“Twenty Two”

1386 Words

“Twenty Two”   Boon's POV Our anniversary date was perfect. I planned it way ahead and I was happy my husband loved it. Ram does a lot of sweet stuff for me, I had to do my own share. And I'm always happy to do so. In the morning, I would see a single rose at my night stand. I know he would get up early to pick it up from our garden in the backyard. Sometimes, I would get a breakfast in bed. I do it, too. For him. It's like we know what each other thinks so either one would give in and wait for the food in bed. Ram lets me drive myself to work but he calls or texts me once during the day, reminding me not to miss a break or lunch. He's a sweetheart. And I fall deeper in love with him every day. He is a wonderful father, too. Since Finn was born, Ram also developed a habit of helpin

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