Chapter 2: Allyson - Meeting

1109 Words
Tyler is gone for the day. I decide I want to spend time outside the apartment so I go open the store. I try to open the store every day, but some days I am just too sore to face people. The tenants can still get in through the inside. The public can't. On the days when only tenants use the store, the landlord has a ledger and we all go on the honor system. They're pretty good using the ledger. I just flip the sign on the public sign to 'Open' so I have my back turned when the new tenant enters through the interior. I hear the beeping from when the code is entered. I turn around and come face to face with the most beautiful man I've ever seen. My breath catches in my throat. He smiles at me and his dimples show. My heart flutters, but somehow I find my voice. "Hi, I'm Allyson. Let me know if you need anything." He nods at me, but doesn't speak. He just wanders aimlessly through the store. I busy myself with the light cleaning. I keep my eye on him in case he needs help. His brown hair looks a little shaggy and the ends curl up, hugging his neck and ears. My fingers itch to run through the locks. I grab a feather duster to 'dust.' The store is already clean. I make myself look away and try to focus on the honor ledger. Two names are in the last page; Samantha came in for a candy bar and wrote that in the ledger. I try to read the note she left beside her purchase. Sometimes she writes big and loopy and sometimes, like last night, she writes tiny and nearly illegible. I want to take out a magnifying glass to read it. I finally make out what she wrote and I put it in the order book. The other name in the book is Michael. Must be the new tenant who is currently browsing the store. He asks for something we don't currently carry. I write that in the order book as well. I grab the store phone and dial the landlord. He doesn't answer so I just leave a message saying there are orders ready. He usually picks up the order book every Thursday unless I tell him otherwise. While I still have the store phone in hand, it rings. I answer. It's Mrs. Jackson. She says she's making brownies today and asks for a half-gallon of milk. I ask her if she wants me to put it in the honor ledger or if she wants to pay. She says she has money. I tell her I will be over in a few minutes with her milk so she won't have to walk too far. I grab the milk. "I have to run across the hall for a second," I say to the new tenant. "If anyone comes in, stall them. Please." I run over to Mrs. Jackson's. She hands me $5 even though her milk is $1. I try to say I will bring her the change, but she tells me to keep it and makes me promise to come get a brownie or four after I close the store. I chuckle at her because she's such a doll. She kisses my cheek and pats my bum as I head back to the store. She's a very grandmotherly person. I'm still a little pink from the blush that crept up when she patted my backside. Michael picks up on it as soon as I reenter the store. "You ok?" he asks. He has a slight drawl to his words. I nod. "So, hey, Allyson?" "Yes?" "I was in last night and I wanted something that's not here. I don't drive so it's hard for me to get out much," he points to his right leg and that's when I first notice he walks with a limp. I stop him. "I noted your request in the order book, hon." I tend to call everyone hon or sweetie. He nods and pays for the two things he picked up. "The landlord will come by later to pick it up so your requst should be here in a day or so." He leaves through the tenant door. "I'm Michael, but you probably figured that out since you handle the book. Thanks. See you around." And with that he's out of my line of vision. I exhale heavily after he's gone. He's so sexy to me. I go through the rest of the day until around noon. I put the sign on the door to 'Closed' and I go to my apartment for lunch. I'm not really hungry. Something is nagging my mind. I run upstairs to Michael's apartment. I knock softly. He doesn't answer at first so I knock again. He answers the door with his hair wet from a shower and a towel slung low on his hips. The first thing I notice beside the chisled planes of his chest and abdomen is the scar that runs parallel to his sternum. I've got a partial answer to some things, but I blurt out a question anyways, "What happened to your leg?" He smiles, making me feel like an ass for asking. "How much time you got?" He motions his couch. "Give me a sec to throw some pants on." I wait on his couch for a few minutes. He returns and sits beside me. "What do you want to know?" "Why do you limp?" I am so blunt. I scare myself right now. "When my mom was pregnant with me, I had a twin. Our legs were conjoined. My twin didn't survive the pregnancy so I was born with him attached. I had a bunch of surgeries to remove him and fix my leg enough so I could walk on it." "Why don't you drive?" "I have epilepsy. I'm not allowed to." "I don't drive either. For personal reasons. Sometimes John, he's your neighbor, takes me places. Or Quinton, he's across the hall. I will introduce you some time. I should get back to the store. Thanks for talking with me and not telling me I'm rude or nosy." He nods. I go back to the store just as the landlord arrives for the order book. He looks over the orders and we chat for a few minutes. He checks on the laundry facility and leaves after telling me to close the store for the day and take some time to myself. Tyler isn't home so I take a long hot bath with Epsom salts.
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