Chapter #27: "Oh My Sweet Lucifer! Just Know How Much I Love You!"

1437 Words

LILLITH P.O.V. I wake to the sound of Lucifer's phone ringing. I can feel my strength beginning to return finally. I'm so freaking hungry I could eat a seventy-two-ounce steak right now. I grab his phone hitting the silence button. I'll give it to Lucifer. He can sleep through a tornado. The phone started buzzing again. I answer it. I don't want whoever it is to wake him. He's so freaking cute when he sleeps. I woke to him laying halfway on me. His arm and leg were thrown over me, holding me close to him as his head rested above my heart. "Hello." I answer the phone as Lucifer pulls me next to him tighter. "Hello my darling." Gabriel's vile voice instantly makes my skin crawl. "You and I need to talk." "f**k off Gabriel!" I growl at him. Lucifer begins to stir. "I don't know

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