human. No shifting," I roared before looking back at the forest, "Secure the surrounding, now."     They all nodded before running towards the direction of my mate. I stay rooted on the ground, trying to calm my wolf before I do something unimaginable to her. I wouldn't inflict her any kind of pain and that's the same to my wolf, but growling in front of her face and commanding her in a loud booming voice wouldn't do much on us.     How did she escape with that predicament?      A smile almost spread on my lips. I must have underestimated my mate. Despite me being proud, I could feel my wolf growling inside my head, letting me feel his rage to the idea of our mate to leave us and not having her in a very close distance to us without letting her shaking in fear.     My beast was lethal, angry and very much hurt with our mate's escape route. Not that I didn't expect her to escape. She is, indeed, in captivity. However, with the idea of her jumping in the second-floor window doesn't suit much on my wolf.     She could be hurt.      I growled, letting me roar at the idea that swirled inside my head. My eyes continued to shift to a different colour, resulting in a worried look from the Delta. A sigh escapes my lips before I nod at him, trusting him with the pack for a while.      As I ran towards the direction of my mate, my nose gets familiar with the smell of the warriors in the pack... but still, no sign of my mate invaded my senses. Well, she did use a motorbike. A proud grin appeared on my lips.     My mate is a badass.     "J-Jax!"      At the alarmed scream of my mate, my pace doubled to her aid. When I reached her spot, the sight in front of me stirred the anger inside my wolf, causing me to growl inwardly as I saw my mate in front of a rogue dressed in nothing but basketball shorts. He's holding her in place as she was pushed forcefully in the tree. I could feel my eyes turned into a pitch-black colour. Rage and anger engulf me fully, not making me think straight which then lead me to I use my inhuman speed, pushing him against a tree as I grip his throat.     "Who gave you permission to touch what's mine!"     He smirked inwardly, seemingly challenging me, "I did."     My beast snapped and surfaced without my will, making him to fully control my body and for the first time, I let him do what he wanted. The rogue's face visibly paled, finally sensing that I am not an average wolf. He just messed with a highly stressed and pissed Beta. I could feel my grip tighten as the rogue grasp for air that he is not allowed to have.     "NO ONE TOUCH WHAT'S MINE! GET THAT IN YOUR f*****g HEAD, ROGUE!"     Before my beast could even snap his neck, a group of warriors casts my body away from him. I take a good look at them, completely furious at their actions but they all stiffen before pointing at the direction of my mate. Thank the heavens that my wolf realized what he can do when he shows himself to our mate, which automatically lead him to let me take control.      My eyes flickered back into my blue eyes, making me see my mate whimpering on the ground. It was breaking me to see her hugging herself while there were soft sobs escaping her pink plump lips. It was a sight that I didn't even want to see from her, a sight of her utterly scared and defenseless. She's my mate, and all she should ever feel was to be contented in life and be happy for the life that I will offer her.     I always dreamt of being a night and shining armour to my mate. For years, I dreamt that she would always need me and I will be there to protect her. I didn't know that life would give me just what I wanted. My mate was human, always in need of me to protect her.      And I will.     For the rest of my life.      For months or years, this might not be the life that she wanted to have but this is what I could offer her. She's safe as long as she's in my close contact and I couldn't pass my duties as being the beta of the pack. My mate will be appreciated and loved by me.      That is what I promise to the Moon Goddess on the day that I reached 18. I was supposed to see her by that age but in time, I didn't. Instead of being scared and fearing for her death, I prayed every day the Moon Goddess to keep her safe.      Whenever I would feel something warm in my heart, I was sure that it was hers.      I tried to walk cautiously to her, trying not to scare her more that she already felt.     Her eyes snapped into me almost as if on reflex and I felt someone grip my heart tightly as I saw the whole trauma and fear that was corrupting her soft hazel eyes. I could even see some red marks that are still visible on her skin, clearly making me see that the rogue caused her enough damage that she can handle.     "I'll be walking closer to you, is that okay?" My voice was the softest that I could muster, in pure fear that adding more volume to it would scare her. I flash a small smile, waiting for her permission.     She didn't even need another second before she nodded, trying her best to cast her tears away but fresh ones just continue to flow. As soon as I have her in arm's length, I let my left arm to slip to her waist as the other hand caress her cheeks, making me feel those amazing sparks that ignite between us. This adorable soft gasp escapes her lips, letting me show a soft smile as I realized that she can feel the sparks too.     "I'm sorry, little mate. I was late."      She shook her head as she pushes herself more onto me, wanting nothing more than to cast her mind that she's safe in my mind. I was glad that she's looking for me while she was trouble, that was already a good thing for me. Her hand absentmindedly took a great hold of my shirt which just sends my beast into a high, knowing that our mate seeks our comfort.      "He was so strong and if you didn't come, I probably ended—"      "Shh," I cooed softly, flashing her a very soft smile to soothe her, trying to push the idea that crossed her mind which is just making me dive in a full alert, "He'll lose his freaking hand if he tried to touch you again."     Her mouth parted, ready to voice out any words but then it stopped as her body shivered, noticing the cold wind of the forest. I flash her a soft smile before carrying her in my arms, setting her eyes to grow wide. She looked at me carefully and I did my best to show her a frown, to please let me aid her. Sighing, she nodded her head before her eyes flutter closed.     The whole walk towards the packhouse had her close her eyes while I mindlinks everyone to not show any shed of a werewolf in my direction. Having her to remember her past encounter with a werewolf might not be a good thing for me. I could see some people gawking in our direction, wanting nothing more than to see their Beta Female.     As soon as she's ready to face everyone, I will make sure that she's someone that the Luna can count on too. Not that there was a doubt in my mind. Even with my mate's weak heart, I could see some tough side on her personality. After all, she did just drive one of those motorbikes.      I carefully placed her on the bed, trying my best to not growl as I dab a wet towel on her red marks. She's getting quiet and somewhat cooperative, something that I've expected. The fear might have finally caught up to her. Not only did she got almost killed by those two wolves from before, but as soon as she got out of this place- she was cornered by a rogue wolf.      After everything that happened to her, there were a lot of things that were swirling inside her mind, creating some sort of logical ideas of what has happened.      I feel pathetic, not being able to take care of her and somewhat introducing her to rogues as soon as I can. Why didn't I even think that she would have thought of running away from a room that doesn't provide her freedom?      And rogues... those damn rogues.      Rogues were extremely dangerous and strong, especially for a human. I feel rather relieved that it was a neutral one, not a marked one for she could have suffered worst.      "Hey Blondie," I chuckled at her nickname before my eyes dived into hers, " did say that you would explain things when you return back in the room."     I frowned softly, "But you escaped, little mate."     "Because you kidnapped me," she rolled her eyes while crossing her arms.     I nodded my head before putting a band-aid on the scratch that she managed to have on her elbow, "But I said I'll explain things, you didn't give me a chance to explain. I have you kept in that place so you wouldn't move as much. You have tons of injuries, little mate."     "Then can you please now explain, why you," she raised both of her hand in the air, creating a quotation symbol in the air, "'didn't kidnap me.'"     A soft sigh escapes my lips before I put the cloth back to the bowl of water. How would you explain supernatural things to humans without even freaking them out or thinking that I have gone mental? I already thank the Moon Goddess that she's now seeking my comfort and not cower in fear—I wouldn't want to freak her out, especially not now.      Having a human mate is really hard, especially when you badly want to kiss her and cuddle with her all night long, but doing all that at this time would just let me have a painful hand mark on my cheeks. Not that I would change her for the world. She's mine. Only mine.      "We can take about this tomorrow, you need to rest."     Her forehead creased, "You're prolonging this talk."     "It's complicated. I still can't think on how I should explain things to you," I sighed softly before looking at her carefully, my hands absentmindedly caressed her cheeks and those amazing sparks ignited between us. With a satisfied smile on my lips, I carefully continued my words, "You would just think that I'm crazy."     Her forehead creased, "Don't worry too much. Having you here, grinning like an i***t all of a sudden is enough to make me think that you are crazy. Being crazy should be the last thing that you're thinking right about now."     "But please," I begged softly, pushing her attempt to lighten things, as the vulnerability is playing in my eyes. I could see the shade of surprise in her eyes to my sudden action but I pay no attention to that, "Please, never ran away again. I just need some more time, but I will explain everything to you. I promise."     She closed her eyes like she's battling with her own self. A large smile erupted inside me, knowing that she's thinking things through. Even if she's finding it hard to understand what was thrown to her, my mate never disappoints in being someone who can be reasoned with. I need a verbal confirmation that she's willing to give things a chance.      After hardly five minutes of not seeing her soft hazel eyes, she finally opened them and nodded at me softly. My lips plush into that smile which made her breath hitched softly. I was glad that even with her being human, there's still some faint evidence that the pull was making her more engrossed to me as I thought she would.      "Fine, I won't run away," she announced softly.      Her statement was too sudden, almost giving me whiplash. My mouth twitches, making me smile so wide that I feel like my mouth will tear apart. I stood up before I hoist her up, spinning her around the place as my mouth continues to verbally say my gratitude.      "What the! Hey! I'm not done yet and you're making me dizzy!"     I placed her down before I rub the back of my head, "I'm sorry, I just got a little carried away."     "Little?" She inquired softly.     Chuckling, I shook my head, "Okay, maybe a lot."     "I'm only doing this because you saved my life back there...—" she whispered.      Her eyes met mine, letting me see something inside her hazel eyes. I heard her mumbled a soft 'twice' which made my forehead creased. No, I almost shook my head. I must have heard wrong. I saved her while being a wolf form. Did she saw me shift just so I could catch her? That seems not right either.      As she flashes this soft smile, every little thought inside me vanished as my lips automatically mimic hers. My mate is just breathtaking. I could look at her all day and not miss everything.      "— know, so maybe, you're not bad as you look."     I fake a gasp, even pushing my hands in my chest which made her roll her eyes but I can see that small smile that wants to escape from her lips, "I'm appalled young maiden."     "You're such a drama queen."      I smiled softly, admiring my mate. She's giving me a chance. I just hope that the fact that she's mine and the idea that I'm a werewolf wouldn't throw her away from me. I hope that it would give her worries, sure but it wouldn't take much before she can accept everything. I will give her all the time that she wanted but she should accept me.     Having to hear her say that she wanted nothing to do with me would kill me slowly and I'll probably lose my mind.     Stay with me, Little Mate.     Please stay with me.
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