Pure Bliss

1058 Words
Annie I finish putting away all my new clothes, falling onto the bed when I’m done. I am so tired. I decide to take a nap. I slip on a pair of satin pj’s, shorts with a matching cami. I slid under the covers, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light. I woke up to a knocking on the door. “Alpha asked me to tell you dinner is being served Luna” “Please tell him I am not feeling well, I won’t be joining..”  “Yes Luna”  Silence came after that. I put my head back down, closing my eyes once more.  More knocking came at the door  “Annie, May I come in?” Max called out “Of course” He doesn’t need to ask, it’s his bedroom.  “April said you are not feeling well?” His voice is laced with concern “I’m just tired is all. Don’t worry about me.. I’m sure you have lots of things to do” I yawn “Of course I’m going to worry. You are my whole world now Annie..” He sits on the edge of the bed and holds my hand. “Can I ask… why won’t you eat?”  “It’s not that I won’t eat.. I can’t… I was only given a small amount every two or three days. So I’m scared if I try to eat normally I would get extremely sick. Or I’m going to become fat from suddenly eating”  He stares at me horrified, his eyes glistening with tears. He pulls me into a deep hug.  “I’m so sorry Annie. I promise you will never have to endure that kind of treatment ever again. Let me be your sanctuary. I promise you will not regret it. I can take away all your hardships.” All I can do is bury my face in his chest and cry. I cry so hard I make myself fall asleep.   Maximus  After she tells me more about how poorly she was treated, I ask her to let me be there for her. She cries into my chest until she falls asleep. I tuck her in and kiss her head before leaving the room. As much as I want to sleep next to her I won’t until she asks me to.  I feel so enraged about her living conditions, I feel Storm ready to break the surface. He is angry too. I decided the best course of action would be to go for a run, letting him have control. I run out of the house shifting as soon as my feet exit the threshold.  We run through the forest, letting our senses guide us. We stop at a small creek. Drinking from it before laying on the grass, looking up to the sky  ‘When are you going to Mark her? I want people to know she’s ours.’ Storm says ‘Not until she’s ready. I don’t want to force her or move too quickly… I’m worried Marking her will be too much with her heart condition’ It is my biggest fear right now.  ‘She will be fine. I can feel it. Plus you can transfer some of our powers over to her when we Mark her. Her heart will become stronger by the Marking.’ ‘I hadn’t thought of that actually. Good point. I still won’t force her, I will wait until she’s ready. I want her to want it too’  ‘Fine. But don’t wait too long. I long for her, her smell alone is irresistible for me…’ ‘I know… It’s driving me crazy to be around her. I just want to touch her, have her close to me’ ‘Let’s head back now. I don’t like being away from her’ We run back to the mansion shifting back to our human form. I pull on shorts before walking in. I go up to my bedroom, I can hear her heart beating from the stairs. I step inside the room, seeing her tiny sleeping form in my bed. The blankets have slipped down her body, she must be a kicker. I pull them back up over her body before going to take a quick shower. I quickly got dressed and watched her sleeping for a bit before heading to my office for the night. I decided to do some pack work before going to sleep. As much as I hated the idea of sleeping on my couch I knew I had to do it. About an hour later I smell the familiar pineapple and lilacs coming towards my office. She is awake, looking for me.  A small knock comes on my door, “Come in Little One”  “How did you know it was me?” She smiles as she enters  “I can smell you” s**t that probably sounded creepy as hell.  She giggles. “I forgot you could do that… It’s strange.. I’ve never really had very strong senses but all I smell around you is lemongrass.. Is that strange?” She tugs at her top.  “Not at all Annie… It’s in your blood. Even if you can’t shift, or don’t have a wolf. Your senses are still slightly heightened” I stand up and walk towards her, stopping a few feet from her. She closes the distance, wrapping her arms around me. I bury my face in her hair as I put my own arms around her body. She is very short compared to my tall lean frame. She comes about halfway up my chest.  “What are you doing so late?” She asks, her face pressed into my chest. “Oh, just some pack work..”  “Come to bed.” She whispers so low, I almost miss it. Almost. I pull her away from my chest and look at her, searching for something to tell me she wants me in her bed.  “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable Annie.. I can sleep in here until your ready to share a bed with me”  “No Max.. I mean I want you to sleep with me.. I mean not like that but one day.. But for now…” She is starting to ramble on, making her heart beat faster.  “Shh.. I know what you mean. I understand.. Let’s go to bed.” I scoop her up into my arms carrying her back to our room.I set her down on the bed, she scoots under the covers, I slide in behind her. She turns towards me placing her head on my chest along with her hand. She presses herself into my side. I feel strong tingles all over my body. Storm purrs in pure bliss. “Good night Max” She yawns once more, closing her eyes. “Good night Little One” I smile
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