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Maximus  I shift into my wolf form, letting Storm take over. He loves showing off for his mate. He rubs his giant head against her hip, knocking her over. She laughs and hugs around our neck. We pull her back up and she pats us gently. She looks into our eyes as if she is trying to find something. Since we Marked her, her scent has become a lot stronger, her sweet pineapple and lilacs push us over the top when we are so close to her.  ‘She smells good enough to eat’ Storm says I growl at him ‘But don’t worry I won’t’ He chuckles.  Because Annie has no wolf, she can’t mind link with Storm. It makes him sad that he can’t really connect with her on a deeper level, but he settles for having this time with her.  She buries her face in our neck before slowly climbing onto our back. Once she is settled we take off, running through the forest. We run for a while towards the edge of the territory, there is a field of wildflowers I want to take Annie to see. I feel a presence coming towards us. Another wolf is running alongside us, they are not from my pack. I have not had any word of any visitors.  ‘Rogue near the south border. Come protect your Luna’ I mind link Kayden and Nathan.  ‘We will be there in five minutes!’  Great, now I just have to hold the rogue off. I don’t want to put Annie in any danger.  ‘What are you doing on my land?’ I demand of the rogue ‘You have no power over me ‘King’” The rogue snarled at me. I could feel Annie’s nails digging into our fur, she is scared. Her heart beat is picking up fast. I slow down a bit, deciding the best thing to do. I don’t want to attack, not with Annie here. I need to distract the rogue long enough for Kayden and Nathan to get here.  Out of nowhere a second rogue comes jumping out of the bushes, I whip around to face it and the first rogue jumps at me. He’s not aiming for me, but Annie. He collides into her, knocking her off of my back.  “MAX!!” She screams, pure fear filling her voice. All I can do in the moment is watch her fall to the ground, pinned under the rogue. As soon as they land I attack the rogue, ripping it off of her. I break its neck in one smooth motion. I smell blood but it’s not from the rogue, it’s Annie’s.  ‘She’s hurt!” I scream at Storm. He runs back to her quickly. She has a large gash on her head, claw marks across her arm. I growl in anger. “Behind you!!” She screams in another terrified voice, she is shaking. I turn and see three more rogues have emerged. ‘Where the f**k are you??’ I mind link Kayden.  The next second him and Nathan jump out of the bushes, attacking the rogues. The one is still staring at us. Slowly advancing.  ‘One more step and it will be your last, rogue’ I sneer at it.  ‘You think you scare me? I’m dead anyways, so I may as well finish my mission first’ Just like that he jumps at us, I knock him to the side easily. He gets back up and tries to close the distance between him and Annie, I jump in front of her, he clamps down on my neck. Storm is pissed off, he throws his weight and makes the rogue go flying. Hitting a tree before landing on the ground. He shifts, a sign his energy is spent. He slumps on the ground, blood pouring out of a wound on his side. His energy levels are low so healing is slower than normal for a werewolf.  I stalk towards him, still in my wolf form and snare my teeth at him. Snapping just inches from him  ‘Who sent you?’ I demand  ‘You will have to kill me before I talk..’ He wines ‘That can be arranged’ I say, motioning for Nathan to take him away.  Kayden just killed the last one, giving me the all clear. I rush back over to Annie, who is on the verge of passing out, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. I gently pick her up in my arms.  “You're going to be okay love. I promise.. It’s going to be okay” I whisper to her.  ‘Max?” She weakly says “I’m right here… I’m so sorry Annie” She should never have been hurt. I have failed her as a man, a wolf, and a mate.  “I-I love you…” She whispers before she goes limp in my arms.  Her heart is still beating, barely but it's there so I know she is alive. I can’t help but feel so much pride at what she just said. I can't wait for her to wake up so I can tell her how much I love her too. “Is she going to be okay?” Nathan asks coming up beside me, pushing along our new prisoner  “I think so, her wounds are deep. I need to get her to the pack doctor..” I rush back to the house in my human form. I can’t risk having her fall off of my back in wolf form. I don’t pay any attention to the pack members staring at me, I know my own member is on full display. I can’t stop when Annie is needing medical attention. Nakedness is a part of our lives. We are naked when we shift, it shouldn't be a surprise to any of them.  I kick open the medical room door, startling the doctor.  “Ah, King Maximus, I was told you were coming. Please set her down.. I have some clothes for you too…” She says as she motions towards the bed. I place Annie down like she was made of glass. Dr. Falls immediately gets to work, stopping the bleeding.  I sit in a chair off to the side, waiting for her to tell me Annie will be okay. After two hours Kayden mind links me ‘We have the prisoner shackled and restrained with would you like to proceed?’  ‘Take care of it. I trust you will get some answers. Teach him what happens when he f***s with your Luna’  ‘With pleasure’ I can feel his evil smile through the mind link.  I turn my attention back to Annie, Dr. Falls is looking at me. “I didn't want to interrupt you, my King. She needs rest, she’s very weak, but I gave her a sedative, she will be out for at least twelve hours..”  A moment after, the machine monitoring Annie’s heart suddenly started to freak out.  “Stand back!!!” Dr. Falls shouts at me, shoving past me. She grabs a machine and shocks Annie’s heart.
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