Chapter 14: Allyson - Surgery

1405 Words
The nurse comes in to check Michael's vitals. She asks me if I'm ready. Not really, but I tell her I am. She walks me to a room after she's finished making notes on his chart. She makes some notes on a chart after taking my vitals. I feel so alone in this moment. She takes my belongings and places them in a drawer. She helps me into a gown and onto the bed. Just before they wheel the bed to the operating room, Rachel enters. She kisses my forehead and tells me she will wait for me to come out. I am insanely grateful she showed up when she did. I tell the nurse I am fully ready. They put a mask over my face to put me under. I can hear the doctor and nurses talking as I start to drift off under the medication. I am waking up back in my own room. Rachel is there. I can feel her holding my hand. "Mom?" I say. She squeezes my hand. "Close enough," she laughs. "Is he?" I start, unsure how to ask the question. "Still under. He hasn't come out of surgery yet, sweetheart." "How long was I in?" "Less than an hour. Your surgery went very well. The doctor said he should be done in a few more minutes." "How long has he been in?" I wonder out loud. "Almost two hours. They had a complication removing the part of his liver they needed to remove." This hurts my heart. I start to cry silently. Rachel just climbs in my bed and holds me like a mother would with her child. I take comfort in this woman. She rubs my hair and just lets me cry. A nurse comes in. She pats my hand. I know she can tell I am worried. She tells Rachel that Michael is out of surgery and will be in his recovery room soon. She reminds us that he needs to stay in the hospital for a week to make sure his body doesn't reject the transplanted liver piece. I'm by no means overly religious, but I pray silently while still in Rachel's arms. I want him to make a speedy recovery. My stomach growls at me. Rachel laughs. She asks the nurse when I can eat something. We're told that lunch will be served soon. They will start me off light to make sure I will be able to keep solid food down. If I can, I should be able to go home at the end of the day. I don't want to go home to my apartment where I will be alone. Rachel leans over to grab the bedside phone. She calls Travis and relays the information. I hear his voice tell her that I will be staying in their home until Michael's release. His voice holds such authority that she tells him she loves him and hangs up. An orderly brings lunch; jello, some soup, and crackers with a turkey sandwich. I eat half the sandwich along with the soup and crackers. I don't eat much before I am full. Rachel settles me in for a nap when I yawn. The anesthesia is still in my body to some degree and it makes me sleepy. Tracy and John are in my room with Rachel when I wake up again. "Hey, sweetheart. You have some company." Rachel helps me sit up. Tracy is in a wheelchair. She looks plump, but deflated. My eyebrows raise. "We thought since we're here until dinner and you're here a few more hours, you'd like to meet two someones," Tracy says, motioning John. He wheels in two hospital bassinets. She places one sleeping bundle in my arms. "This is John Alexander and his younger sister, Erica Michelle." I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. I love their names. Just then, they wheel Michael in. He's still under the anesthesia and mumbling incoherently. I'm in what's going to be Michael's recovery room when I get released. He reaches over and pats my hand in a lucid moment. "Babe, you look good holding a baby. Some day, you'll be holding my baby in your arms." With those words, he's out. We all sit there a bit shocked at his words. "He's right," John says. "You're a natural with babies. We can tell he loves you." "What's not to love?" Travis asks as he enters. He kisses my forehead. "How are my patients?" "They said I could go home if I kept lunch down. I don't know how long since I've eaten, but I took a nap and I feel fine. He just got bbrought in." Tracy and John make their goodbyes and take their babies out. A nurse comes in. I relax back against the pillows while she talks to Travis and Rachel. She then asks me if I want to take a shower while I am still a patient or if I want to wait. I feel like I need a shower. She helps me in the bathroom. She shows me how to cover my incision so I don't get the stitches wet. She tells me she will listen for the shower to stop before coming back in. I listen to their voices while I let the warm water wash over me. I wash my hair and body, being careful not to make big movements. I wash my face last. I shut the water off and wrap a towel around myself. The nurse taps on the door before she comes in, careful not to expose my body to Michael's parents. She checks my incision after removing the covering. She exits again. I hear someone leave the room. Rachel knocks next. I know it's her because she announces herself when she knocks. She tells me Travis has brought me clothes, but he left the room so I can dress. He brought me loose sweatpants, a T-shirt, and a hoodie. Not what I would have chosen, but I remembered that I have to wear looser clothing for a couple days. I comb through my hair with my fingers because I don't have a comb or brush in the bag Travis brought. I feel sort of human so I go to see Rachel. "Oh, honey!" She fishes in her purse and presents a small brush. "Men, they don't prepare for anything." She hands me the brush. I laugh. Michael must get his preparedness from his mom. I brush my hair. I feel more human now. Rachel smiles at me when I hand the brush back. "I can see what my son sees in you." She hugs me close. She then looks me over. "Well, at least he bought something cute and in the right size." I don't realize what she means until I look down at myself. The T-shirt I'm wearing now has little bears hugging on it. The hoodie and sweatpants are pink with hearts. I let out a little giggle. "He's got interesting tastes." "Yes, but he means well." "I can tell." The nurse comes in and I am wheeled to the car. They help me settle in. Travis drives to their home after a stop at the pharmacy to get my pain medicine. I am deep in thought while I wait. The thought hits me like a smack in the face and I grin for ear to ear. John and Tracy gave their daughter my middle name and their son has Michael's. I feel so honored I can't stop grinning. I can hear Travis in the kitchen, humming. I glance at my phone and I gather that he's getting ready to leave for work. I get up slowly so I don't aggravate my stitches. I walk into the kitchen. "Morning, Sunshine," Travis says. "I will be leaving shortly. I made scrambled eggs for you and Rachel. Coffee's in the pot or juice in the fridge. Rachel will be home the next few days. I have to go try cases. The joys of being a lawyer." He kisses the top of my head. I can hear Rachel in the doorway so I know they share a kiss before he leaves. I watch Rachel grab some toast and pour herself some coffee. She sits across from me at the table. "What have you got planned today?" she jokes. Her smile is wide and bright. "I'm going to pamper you."
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