Ch. 2 Losing control

980 Words
Scott ran until he reached a clearing he stopped and sniffed the air and growled then he heard a gun being pulled back Scott turned around shots rang out Scott ran a bullet hit his side another bullet in his other side Scott howled in pain but kept running. "don't let him get away!" Kate argent shouted Scott ran faster a shot went through his chest "Arrrrrgh!" Scott shouted Scott ran until his legs gave out Scott started to walk while holding his sides that was bleeding a lot. "I think i lost them." Scott vision started to get blurry and he started to feel dizzy his head started to hurt. Scott came up to the burned hale house his legs gave out and he fell on the ground all Scott felt was pain and he fell on the grass a pool of blood formed under him Scott looked up at the sky 'Is this how im going to die? i'm never going to say bye to mom or Stiles i will never get to punch Jackson in the face' Scott Howled one last time. Scott sighed and his eyes rolled backwards in his head and he blacked out. Derek ran into the woods he follow Scotts scent Then Derek heard gunshots. "hunters" derek growled. And a howl "Scott!" Derek said and ran faster he pick up other scent 'blood.....Scott been shot' derek growled under his breath soon the scent lead him to his burned down house he looked around he stopped and stared Scott was laying on the ground 3 bullets wounds and he was bleeding a lot of blood Derek stood there shocked and stared as Scott layed there unmoving. Derek quickly Moved over to Scott Derek let out a sigh of relief Scott was breathing. 'He been through a lot' Derek picked up Scott bridal style and carried him into his house and set him on his couch Scott stirred a little Scott groaned Derek called deaton. "Hello derek." "i need your help Scott been shot by wolfbane bullets can you get over at my place" " sure i'll be there in a few" Deaton hangs up Scott starts coughing and moving Derek came by his side Scott tried to sit up but Derek pushed him back down Scott growled but layed back down Scott looked at Derek "D-Derek? w-what are you-" "save your strength Scott" Derek said. Scott's body went limp again and his breathing became slower Derek growled "those damn hunters....." Derek looked back at Scott he saw that Scott was still bleeding Derek took off Scott's shirt Scott let out a whine and looked back at Derek "It H-hurts" Scott groned "Don't worry i'm not going to let you die your going to be okay." Derek heard a car pull up in front of the house when Deaton walked in Derek led him to Scott Deaton looked at Derek "i'm going to need you to hold him still" deaton told Derek. Derek nodded and held scott's shoulder down Deaton took his tools out and used of the tools to reach inside Scott chest wound Scott opened his eyes and started thrashing around And growl in pain "Hold him down!!" deaton said "im trying" Derek yelled Scott's eyes started glow golden yellow and Scott let out a loud howl and then went limp breathing hard and panting heavily after Deaton was done taking out the bullets in Scots sides and chest Scott passed out sweat was rolling down his face and chest and stomach Deaton left. Derek watched Scott chest rise and fall Derek growled and sat down on couch near Scott and rested Scott's head on his lap Derek stared at Scott face Derek wolf shout "MATE!" Derek eyes went wide 'Scott's my mate?' Derek at Scott longer Derek really wanted to kiss Scott right now Derek shook his head and rest his head on the couch and fell asleep. Scott slowly open his eyes "W-where am I?" Scott whispered looking around Scott tried to sit up but was pushed back down Scott looked up to see Derek 'he has such nice eyes" Scott thought then blushed a little "What happened?" Scott rasped " you were shot by hunters with wolfbane bullets" Derek said Scott tried to get up again " you need to rest Scott your still hurt" Scott looked back up at derek " but i have school and my mom will be worried about and Stiles." "and Allison?" Derek said raising his eyebrows surprised that Scott did not say Allison's name Scott growled and Scott's eyes flashed golden yellow and his fangs came out "Allison dumped me." Scott said turned away from Derek not wanting to see 'i told you face' the wolf in Derek growled with anger Derek rolled his eyes and gave Scott a cup of water Scott took it and drank it right away after he finished it he attempted to stand up and fell Derek caught him and held him Scott sigh "i can stand now..." Scott said Derek let go of Scott. " I'm going to drive you home." Scott looked back at Derek about to say no thanks But Derek was already outside waiting for him. Scott put on his hoodie which still had dried blood on it and put the the hoodie over his head and walked out with his head slightly down derek waited for him in the car. Scott got in the passenger side and rest his head on the seat. Derek drove to Scott's house by the time he reached there Scott feel asleep. Derek carried Scott to his room by going through the window and place Scott on his bed and put the blanket over him "I going to have to protect you from now on" Derek said Derek took one last look at Scott and jumped out the window.
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