
1161 Words
Annie The last thing I remember was a bunch of rogues attacking Max and I on our run. Max protected me, but I still got hit. There were too many of them. I remember telling him that I love him before I passed out.  I woke up, the sun shining down on me.  Where am I? I sit up and see I am laying on top of the water in the middle of a lake. The sensation feels so bizarre. Not falling under the water, but laying on top of it. I carefully get to my feet, afraid one false move will send me under. I stay on the surface, I take a few steps. I look around, there are mountains surrounding the lake. I see something in the distance, it’s coming towards me. I am drawn to it, taking small steps, I see it is a pure white wolf with teal and gold eyes coming straight to me. “Who are you?” I ask when I’m close enough to it ‘My name is Serena’ The wolf says in my mind ‘Am I dead?’ I ask, though I do not feel afraid of the answer. I know I should be. ‘Not yet.’ Serena says ‘Will I be soon?’  ‘That depends on you..’ ‘I don’t want to die’  ‘I don’t either’ She steps closer to me. ‘Why would me being dead affect you?’  ‘Because I am a part of you Annie, one can’t survive without the other’  ‘Are you my wolf?’ I had felt a presence inside me for years, growing stronger when Max Marked me, but I never thought I actually had a wolf. She never came forth when I tried to shift the first time. She never tried to help me before, when I was locked up. She never made herself known. ‘Yes I am.. Your heart was too weak for me to surface before, but something has changed since then. You found our mate’ She smiles at me. ‘Max gave me some of his powers when he Marked me’  ‘Yes, I’ve been trying to surface ever since.’  ‘Why now? When I’m about to die? It’s not fair..’ I am on the verge of crying now. ‘Like I said, if we die is up to you.. You have a choice to make..’ ‘What kind of choice?’  ‘Live or Die.’ She says ‘Obviously I want to live Serena…’  With that she lunges at me, taking me down. We collide with the invisible wall keeping us above the water, going under.  We struggle for a moment under the water before my instincts tell me to wrap my arms around her. Holding her tight, I look into her eyes, there is something in them, telling me to trust her. I squeeze her harder, feeling her merge with me, making us one being. Suddenly she is gone. I am at the bottom of the lake. I close my eyes, feeling exhausted. ‘You need to go up, if you want us to survive. Fight the urge to sleep Annie’ Serena says to me in my mind. I push my feet off the bottom of the lake, shooting myself upwards.  I break the surface of the water. Swimming towards shore. I cough up some water, laying on the rocky beach. I close my eyes.  When I open them again I am no longer on the beach of the lake, but in a white room. A beeping is coming from a machine next me. It quickens a bit, it is very annoying to listen to. I try to sit up, but I am being held down to the bed by some straps.  “What the f**k?” I whisper, looking down at my strapped arms.  “Annie?” Max calls out from somewhere in the room.  “Oh my God Annie. You scared me so badly… I’m so sorry about what happen!!” He buries his head into my stomach, his arms wrapping around me tightly, he’s crying.  “Why am I strapped to the bed?” I ask  “You have been having seizures. I’m Dr. Falls.. How do you feel Annie?” A woman is standing beside me now. “I feel fine..” I say, trying to sit up once more, but I can’t move. I huff in frustration. Max cuts the restraints with his elongated claws in one swift movement. I throw myself into his arms, half falling off the bed in the process.  He holds me close.  “Well, it seems like your injuries have all healed, thanks to your Mark, the King’s powers may have saved your life Luna” She smiles at me.  “I’m going to release you, you seem to be just fine now. But if you feel unwell at all please come back to see me” She nods towards Max once and bows at me before making her exit.  “Annie… I’m so sorry” Max says again. “Stop. It wasn’t your fault” I say to him. I don’t know if my encounter with Serena was a dream or not so I won’t mention it to him just yet. It would just confuse everyone. A human who apparently is not human at all? “What happened with the rogues?” I ask as I pull away from our hug. “We have one of them in the dungeons” He whispers “Have you spoken to him yet? What did he say?” I am so interested in why a bunch of rogues decided to attack the King. “I haven’t left your side. I have Kayden and Nathan with him..”  “How long was I out Max?”  “Five days..We weren’t sure you would wake up after your heart stopped the first time.. Then the seizures started.. “ His eyes are glazing over once more. I lean into him giving him a soft kiss on his lips. “I’m here, I’m not going anywhere Max.. What I said before..I meant it. I love you Maximus”  I whisper to him, making myself blush hearing it said out loud.  “I love you too Annie.. I love you so very much. Something in me broke when I thought you wouldn’t wake up..It terrified me. I just found you. We haven’t even lived our lives yet.. I don’t know what I’d do if..” He trails off, a few stray tears sliding down his cheeks.  “I’m right here Max. I promise to be right here. For the rest of our lives..” I kiss him once more.  He picks me up placing me back down onto the bed, deepening the kiss. He leans over me, making me lay down on the bed. His tongue explores my mouth, making me moan out in pleasure. After a moment he breaks the kiss.  “I need to stop now before I go too far.” He whispers into my neck, kissing my Mark. If I had been standing I'm sure my knees would have buckled.  “You should go interrogate the rogue Max. Find out why he is here.” “I don’t want to leave you alone” He says  “It’s okay, you should go. I just want to go have a nice long bath anyways. I’ll see you for dinner okay?”  “Alright Little One.. I love you” He pulls me to my feet “I love you too” I give him one last kiss before pushing him out of the door. He asks one of the warriors to escort me back to my room.
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