Chapter 8

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"In some respect, the home she comes from has modeled her behavior with her peers and she's had a few issues making friends," Mrs Kimberly said. "I hope she did not do anything while there?" "No," Claire replied quickly. "Not at all. Nothing catastrophic happened." "Good," Mrs Kimberly said. Silence passed. Jayden got off his chair, ready to go to his room. Mrs Kimberly spoke to him then, turning to him as she did so. "Denise will be back from the UK next week," she told him. Jayden registered confusion. "Who?" "Denise. Denise West," Mrs Kimberly said. "She is the daughter of my close friend and business associate. You must remember her in your childhood. She visited once with her mother." Jayden did not know why any of this was his business and it showed in the shrug he gave his mother. "So?" "Denise is a good girl," Mrs Kimberly said. "I want you to consider her." Jayden's eyes thinned suspiciously. "Consider her for what?" "A wife, son," Mrs Kimberly said. "You can meet with her, go out with her so you can know her better. I'm sure you'll like her." "I won't," Jayden said. "Don't match me up with anyone, mother." "Jayden," Mrs Kimberly said quickly, firmly. "It's been over two years. Surely you have recovered from that experience." Jayden passed a glance at Claire, annoyed that she was even being privy to this information. "It's not about that," Jayden snapped. "I'm just not interested." "It is beyond lack of interest. We don't see you with anyone these days," Mrs Kimberly said. "You do, mother," Jayden said. "You just don't approve of my choices and methods." " A new woman every month is a bad habit, Jayden," Mrs Kimberly said. "We have had enough of the tramps with the illusions of grandeur that you bring into this house. That is not what I expect someone who has recovered from his past to do." Jayden strolled out of the dining room. Mrs Kimberly went up after him, as he made his way to the grand stairs of the lobby. "Jayden! " Mrs Kimberly called. "Jayden! Stop being difficult. Jayden!" In another few seconds, it was only Claire and Mrs Kimberly's other daughter left in the dining room. Claire checked the time on her phone. It was a few minutes to eight. She would close for the day at eight. She just had to sign an attendance with the housekeeper. She finished her meal and stared at her phone. She turned to the girl. "You're Amy's aunt, aren't you?" Claire asked. "Yeah," she replied quietly. "Nikki. You started today?" "Yes," Claire said. "My name is Claire." Nikki did not reply. "Where do you attend school?" Claire asked. "I used to go to-" "I'm not your friend," Nikki said. "You don't have the right to ask me such personal questions. We're not that close and we may never be. Just do your job, will you? You sure will have your hands full with Amy. Goodluck." Nikki left the table and Claire had to admit that all the members of this family were rude and obnoxious. What would it take then to be polite and nice? She thought. She got up from her sitting position and went to look for the housekeeper to sign out for the day. She had successfully done one day of work. Twenty-nine more days until her first paycheck. She sighed. An hour later, she was at her apartment where she made her way out of her shoes and dumped her tote bag on a cushion. She whipped her phone out and called her roommate. Regina answered on the second ring and informed Claire that she would be back home from her date in another hour or so. Claire hung up and prepared for bed. She locked the door. Regina had her own spare key. She had only called her to see how she was faring. When Claire had put on her pajamas, she flung herself on the bed and got some sleep. She was quite tired after her day. And she still had to report for work early tomorrow. She was going to cherish every minute of sleep she could get between then. Bright and early the next morning, Claire went to the Rex house. She dressed in a knee-length dress and flats. Her hair was in a ponytail. She signed in at seven am and then went to Amy's room to check on her. As the little girl cleaned her eyes and wondered what Claire was doing in her room that early, Claire made her bed and picked up some of her discarded toys. While Amy lay back down, Claire went to her and roused her up. "You don't want me to involve Granny now, do you? Get up."
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