Chapter 6

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"I don't have time for this," Claire said, picking up her tote bag and her papers from the bench. She headed for the sandbox up front. She reached there and studied the faces of the kids and her heart leapt to her throat. Amy was not there. She momentarily forgot about the couple behind her as her gaze roved the area. "Amy!" She screamed then, dread feeling her. A small commotion behind her had her attention turning towards there. A woman was holding two little kids by the hand and Amy was one of them. The other child was slightly taller than Amy, but seemed to be within the same age-range, and he was crying. Amy had a rebellious look on her face and Claire felt a thought nag at her consciousness. Amy was problematic. Very. She didn't need an explanation. She knew what must have transpired. "Is this your ward?" The woman asked on reaching Claire. So Amy had the good sense to lead the mother of her victim to her guardian. Claire sighed. "Yes," she said. "And I am very sorry for what must have happened-" "-I did not think that she would be this violent when my little son first introduced a new friend of his. Quite a temper she has," the other woman said. Claire shook her head slightly, apologetic. "She is given to tantrums," she agreed. "I apologize on her behalf. And she will too." Claire swooped down to squat. She was at eye level with Amy and the little boy soon. She turned to Amy. "Apologize," she said. Amy refused to speak, her look defiant. "Amy…" Claire felt her patience evaporating. Amy shifted on her feet. "So help me God, if you don't apologize, I will tell your grandmother what you did today and though you don't fear me, I know you're scared of her," Claire said. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Amy said. "Apologize properly," Claire hissed. A light film of tears was on Amy's eyes as she squeezed her fingers in her palm. "I'm sorry for punching your stomach Jack, and for breaking your batman action figure's arm, and your spiderman action figure's leg and for deflating your ball…" Claire stared open-mouthed. In just a little close to one hour? She wondered. What kind of a child was Amy? The little boy- Jack- stopped crying and sniffed, staring at Amy as she apologized. "I forgive you," he said. Simp, Claire thought. He should be crying revenge, she thought wryly. She was however relieved that the matter was resolved amicably. Jack's mother turned to Amy, mollified. "My dear," she said. "Thank you for your apology. I'm sure Jack wholeheartedly forgives you." "Thank you," Claire said."And I'm terribly sorry this happened in the first place." The other woman nodded as Claire excused herself and pulled Amy to her former bench.The children waved each other goodbye and Claire shook her head. If only it was that easy to make up as adults. Claire reached her former bench and saw that Harvey and Anita were still there. They'd been watching her and the little drama with Amy. "So, babysitter huh?" Anita said. "Wow." Claire could more than feel the traces of condescension. "Mind your business." "Nobody's judging you. Please don't feel so insecure. We hope you can make it to our engagement though," Anita said. "See you." "I'm not coming," Claire snapped. Harvey passed a glance at Claire as he and Anita left. Claire turned to face Amy. It was then that she noticed how dirty Amy had become. Golden brown sand palmed the side of her face and her hair. "Let me guess, you swam in the sand?" Claire said as she brushed the sand off of Amy. "I want ice cream," Amy said then. Claire laughed dryly. "Really? After what you did to that poor kid back there? I don't think so. Our agreement was that you behaved. Tormenting your age-mates is not behaving. No ice-cream for you." Amy looked betrayed. "You promised!" "Yeah. And you promised to be of good behavior," Claire snapped back. Amy seethed quietly in rage. "What, you have no tears left?" Claire asked. Amy ignored her as she swung her feet over the bench, her feet flying free in the air, and not quite reaching the ground no matter how hard she tried. Claire gave a sigh. "I'm not letting you out of my sight," she said. "You're staying right here with me and we do nothing. No ice cream. Nothing." Claire brought out the papers that had Amy's allergies and rules and skimmed through to entertain herself. Her eyes met a line and she realized that she should read more often than skim. 17. Don't take her to the park. That was all. Like most of the other rules, it was just a one-liner: just orders to be obeyed with no justification following. Ordinarily, Claire did not really care much for what justification Mrs Kimberly would give for her rules. All she had to do was obey. She didn't need the justification. But with this line about not taking Amy to the park, Claire wanted to know. She wanted to know because she just broke the rule. She turned to Amy. "Your grandmother doesn't let you come to parks," she said. "Why didn't you tell me?" Amy did not reply. It occurred to Claire then. She now realized why Amy had been so excited to come to the park: The thrill of the forbidden. Claire shook her head. "We're not telling your grandmother about this," she told Amy. "This means you're not." She avoided thinking she was inducing this young child to lie just so she could keep her job. "I want ice cream," Amy said. Claire took in a sigh. Bribe then. "Let's get some ice cream for you, shall we?"
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