10 - Never together

2423 Words

Lilly “I think you and Bastian should stay close over the next few days.” “Do you?” I mumble to Toby without looking at him. I woke up from my two-day coma an hour ago, and now I want out of here. Toby has no explanation of why both Bastian and I reacted so badly, but I know I’ll find an answer soon enough. Toby has checked me over, and though I’m not one hundred percent, I’m okay for now. My heat isn’t over yet, but I can’t stay in this bed any longer. I won’t stay near Bastian like he’s my damn shadow, either. If the heat picks up again, I’ll hold the piece of s**t’s hand, in full view of my parents, of course. I will not have se.x with him, no matter what. Bastian woke five minutes after I did, but neither of us had spoken to the other. I don’t want to talk to him; I have places t

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