
1963 Words
Cadel pov “Good work, everyone” I said with a smile greeting the nurses around me as we stepped out of the operating room; Another successful operation. I thought with smile spread across my face. “Doctor, this is bad” One of the nurses says rushing up to me. The way her voice shaked, the evident trembling in her vocal cords made me know that this wasn’t a little issue at hand. “What is it?” “A patient was brought in earlier and now…” “And now?” “He just passed away. His daughter can’t stop crying” “What do you mean, he passed away?” I’d questioned, wide-eyed. “Didn’t any of the doctors attend to him?” The nurse shook her head. “All the doctors were performing a surgery” “Take me to the patient”. The nurse nodded her head as she rushed up to the reception, whilst I followed suite behind her. As we neared the reception, my senses heightened as my nose began to tingle. ‘What is this?’ I thought as the most enticing, sweet scent I could ever perceive began to fill my nose. I craved so badly for the source of this aroma; I wanted it! “This is the patient, doctor” The nurse said as my gaze landed upon HER; the source of this sweet scent. She was shivering visibly as tears rolled down her cheeks but still didn’t look a mess; she looked utterly breathtaking. From the curls of her long brown hair down to the curves of her waist to the her pretty toes; she was beautiful. “MATE!” My wolf, Marion screamed, excited with jitters as I let out a sigh of relief because I’ve lived my life thinking I didn’t even have a mate but yet, here she stood infront of me. I wanted nothing more than to hug her, hold her in my arms, take in her scent forever; so I did. Quickening my pace, I made my ways towards her as I engulfed her in a warm hug. She seemed to be taken aback by my gesture but neither did she complain nor push me off. Perhaps did she get the feeling too that she was mine? That I was hers?. She should have. The mate bond between us was so strongthat there was no mistaking the fact that she felt it too. For a mere second, I was carried away by the fact that I finally had a mate that I hadn’t stopped to realize that my mate was a sleazy omega. Refraining from her, I wiped her tears off her cheeks; saying sternly, “Follow me” She obliged willingly as I led her out of the hospital to a bench out front. Despite the fact that I couldn’t come to temrs to accept her just yet, I did my best and tried to console her, “I’m sorry about your father" With the softest voice I’ve ever heard, she responded, “It’s my fault” I quirked my brow, confused. Why did she think that? “Why do you say that?” She shook her head, brushing off my question. “And you? What are you going to do now? Are you going to…” Her voice began to shaky. “Reject me?” My eyes widened in surprise by her question. The way she’d spoken those words was as if it was a given that I reject her. Me, who had so desperately searched for my mate?. “Why would I…” “I repulse you…don’t I?” “Because you are an omega?” “Because of how I look” Each words that came out of her mouth were as if she was trying to convince me that she wasn’t meant for me. I avoided her gaze, “I’ll decide what to do with you. Do you have a place to go to?” She shook her head as I continued, “Then you can follow me home” Her eyes widened in shock. Yes, I understood that this might be too much for her to handle given that she’d just lost her father and was now a member of a different pack entirely, but she had to accept that fact sooner or later; that she was now going to be my side as I rule over my pack. “A—Are your people going to accept me?” She stuttered. “They have no choice” I take her hands in mine. “Come, let’s go” She shook her head; refusing, “I’m not ready to meet your pack” “You would have to eventually but my pack is the safest place for you right now” As those words escaped my lips, it then occurred to me that maybe all these were happening so fast for her. “Or would you like to go to a different place?” “No!” She says without hesitation,”Let’s go to your pack then” “I would appreciate it if you don’t call it ‘my pack’ again though “ Her brows furrowed, confused. “What should I call it then?” “Home” Standing up from the bench with her hands in mine; I say, “Let’s home” “Home goal!” Marion, my wolf shouted. “When did you learn smooth talks like that, Cadel? I’m impressed” “Shut up, Marion” I say through gritted teeths, unnoticeably as I flashed a smile at my mate, taking her home. “I haven’t accepted her just yet” Turning to face her; I questioned,”By the way, what is your name?” “Anna” “That’s a pretty name” “And what is my Alpha’s name?”She questioned shyly. I could tell she wasn’t used to it yet but her attempt made me smile. “Cadel” After walking for 30minutes and getting to know more about ourselves, we finally got home; Starlight pack. Immediately we passed the gate, two guards rushed up to greet me. “Welcome, Alpha Cadel” I waited for them to greet Anna too but it never came. I nodded my head before grabbing both men by their neck, raising them up in the air, sinking my taloons deep into their neck. I get the fact that they didn’t feel inclined to show Anna respect but while she was with me; they had better, “Did you just ignore your Luna?” The guards struggled in my grips, fighting for air. “We apologize” Dropping them to the ground with a loud thud, I turned to face Anna who looked like she’d just seen a different person entirely. “Let’s go on” She replies me with a nod and nothing more as we make our way into the pack house. Suddenly bothered by her silence, I questioned. “Are you scared of me?” “Truthfully?” “Truthfully” “I am scared of you” “Well you need not to be. I am strict when I handle the pack members but I’ll never be that way towards you. I promise you” Anna just nods as we walk into the pack house. The pack house was like a two story building. The downfloor houses the Omegas while the top floor house both the Betas and Alphas with their Luna. There was a gold spiral staircase that connected the bottom floor to the top floor. The interior was purely white all through and there was a golden chandelier that hanged in the middle of the house. On entering, a grey haired guy approached me. Due to his body size at first glance one would think he was intimidating, but he was rather the opposite. Now I wasn’t just talking from the perspective that he was my best friend but rather from way before I met him. “You’re back, Cadel. Greetings” He bowed at me before facing Anna. “Welcome” “This is Lucas, my Beta and my best friend. Lucas, this is Anna my—” I cursed softly when I realized I’d called Anna my Luna earlier when I wasn’t even sure if I was going to accept her just yet. Clearing my throat; I concluded, “My mate” Lucas eyes widened in shock. He as well as my twin brothers, Carson and Cameron knew just how desperately I’d been searching for my mate. Lucas engulfed me in a hug. “Congratulations, Cadel. I really mean it” “Thank you” I refrained from Lucas. “Where are my brothers?” “In the forest. They went to hunt” “Okay. Ensure you train the pack warriors three times today before calling it a day” “Yes, Alpha” I turned to Anna, extending my hands to her. I’d taken her hands so many times but I needed her to accept my hands this time; because that would mean she was slowly starting to trust me. “Let’s go” Anna seemed hesitant to take my hands. “Are we going to the forest to meet your brothers?” She questioned in a shaky voice. “There might be all sort of things in the forest” Stiffling a laughter; I respond, “Don’t worry. You are with me, are you not?” That seemed to have relieved her a bit as she took my hands and I led her out of the pack house to the forest opposite it. “I would show you around the pack house some more when we get back but I really want to meet my brothers” I could feel Anna’s eyes on me. “You seem really excited talking about your brothers” I smiled despite myself, “Do I seem that way?” “Yes. I envy you as I’m an only child. I’ve always really wanted to have siblings” Before I could respond to her, we heard voices. “You let it go, you moron!” A voice shouted from a distance; it was obviously Carson’s. “That’s because you got in my way, bull head!” Cameron retorted. My smile brightened as my brother came into sight. Carson’s green eyes, red hair were the first I saw before Cameron’s white hair. At first when the three of us were, people often complained that it was hard to distinguish between us as we all had the same color of eyes. It was when we were all grown up wed decided to change our hair colors. “I wished Cadel was here, I didn’t want to go hunting with you!” Cameron shot. “Likewise!” Came Carson’s counter attack. My laughter made them stop their arguments as they turned their focus to me. “When would you both stop arguing like kids?” I questioned but their attention seemed to be on Anna rather than me. They seemed angry to see someone ‘unknown’ on our territory so I quickly jumped in to clear the air. “Guys, meet my---” “Mate!” Carson and Cameron in unison. I suppressed a smile, bitting down on my lower lips. “How did you guys know?” But my twin brothers didn’t look like they were smiling. Cameron turned to face me with a sharp gaze. “What do you mean? She’s my mate” “No, She’s my mate!” Carson counterattacked. I was confused for a split second; only for a split second before the realization that we were all mated to Anna began to dawn on me.
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