
1005 Words
Maximus  Annie was able to Mark me. It is impossible for female wolves to Mark males. Annie isn’t even a wolf, so how was she able to Mark me? I have the elders searching for answers. Nathan keeps joking that she is just a late bloomer, but I don’t sense a wolf inside her, neither does Storm. He says he can sense power inside her but nothing else. I just want to know what we are dealing with.  Still trying to pinpoint where her mother is hiding out with Conrad, they seem to have just disappeared. So far we know that they are going to different packs, small ones nobody would notice if they just up and left. Recruiting members from the packs, anyone who doesn’t go gets killed. We have found three more burnt packs since the first one. I have sent out messengers to all the packs letting them know has been happening, forty three packs are left.  We have gotten word from forty, making the other three either dead or traitors. To figure out which is going to be nearly impossible, what if some of them decided to turn while the others were killed. We have no way of knowing… until it’s too late.  A knock at my office door pulls me out of my deep thoughts.  “Come in”  The door creaks open entering Trixie, carrying a tray of food, “Luna asked me to bring you this Alpha” She sets the tray down on the edge of my desk, it has french toast with sausage and orange juice with a cup of coffee as well. My Luna sure knows what I like.  “Where is Luna now?” I ask, taking the coffee  “She is walking the grounds with young Mason” She replies, bowing her head as she heads towards the door. “Thank you” I start to say but she has already left, closing the door behind her.  I quickly eat the food, going back to my work.  ‘Alpha, we found something..’ Kayden mind links me  I head to the spot he tells me, looking around I see my men surrounding something, no someone. I walk towards them, they part making way for me. Conrad is on his knees, hands tied behind his back.  “I have waited a long time for this Conrad!” I snap as I approach.  He is in bad shape, busted nose, bloody black eye. He is hunched over, probably has a few broken ribs. There is blood trickling down the side of his face. He looks up at me, a scowl on his face. His eyes are dull, almost unresponsive.  He says nothing, just stares at the ground.  “How did you come to capture him? Seems a bit easy no?” I turn to my men. “We caught the scent of rogues and followed it, there he was just sitting by a fire. It looked like he was waiting for someone, but they never showed”  “You probably scared them off. Either way.. Take him to the dungeons. I have many questions for him” I say as I push Conrad to his feet.  “Where is she?” I ask as we walk  “She never showed. I don’t know. After everything I’ve done for her, she just doesn’t show.. I don’t get it” He hangs his head low. “I killed my own Mate for her… you have no idea the pain…”  “That’s the thing. I would never do something like that. A Mate is to be treasured, and honored.” I snapped at him. He deserved all the pain he got.  After he is secured away in a cell, I make my way to find Annie. Her mother is still out there, lurking around in the shadows. This feels too easy, he broke so quickly. Why is he not holding his tongue? Is he just a decoy?  So many questions running through my head, it’s starting to hurt. I spot Annie near the training yards, Mason showing her his new fighting moves he’s learned. He has improved so much in a few short days. I walk over to them, standing behind Annie, I wrap my arms around her, kissing her Mark. She leans into my chest, resting her head on me.  “I missed you Little One” I whisper into her ear “What are you doing out here?”  “Mason wanted to show me the new skills he has learned.. He’s getting very good for his age”  She sounds so proud of the boy. “Yes, He seems to have taken a liking to you, I’m happy about that. He will serve you well” I comment as I watch him show off. “It’s more than that Max. I feel the need to protect him as much as he does me. I can’t explain it but I feel like he is my own” She takes a deep breath.  “No, I get it. I felt the same way towards him when I first saw him. He is special”  She nods in agreement as she watches him.  After a  while he stops coming over to us, he bows at me, “What did you think?” He asks “You are very strong Mason, getting stronger every day! I am proud of you” Annie smiles at me.  “Yes I agree, I am glad I chose you to be Annie’s personal guard...I can see she will be safe in your capable hands!” He smiles brightly at this.  “Why don’t you go shower and change. We can have dinner outside on the patio tonight” Annie says as she pushes Mason along. He breaks into a jog, going to his room.  “Annie can I talk to you for a minute?” I ask her, pulling her back.  “Of course darling. Is something wrong?” Her eyes are laced with concern suddenly.  “Well.. yes and no. Good new or bad news first?”  “Good..I suppose”  “Well, we finally have Conrad in custody. He was found today”  “Okay so what’s the bed news?”  “Your mother is still missing, and apparently she is the brains behind Conrad’s attacks”  Annie gasps, raising her hands to cover her mouth. “This is terrible Max. What are we going to do?” She asks “Do not worry Love. We will find her. She won’t hurt you. I won’t let her” I assure her.  She nods and sighs. “I know.. It’s all still too real”
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