Chapter 2 - Getting Ready for the Party

1304 Words
Alpha Zack POV Looking in the mirror, I smooth out the black suit I was wearing for tonight’s event. The women would be dressed in gowns, looking stunning and the men would be much like myself dressed in suits. There was a time when tuxedos were worn, but we have relaxed that tradition. The women love dressing up, so they remained with gowns. I admit the thought of what my mate will be wearing excites me. Receiving a mind-link from my lead warrior that everyone was ready, I took one last look before I approached the door. I paused for a moment, took a deep breath, before letting it out. With the Moon Goddess’s luck, I would be returning with my fated mate. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator I arrived downstairs quickly. I could hear the buzz in the lobby before I entered it. I smiled as I walked through the door and was pleasantly surprised to see my Pack members all present. I knew some were nervous, I could feel the tension in the air. Clearing my throat, “Can I have everyone’s attention for a moment?” I request as the buzzing quickly quiets down. “I know this is a monumental evening for everyone. Regardless, if you find your mate or not. You will make new friends, you will find your mates, and you will have a good time celebrating the evening. I have been to a lot of these Galas,” I say as some chuckle at my joke, “but the one thing I have realized over the years. These events are a celebration of our heritage, of our traditions, and of our love for our mates,” I say. “Please drink responsibly and represent the Red Moon Pack well. Now let’s go find our mates!” I say to cheers from my Pack members. I lead the way to the vehicles once again while everyone piles into their own vehicles. I chuckle as I enter my SUV with my warriors shaking their heads. “I hope I find my mate tonight,” one says while another replies, “Hmmm I want to just enjoy the women who need consoling,” another says with a chuckle. Rolling my eyes, “Remember what I said. Represent our Pack well,” I caution with a smirk. My warriors are always at their best, but occasionally I feel the need to remind them. They all chuckle at the subtle reminder while I remain excited that I would soon find my mate. I could not wait. Kristine POV I sigh as the hair stylist puts the finishing touches on my hair. I knew I looked good, but I did not care. I only cared about Dan and seeing him soon. I knew he would be drooling when he saw me. I stood, ready to slip on my black gown. The neckline was a sweetheart neck with no sleeves and a slit up my leg to mid-thigh. I knew it was bold, but I was feeling bold when I had bought the dress. Now I was a little insecure but was committed at this point. Sliding the dress on made me feel sexy and I wanted that for tonight. This time of year, was always warm so I knew I would not need to worry about a cover up. Dan and I had been dating for a year now. He was continuously pushing me to have s*x, but I secretly hoped we were mates and wanted that moment to be special. Today is my birthday and I have not seen him at all today, wanting tonight to be excitingly special. I was confident he was my mate and tonight I would become his and he mine. At eighteen humans would think that is young to know who you want to spend your life with. But for wolves, eighteen was coming of age. It was the moment you had the opportunity to find your fated mate. As an Alpha female, I had been raised to be strong. And I was. I was trained to be a Luna. But Dan was a warrior, and I had a feeling my parents would be disappointed to learn I was mated to a warrior versus another Alpha. But they would get over their disappointment and come to love Dan as much as I do. I could hold my own in a fight, but I rarely trained. I tried to avoid it as much as possible. Which annoyed my father immensely. My twin brothers on the other hand found it hilarious. They had always spoiled me as I was the baby of the family. My brothers were preparing to take over for my father as Alphas to the Pack. They had not found their mate yet, but they were excited for that time to come. Hearing a knock on my door, I quickly slipped into my heels and went to the door to find both my parents there. I heard my dad growl softly, to which my mother slapped his shoulder. I knew my dad was teasing me. “My baby is all grown up,” he says as my mother takes me into her arms. They enter my suite, and before I can say anything they hand me a gift. “What is this?” I ask excitedly. “It is your birthday gift. You did not think we had forgotten, did you?” my mom teases as my face goes red. “I might have,” I reply as I unwrap the long slim box. My parents surround me as I open it. I gasp, inside is a diamond solitaire necklace. But not just any necklace. It is one from the Pack collection and usually goes to the next Luna as her welcome to the Oak Point Pack. “How?” I ask knowing it would have had to have been approved by the Elder’s council. We were among the bigger Packs and had an Elder’s council who advised the current Alpha on traditions and acceptable practices with Pack property. “The Elders love you Kris,” my father says his throat clogging with emotion, using my childhood nickname. “When we approached them about wanting to give you a gift from the collection, they thought it was a lovely idea. Particularly as you will be leaving us soon, to become Luna to another Pack,” my mom adds emotionally. She gently takes the box from my hands as tears fall down my cheeks. My parents do not know about Dan. I had been keeping him a secret all this time, but I knew I needed to tell them soon. Perhaps I would wait. They would never stand between fated mates, and I knew in my gut, Dan was my mate. I quickly wiped my tears so they would not ruin my make-up. “Do not worry Kris, we will ensure your mate knows we expect to see you often, no matter how far away you live from us. We will visit. Your brothers take over soon and we will have more free time to travel,” my dad offers. I look at him and my mother, guilt washing over me. Would they be disappointed that a warrior is my mate? Giving myself a shake, I knew I could not worry about that now. There was a subtle knock on the door. My dad’s Beta calls to my father, “It is time, Alpha,” he says as my dad pulls me in for a final hug. “We will see you in half an hour. Do not be late,” my mother reminds me as I nod and promise I will be on time. I only hope they are not disappointed with tonight’s outcome.
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