Chapter One-2

2015 Words
“Now,” he said, stroking first her shivering ass cheeks and then her hair, “just a few more additions for you to contemplate.” “Gnoooo noor,” Madeline murmured through the ball gag. “No more?” he asked, laughing once again. “No more?” Madeline grunted and shook her head side to side. “I see,” he said. “You think that you are in charge, despite the inflated plug up your lovely ass and the thing vibrating inside your cunt? You think you are in charge?” Madeline just moaned, the vibrator in her p***y an immense distraction. It would calmly message her already sensitized interior flesh and then, without warning, spurt into a faster, more active mode. She realized that this variation was the most stimulating part of the hellish little motor’s action and she tried to anticipate this without success. Her feeble defenses against this automated, mechanical activity in her cunt were useless. She twitched and shook, trying to expel one or both penetrators and soon realized that any motion simply intensified the stimuli. Her captor busied himself braiding her long hair into a single tight strand that was anchored at the top of her head, not at the back as she might have done in a different situation. He finished the braid with a long strand of the braided nylon line, threading it through the multiple twists of the hair and tugging on it to make sure it was a good, firm anchor for what was to come. Then he took the end and brought it down to the knotted waist and crotch strands at the base of her spine. He pulled her head back slowly, taking out the slack in the rope as it pulled on the crotch line. With her head now back and her face aimed at the ceiling, Madeline whined and struggled to breathe through her nose. The man tied off the hair braid line and tested to make sure that this arrangement kept adequate tension on the twin probes in the girl’s ass and cunt. The novel hogtie forced Madeline into a cruelly bent bow and her slightly pointed breasts were now off the bed and aimed at the headboard, an opportunity that the man could not ignore. Quickly, while his captive moaned and shuddered from the strict position and the things happening in her lower regions, the man tied loops of the nylon line around each rigid, extended n****e and led the double lines to small rings on the bed’s upper headboard. How can he keep doing this to me, she thought. I can’t stand any more, but I want more and more. There’s another wave of orgasm coming and he knows it and he keeps adding things so that I am distracted and cannot focus on the coming climax. This is so unfair. No one has ever done this to me before and by all accounts I should never have let it happen. But now, lying here, stretched out like some gymnast with my p***y digging into the mattress, my breasts aimed at the wall and my head bent back so that if I could see it would only be the ceiling, I cannot stop it. I want, I want more… Her thoughts trailed off as another rising tide of electric pulses rose from her impaled cunt and inflated rectum and the wave was almost there and coming, still coming with greater intensity. She was sweating madly, the salty liquid pooling on the mattress under her crotch, mingling with the hot secretions from ass and p***y. She squeezed her eyes shut and at the same time squeezed her abdominal muscles and felt the vibrator seemingly increase in intensity….. “That should do it,” she remembered him saying quietly as he inspected the perfectly posed object of his efforts. Madeline lay tensely bent at the waist, shuddering, her fingers fluttering, her jaw clamped on the gag, a soft mewing sound emanating from behind the mouth stuffing. She couldn’t have spoken if her mouth was free. Speech was beyond her ability. Everything in her head and body was a jumble of hot sensations coming into her brain at an alarming rate, like a thousand garbled conversations all crossing and re-crossing her mind at once. He spoke. “How is this all stacking up in your head, little Miss Madeline? Are your still having fun?” Again he talked to her in the same soft voice, stroking her arched back, feeling the cool wetness of her sweat and tracing it down her spine to the crack of her ass and then going into the hot crevasse between the buttocks and touching the ringed end of the anal probe, lightly pushing it further in and feeling her shudder again. “Good thing the hardware store on the corner had all of the things I needed,” Jake said. “He keeps a sort of ‘erotic shop’ in the back with a locked gate to keep the kids out. That little inflatable thingie up your ass is one of his more creative designs. He calls it “The Porcupine,” and indeed it seems to be a reasonable simulation. What you are feeling are the tiny little spikes that only emerge from the ball when interior air pressure is increased. Totally harmless, but, as I am sure you’ll agree; stimulating to the max.” They stayed like that for three days, experimenting with all sorts of erotic and common household items used in ways for which they were never intended, extending the room reservation one day at a time and refusing the hotel’s polite but insistent demands that they vacate. Jake took care of this minor annoyance with enough cash to silence the hotel’s front desk and restrict access to the room so that maids would not interrupt the extended assignation the staff suspected was going on, based on the occasional orgasmic screams and the amount of champagne and other alcoholic beverages delivered at odd hours to the pantry just outside the front entry. They carried on for hours like a s*x-crazy couple with him feeding her from room service carts left outside the door. Madeline was kept bound, plugged, blindfolded and gagged most of the time, including while they continued to have ragingly erotic s*x when he diligently removed only a single penetrator at a time, leaving the duplicate dildoe to provide complimentary sensations to his vigorous, persistent explorations of which- ever of her three available wet and anxious caves availed themselves. It was now clear to both of them that Madeline was totally enamored and addicted to this sort of erotic play. Intelligent and well educated, she knew all too well about fantasy s*x but throughout her life had carefully avoided any kind of situation where she might find herself not in full control. By the end of the second day, she was, when the gag was out, enthusiastically suggesting different positions and in that way, asserting her own level of control to what was going on. Her captor, somewhat puzzled by this slow and subtle switch in the tableau, was obliged to revisit the hardware store for some additional accessories, spending more than he ever intended, but knowing that in the long term, the small cost of handcuffs, shackles, a chromed steel collar and some chain and padlocks was a small investment compared to what he expected to get when he turned her over to his controllers. He returned to the hotel room where the young woman remained tied backwards on the toilet, ankles crossed and tied behind the bowl, her hands and elbows well bound behind her and her breasts bound at their base and pulled around the back of the toilet’s plumbing pipes. Her mouth was stuffed full of absorbent panty liners held in place by several strands of rope, knotted behind her head and led down her back and through her plugged crotch. “What a lovely picture you make,” said the man standing in the open bathroom door studying the helpless bound and gagged young woman who had become his totally willing slave in such a short time. Madeline gurgled into the dry material stuffing in her rope-distorted mouth, anxious to see what her master had bought. She was pleased and cooperative when he fastened a heavy pair of special hinged handcuffs onto her extended wrists behind her and she even held her arms as close together as she could while he fastened another pair of cuffs on her arms just above the elbow. The steel bands bit into her soft bicep flesh, but Madeline was by now so fascinated and entranced by the pain of the tight metal clamps that she made no complaint. Her mouth drooled constantly and her ass and cunt wept freely, awaiting what she hoped would be another nerve shattering session while immobilized in chains. What followed once again flooded her mind with memories of books she had read about women who were kept as captives and who often became so inured to the combination of discomfort from restraints and forced s*x that everything else faded from memory or interest, their only remaining desire being the need to be tormented and driven further and further into the depraved world of subjugation, bondage; harsh, unexpected discipline and constantly elevating s****l stimulation. By now, her captor sensed that he had totally lost control. Madeline was now calling the shots, thrusting her hips into him with strength she had not shown a day before, demanding more and more when he tired, wiggling as much as her bonds permitted and pressing him for additional, deeper, harder penetrations, only becoming satiated when he stuffed all three openings in her ripe, sweating body with rubber inflatables or plastic probes of the most grotesque design. Of the electrified devices he used, she found the most complex to be the best in terms of their lasting effects. She became especially fascinated by a huge, battery-powered thing that looked a bit like a small cactus plant with one branch going deep into her ass, the second into her now stretched and accommodating cunt. This second knobby pole had a side branch with two tiny fingers that accurately lined up perfectly with her c******s and madly twitched and tickled it. The entire mechanism, when loaded with batteries, was inserted into both oozing holes and held there with an intimidating crotch and waist belt that locked into place, holding the plugs and the tickler right where she wanted them to be. The tiny motors on the thing caused brain rattling sensations for Madeline, who was by now addicted to the constant s****l violations of the machine and really had no further sue for Jake. The cuffs on her ankles were chained without slack to the bed frame at the bottom of the huge bed. Her cuffed wrists and elbows were joined by more chain that was in turn pulled roughly through her already occupied crotch and wrapped tightly around the base of each breast and pulled over each shoulder and joined behind her back, forming a steel breast and body harness. The chromed collar was padlocked to more chain that stretched to the bed frame at the headboard and her hair braid was once again pulled back and joined with a short chain to the elbow cuffs. All chains were stretched taunt and Madeline found that there was nearly zero room for any movements other than to wiggle her fingers and toes and rotate her hips as she sought to drive the internal dildoes even deeper. With ass, cunt and mouth packed and violated by inflation and vibration, a hooded, chained Madeline seemed to withdraw into the sensory vacuum, apparently unaware of the man or the fact that he had finally dropped off into a deep sleep in the bed next to her while she writhed and shuddered with yet another mind-blowing sensual cataclysm. A few hours later, he removed the inflated gag and asked her if she wanted release. “On the contrary,” she whispered with a sopping, drooling mouth, as she bent to suck his limp c**k, only stopping when he was again fully erect. Looking up at him while she continued to lick and drool, she begged him to use some of the thin twine he brought and bind her breasts tightly, using some of the same thin, braided line to tie her n*****s as close together as he could.
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