Chapter #34: "Oh, Sweet Gabriel What Am I Going To Do With You?"

1341 Words

JEHOVAH P.O.V. I lay Lillith flat. That damn Aphrodite left four gaping holes in her guts. Blood is pouring deeply from all of them. I place my hands over her guts. Lillith's lost so much blood that she is now unconscious and I can barely hear her heart beating. I summon my energy, focusing on the wounds. Something is wrong. Her body isn't responding to my energy. I stare at her completely dumbfounded. Nothing in the entire universe doesn't respond to my energy. I have the power to do whatever I wish and command it too. Suddenly, there is a huge blast throwing me through the house and into the back yard. I have never felt such force like that since I was a child. My father became angry with me one day and ended up blasting me with an energy ball. I told him that day that I would not

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