Chapter 4 - Pain of Rejection

984 Words
Alpha Zack I take a step back as the rejection words come from my angel’s mouth. I stare in shock, as I hear the gasps around us consume the room. Nobody would have expected an Alpha to be rejected. Particularly the Alpha of the largest Pack in the alliance. I look at her, a coldness coming over me, “I refuse your rejection, Kristine,” I reply, and the moment is shattered. I see her shoulders sink at the rejection as her mother comes forward, “Kristine, what are you doing?” she asks desperately. “I cannot be this man’s mate,” she says calmly before adding, “I am in love with someone else.”. “What the hell are you talking about?” her father demands, as I sit there in shock. How could this be happening? How could the Moon Goddess have messed this up after so many years of searching? “Mommy, Daddy, I want to introduce Warrior Dan,” she says to her parents. Her father looks at the man she was looking at, and her father replies coldly, “I am aware who Dan is; who is he to you?” her father demands. “I love him. He is my chosen mate,” Kristine replies as a wave of coldness rolls over me. This was not happening. I was not going to give up my mate, for this punk. He looked and smelled cheap. How could she betray the fated mate bond, and look to this man as if the sun rose and set on his shoulders? I wanted that look of adoration for me, not this Warrior Dan, I thought angrily. Giving my head a shake, I take her hand and pull her closer to me. I refuse to let her get anymore of his stench on her. She tries to tug her hand free, but I tighten my grip on her hand. She glares at me, but I ignore it realizing she was as spoiled as the rumours would lead you to believe. Well, I was not having it. She was my fated mate and she would become my Luna. “Kristine, you know this is not how it works. The fated mate bond is not to be betrayed. You are meant to be a Luna. You have stated that Alpha Zack is your mate. I suggest you take a few moments and talk to him. Warrior Dan, I would like a word,” her father replies trying to contain his anger. He drags this Dan ass away from us and Kristine turns in my arms as her mother stands there seething at her daughter’s rude behaviour. “I do not care what anybody says, I refuse to accept you as my mate,” Kristine says haughtily as if I were a mere human. “And I do not care what you say. You are my mate, and you are going home with me,” I reply staring into her stunning eyes. As angry as I am, I only want to take her into my arms and kiss her deeply. Learn how she tastes, inhale her scent, and mark her here, right now to ward off any other claims that she was not mine. “Kristine,” her mother snaps. “You were raised to believe in the fated mate bond. What has gotten into you?” she demands. Tears fill my mate’s eyes as she looks to her mother, “I cannot help how I feel mother,” she replies as big tears rolled down her cheeks. Despite how I feel, the fact that my mate is hurting is hurting me. The sparks between us are not dampening that feeling and in fact make it more intense. “I promise you will not regret accepting me as your mate,” I murmur to her. Her mother looks at me appreciatively, beside herself with confusion at her daughter’s behaviour. Moments later the Alpha returns without the Warrior Dan. “Where is Dan?” my mate demands of her father. “He is where he should be. Defending our borders,” her father replies as my mate’s face crunches up in anger. “You cannot do this. I want to be with Dan!” she yells. She is making a scene and everyone surrounding us is starting to step back not wanting to be witness to this ridiculous outburst. She was to be a Luna. A Luna for the Pack members standing behind me who were just as anxious to have a Luna. Yet she was behaving like a brat who had her toy plucked from her. I squeezed her hand once again, trying to get her attention on me. “Your Pack is watching you,” I murmur as her mother and father glance around to see the concerned look of my Pack members. They move closer wanting to dismantle this outrage their daughter is exhibiting. “Let me get the festivities started. You two can go to the small meeting room across the hall and we will meet you there,” her father suggests. I see the door from here and turn to give my Pack a look of confidence, which I did not feel. I was concerned that perhaps this young woman was not going to be good Luna material. If she lost the respect of my Pack at this stage, she would struggle to regain it. And I could only do so much. But I wanted her. Every fibre in my body told me she was worth the fight. Was that the fated mate bond talking or was it true. Was she worth a battle of epic proportions? Because I had a strong feeling it was going to be a battle to win her heart. But could I do it? Could I win her heart and trust? Time would tell.
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