Chapter #6: "Somethings Wrong!"

1140 Words
EMBER P.O.V. Finally, after four hours of driving, we finally made it to his estate. My nerves are at the extreme. I check my makeup one last time just to make sure it is immaculate. He has a beautiful mansion in the middle of a forest. I would say the mansion looks at least four stories. He has a huge flower orchard with a fountain in the center. I do see a pool, a few guest houses, and a stable. I hope he doesn't expect me to ride those things. They are gorgeous, but I'd rather be in a carriage than ride on it. The car stops and my heart races. The door opens. I watch as Chess gets out of the car. I'm so nervous, that I'm frozen to the spot. Chess leans back into the car holding out her hand. "Come on sweetheart. I promise when we get rested, I'll get you a Xanax." Chess smiles. "You couldn't have given me that like ten minutes ago?" We both laugh. Fuck it. Let's do this. I take her hand and climb out of the car. There is a maid waiting at the door, holding it open for us. I'm shaking like a leaf. We go inside and there I see him. He is standing tall and is oh so handsome. He is wearing a black suit with a dark purple tie. Oh, his eyes are so enchanting. I softly smile as we curtsy, bowing our heads to the floor. Immediately, he goes to me, lifting me up and takes me in his arms. I can feel my face blush as warmth begins to stir between my legs. "You will never bow to me. You are not my equal. You are above me and no one will make you feel beneath them. Do I make myself clear?" His words are firm but yet like velvet cascading over me. "Yes, Your Majesty." He shook his head at me. "No. You will not call me that. You will call me Lucifer." He is so passionate, staring into my eyes. I lift my hands and run my fingers through his hair. I pull his lips to mine, kissing him passionately. He pulls away from me, looking into my eyes with confusion in his. "As you wish, Lucifer." An awkward silence comes between us as he just stares into my eyes, something seems wrong. "My name is Ezekel. You can call me Zek. I'm Lucifer's second in command. Lets get you settled into your suite. It's been a long drive and I'm sure you must want to relax and freshen up." His second in command says to me. Lucifer breaks eye contact and looks at Zek. A middle-aged skinny woman came walking over to us. "This is Mary. She will be your personal maid." "Come dear, let's get you settled in a hot bath with lavender." Mary says, waiting for us. There are three other men taking our luggage already to the suite. I just sigh. All I want is to stay in his arms. "That does sound good Mary." Something is very wrong though. It's like he is in shock. Chess pulls me away and we follow Mary. I turn around and watch him. I never want to leave those strong arms. I watch as him and Zek storm off. Something in my gut isn't right. "Mama, something is wrong." I say. She looks up at me puzzled. "What do you mean, sweet child?" "Our kiss. There was no spark and he stared at me in horror. I know something isn't right." Chess pulls me to her. "Child, he is just in shock by his beautiful bride. Men are like that. Hell, half the time they just babble words that don't exist. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Trust me, tonight you'll go to him and show him how much of a woman you really are." I shake my head in disgust. "I'm not having this conversation mama!" Even Mary is laughing at us. "Child, all you gotta do is walk up to him and say dropem'. He won't give a f**k where he's at or who's around him. He'll snatch you up and f**k you till the morning light." My face instantly turns red as embarrassment hits me. "What the hell is wrong with you?" They both laugh. We enter the suite and I'm at a loss for words. It has an entire outside wall of nothing but window panels that lead out onto a balcony. The only problem I have with it, and I don't know why he would do this, is that it's covered by a forest. I'm not really an outside girl. The garden yes, deer and owls hell no. Huge black leather couches encircled a huge projector screen next to the balcony door. It has a popcorn machine in there plus a fully-stocked pantry of candy and sweets. I even have a small kitchen, dining room, my own gym, pool, jacuzzi, sauna, my closet is half a small house with a revolving closet, rotating shelves filled with shoes, and jewelry. The bed is the size of two California king beds put together and lifted about five feet in the air. It has stairs to get into it. Holy f**k! "Mama!" I holler for her. She follows me. "What's wrong my dear?" Chess says, coming into the room with Mary following behind her. "Look at this. Mama, I'm not trying to be rude, but I can't do this. I can't sleep in that bed. I'll need bed rails. I'll fall out of the damn thing. Then the balcony and windows are by the forest. I don't want any of those creatures near me." Chess comes over to me as the fear begins to rise in me. "Calm down love. We'll talk to him. He'll understand." She says, holding me as I fall to the ground letting my nerves get the better of me. She feeds me a two milligram Xanax as she strokes my hair. Mary comes over and looks at me puzzled. "My Lady, Lord Lucifer put the suite together just as you would prefer." She says to me. "How is any of this me? I don't even like TV. I read books." I snap. "Could you please leave?" Chess snaps at Mary. Who does this woman thinks she is? She doesn't know anything about me. Mary hands Chess two small round remotes with four buttons on them. "Just press the letter M and I'll be there." She says and then leaves the room. "Mom, I don't want to sound ungrateful! This isn't me! See! I told you! Something going on!" She rocks me back and forth, calming me down, waiting for the medicine to take its effect. This is just all so wrong!
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