Trust In Us

978 Words
Maximus  I hate leaving her alone, especially now, but she’s right. I need to be in the dungeons right now, finding out everything I can. I walk quickly, entering my code to the door. I hear screams as soon as I am inside the building.  ‘Good..He’s suffering’ Storm says  I walk over to his cell, watching for a while. He is not breaking, I want to know why. I walk into the room, looking over the instruments on a small table. I grab a silver dagger. Dipping it in wolfsbane I slide it across his arm. He snarls in pain.  “Tell us what we want to know, and we will make your death quick”  “Like I said already. Just kill me.” He spits blood at me.  “We can do this all night… We have all the time in the world.” “You might, but your little mate doesn’t.” He smiles up at us.  Storm breaks the surface, taking hold of the blade and slicing his throat open. He is very possessive over Annie, he doesn't like her being threatened.  He walks out of the room,  “Clean that up” He slams the door.  ‘Calm down Storm. She is safe.’ ‘Yeah? For how long? What happens if they attack again?” He snarls at me. He gives me back control, receding to the back of my mind again. I make my way to our bedroom, seeing Annie fast asleep on the arm chair by the window. She has her sketchbook open in her lap. My curiosity gets the best of me, I pick it up, looking at the drawings. Most of them are of me, a few of my mother and a handful of Storm. The most recent drawing she was working on is of a wolf, but I do not recognize it. It has light fur, it’s small for a wolf, but it’s eyes hold some sort of power.  She is a very talented artist. I wonder why she never shares her work with others. I close her book and pick her up off the chair. I carry her to bed and crawl in behind her.      Annie I am escorted to our room, I thank James for seeing me off. He bows and takes his leave. I go towards the bathroom, filling the big tub with hot water. I let my clothing fall to the floor before stepping inside.The water feels nice on my sore body. My wounds may be all healed but I am extremely sore. I rest my head on the side of the tub.  Trying to concentrate with all my will, I call upon my wolf.  ‘Serena? Are you there?’ I wait, and wait. She is not answering me. Maybe it was just a dream after all. I’ve been a human my whole life, why would it make sense I would get a wolf now? I sigh and close my eyes for a few minutes.  I feel like I am being pulled towards something, I open my eyes. I am back at the lake. I look around, it is no longer daytime, it’s dark, the stars are shining overhead. I see the familiar white wolf of Serena ahead of me. I ran towards her. ‘I’ve been trying to connect with you since I woke up. Why aren't you answering me?’ I feel angry  ‘You are not ready for me yet. You cannot force the bond between a wolf and a vessel’ She walks past me. ‘Why did you bother coming to me at all then??’ I scream at her. She rounds at me baring her teeth and growling at me. I take a step back. She is scary.  ‘You would have died, I need us to live Annie! Give it some time. I promise when the time is right I will come forth.’ Her voice softens, she tilts her head down in apology for getting angry.  ‘Alright.. I’m sorry” I whisper as I hug her.  ‘Get on, I want to show you something’  I climb onto her back, she takes off. I grip at her fur, she is very soft and warm. She stops at an old willow tree, she lays down on her belly. I slid off of her, sitting beside her.  ‘It’s beautiful’  ‘This tree holds the spirit of the Moon Goddess. It’s where all werewolves are born. Before they are transferred into a vessel. She told me about our future when she sent me to you. She said to be patient. Our time will come, until then trust each other, listen to each other. Together we will do many great things.’  I nod in understanding, placing my head on her shoulder.  ‘Sleep now Child, when you wake you will be back home.. Trust in us’ She purrs softly until I fall asleep, using her as a pillow.  I open my eyes, I am still in the bathtub, the water has long gone cold. I quickly get out, grabbing my robe I slide it on. I grab my sketchbook and sit in the armchair by the window. I turn to a clean page, and start to draw. Her soft fur, her powerful eyes that seem to hold onto my soul when I look into them. I draw the willow tree standing tall behind her. It looks like she is about to walk out of the paper. I feel very tired suddenly. I feel my pencil slip out of my hand as my eyes droop shut.  ‘Serena?’ I call ‘What is it Child?’ She hums ‘Why do I always feel so tired after we talk?’  ‘Because it takes a great deal of your energy and your magic. Try and get some rest now Child’ She purrs in the back of my mind making me fall into a deep slumber.   Magic?  I dream of the willow tree, I am sitting in front of it. The wind is making it’s long branches sway. There is an aura around it, it feels very homey. I feel content sitting beside the tree, listening to the breeze. I feel like there is a voice calling to me, almost like a song.
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