4- "Falling into his arms."

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"Woah! That male stripper was totally mind-blowing!" Aubree snorted while her hand was placed on her heart. The party’s over, and finally, that male entertainer left. “I totally agree.” Layla nodded and turned to me. “And I guess you made him mad, girl!” I wasn't paying attention to what the two were saying. I sat back on the couch and toyed with the glass in my hand. Aubree leaned on me teasingly. “Who wouldn’t get mad? Eliana just pulled his trigger!” “Yeah!” Layla smiled and gently shook her head. I remained silent despite them poking fun at me. I knew that it was really my fault why that man was provoked earlier. I insulted him. But I wouldn’t have done it if he weren’t such a boring man! Besides, I'm going through something at home right now, so I want to enjoy myself while I'm here. He seemed forced to do his job and couldn't even crack a smile! He surfaced as if he had no choice but to do what he didn't want. Forgive me for insulting him, but I didn't find fun in his performance. Come on! People at home couldn't laugh any longer, yet even here, I was still deprived of the leisure I sought! "But, in fairness, Eliana, you two have chemistry. You seem to be so cute together!" In an instant, Aubree's idea sparkled her with joy. And Layla agreed for the nth time! "Definitely! You know, I almost shivered when the man started to kiss her legs!" I just shook my head at the silly playing cupid of these asinine people sitting beside me, trying to pair and match me to that one hell of a man! Are they out of their minds? Pairing me with such a one-night entertainer? Oh, of course, they must be joking! But, indeed, the devil was so shocking when he kissed and licked my skin with his hot lips! D*mn him! I almost ran out of breath as I remembered what he had done to me! "Plus, he was deliciously gorgeous, Eli! He seems so tempting!" Aubree continued to tease me. I rolled my eyes. "Come on, Aubree! It's part of the business that the male entertainer should be handsome and attractive enough! Like, hello? Who would hire an unattractive macho dancer to please the clients in a pub like this!” "So, you admit that you find him dazzling, Eliana?" Layla intrigued. I looked away from their scheming glazes and simply shrugged. Well, basically, yes… “As I’ve said, no one would hire an unappealing—” “But we’re asking about your personal opinion, not the general, Eliana! So? You find him sexually appealing, huh?” I raised a brow to hide the real words coming straight from my heart. I ran my fingers through some strands of my hair. Sexually hot? Well, that was an undeniable fact about him! I secretly bit my lower lip. I felt lust rising in me. “Now, you couldn’t even directly answer, which means you are guilty of our accusations! You fancy that entertainer!” Layla giggled like a teenager. I couldn’t seem to figure out if she was kidding, or maybe alcohol effects started to dominate her sanity, too! "Ley, you're absolutely correct. Who knows? Perhaps Eliana would have finally found her ‘the one’ in this bridal shower!" Aubree added. My eyes rolled for the nth time. For all I knew, they were just teasing me like that because they were also excited to see me have a lifetime partner and somebody I was going to settle down with. Well, to be honest, there's no issue for me if I date a male stripper or a janitor as long as I really love the man with all of my heart. Like, why not, right? But what these two girls were saying was that I didn't believe in it, and I even found them cliché. Fate? A love story that started with destiny and ended on the road to forever? Oh, come on! This isn't a fairytale! We're living in a real world full of chaos and a matter of choices! A few moments later, they finally stopped and maybe felt tired of talking and matchmaking me. Layla fell asleep, maybe because of the effects of the alcohol she took, while Aubree was busy chatting with her fiancé on her phone and smiling ear to ear as if a teenager who was having a conversation with her crush! Silly! I felt nauseated all of a sudden. I suspect it’s the consequence of drinking too much liquor! I was dizzy, and before I could even vomit on my seat, I decided to excuse myself to get out and throw up. “Why? Are you okay? You want me to accompany you?” Aubree offered help as a concern was raised in her face when she saw me already really wasted. I shook my head and smiled gently. I felt so grateful that I had found mom-like friends with the two of them, who always wanted to care for and look for one another when one of us wasn’t feeling well. "No need. I can handle it." "Are you sure? You drank so much. I’m afraid you’ll fall anywhere, as it seems you cannot even walk straight anymore!” "Trust me. I can take good care of myself. Besides, I don't want to ruin the enjoyment of my best friend chatting with her soon-to-be groom!" I grinned and finally went out of the room by myself. "Crazy!" I laughed, and it echoed in the room before closing the door and walking outside. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, then stepped into the way of the nearest restroom. Walking made me feel woozier, my head hurt, and I couldn't help it. I really wanted to throw up all the alcohol I'd taken! I immediately regretted not bringing Aubree with me. Urgh! The result of the consumption of inordinate quantities of alcoholic products! To avoid crawling on my knees, I leaned against the white wall as I walked. My eyes were tearing up, and my head was spinning so badly. I couldn’t see anything, and my vision blurred like sleep engulfed me. I felt like I was about to collapse under the strain and slide across the cold floor, but instead, I had fallen into somebody’s warm muscular arms! "You've been drinking way too much, lady." His baritone sounded somewhat familiar. "Let me go. I need to go to the restroom." I struggled to pull away from his comforting embrace and couldn't explain the hollow feeling that came over me when he was no longer there. In the back of my mind, I couldn't help but smile. I'm so tipsy that I can only think about crazy things! He released me, and I attempted to go further, but then again, I just got down on my knees as my feet already said no to walking. The man from behind me never missed catching me in his magnetic, electrifying strong arms! "See? You couldn't even stand, yet you still want to walk alone!" There was no way for me to respond. Annoyed, I brushed my fingers through my hair. A wave of nausea and the urge to throw up came over me suddenly. "D*mn it!" The man alerted me and held my arm once again. "I want to go to the restroom. Take me to the restroom!" He was indeed following me. He encouraged me and tagged along with me as I went to the restroom. Right after I walked in, I turned to the sink and threw up. The soft touch of my companion's hand on my back almost went unnoticed. When I finally released it all, I felt relief in my stomach and throat, but I was still dizzy and had a bad hangover. I ran the water to rinse my mouth, and the gentleman behind me offered me a tissue. I accepted it and wiped the dirt and water from my lips. A while later, I was a little taken aback when the man himself reached for a tissue and thoroughly wiped my lips. I don't know why, but that small gesture caused my heart to race, even though I know it meant absolutely nothing to him. I'm not sure if the alcohol is to blame or if there's something else at play because I don't really know what's going on with me at the moment. That seems to be a puzzle I can hardly solve. "Not necessary for you to do this. I'm capable of handling it on my own," I said, avoiding eye contact with him. After that, I decided to retouch. In front of the large mirror, I pulled out my most daring red lipstick and slathered it on. I won't deny myself retouching, even if it's just lipstick! As I was doing this, I caught sight of the man standing behind me in the mirror. It's still hard to concentrate, my head hurts, and I'm dizzy, but my vision is worse now than when I stayed inside and rested. It's still blurry, but it's so much better than before that I can see him staring at me intently as I apply crimson lipstick. He was tall and imposing, with dark, piercing eyes and a pointed, slender nose. It's a dead certainty that I don't know him, but he sure does look familiar. I think I already saw him somewhere. "You look familiar. Have we met before?" I asked while glancing at him in the mirror. "Yes, we did." "Where?" "You are so drunk that you forgot already. I’m just not so sure if that will still be the case when you’re no longer under the influence of alcohol.” I continued fixing the taint on my lip. I tried not to mind him and not to be conscious around him. "Are your friends still around? Where are they? Are they still in that room?" he queried. I frowned and glanced at him while putting the lipstick back in my purse. "How did you know that I'm with my friends? How did you know about us? Do you know them? Do they know you? Do you know me, and do I know you?" D*mn, Eliana! What the heck?! "I know you're with your friends, but I don't know all of you that much.” I faced him. I gasped slightly when I realized how handsome and elegant he was in his gray coat and tie. Why did I just notice it now? I shook my head and turned away. "Thanks for accompanying me. Bye." I passed him carrying my purse with me. I didn't hear him follow me, but I knew he was still watching me as I walked. Though I was already fine, my vision turned blurry once again. It made me lean on the wall for support and aggressively pulled my hair. St*pid alcohol! "Come on, I'll take you back to your friends." He dared to touch me once more and supported my arms and shoulders to keep me from falling completely. "Let go of me. I can handle—" I tried to resist him, but my body said otherwise and wanted to feel him more on my skin. I didn’t want to go back to my friends, and they would see I was accompanied by a man because, for sure, Aubree and Ley would play st*pid-cupids again! "You always say you can handle it when, in fact, you can't. See? You can't even stand straight because you are still so drunk." There was a hint of anger and irritation in his tone. My head suddenly heated. As far as I could remember, I didn't ask for his support, so if he was going to get angry and irritated because of my drunkenness, then why was he still bothering me? I pulled away from his grasp, fuming. "Leave me alone! I can do fine without you and your help! Stop pestering me!" "Absolutely not! Let's go back to your friends. I won't leave you unless I'm certain of your safety." The man grabbed my arm in an unyielding attempt to steady me. "Seriously, who do you think you are? Why bother?!" I hissed at him. I had already told him I could manage myself, but he was so insistent! He was indeed annoying me! I took my arm back, and furiously I grabbed his collar. "Who do you think you are?!" I stared at his face for a few seconds. He was already looking outraged. I could see his jaw clench and hear him gasp. Holy crap! It occurred to me that I might have seen this man and this expression somewhere before, so I focused my gaze directly on his eyes and his rough, screaming dangerous facial features. Forcing my brain to recall, I almost rejoiced when I got what I desired. I could finally clearly remember him! "You were that male stripper earlier, right?" I asked in both disbelief and surprise. He didn't answer, just kept staring at me. "It was really you! And that explains why you look so familiar!" I looked at him from head to toe and couldn't believe it! How?! How is it even possible for a male entertainer to suddenly transform into an almost perfect, alluring prince charming?!
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