Soul Mates

Soul Mates


Completed# A modern-day Werewolf, Laura Grace is an independent and brilliant wolf. Her best friend Lizzie is the Alpha's daughter and warrior. As werewolves rejected on the same day they deal with it in their own ways. One doesn't accept her rejection, while the other pushes it down and works on building their future. A year later they are thriving when their past comes back. With their new friends and new pack are they ready for mates?

Max is the Alpha King that just took over for his father. Believing his chance at a mate is gone he doesn't believe his fate. When he and his Beta's go to his father's pet project he finds more than he bargains for as does his beta's.

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Laura Grace/LG/Gracie POV     I reread the screen for the third time willing the words to change. When I read it for the fourth, I gave in, putting my head on the desk and ever so slightly banging it once, twice, three times, only to be met by a banging on the wall to my left.  Lifting my head up I hear her, “That won’t change the situation!”     “I know!” Staring at the screen again. “But it makes me feel better, for some reason!”  I shout back at her knowing she would have heard it regardless.      “Why do you do this ever time we get one of these e-mails? We talked about this.  We knew a month into this it was going to eventually going to happen.”  Lizzie says from my office door.  She stands leaning against the door jam in her Black leggings, with matching sports bra acting like she isn’t the Goddess of all Alphas.  He long blonde hair in a high ponytail, her blue-gray eyes pinned on me.      “I know, I know.” I sat behind my desk with the first of three monitors to my right.  They wrap the right side of my L-Shaped desk, starting at the screen with my hands now stippled in front of my mouth. I was getting in my “zone”. Dressed in my favorite black power suite with my blood red silk tank with matching red stilettos. My dark red hair cascading down my back in waves, make-up on point with a red lip.  I was set to walk in the meeting I had in a few hours in the city, until I read the e-mail. I wasn’t stressed about the meeting, hell all I had to do was show up and I knew it was going to go my way, we only were finalizing one last piece of the deal.  It was for the last piece of my plan, I only needed one more warehouse location for our business to be totally independent. Once I finished today I could take time off, after working non-stop for a year to get what we needed. Lizzie knew it.     “Don’t let it bother you Gracie. You said 6 months ago it was going to happen.” Lizzie was the only one to call me Gracie besides my mother, everyone else called me LG.  She walked into my office that was a stark contrast to her bright, floral and calming space.  Mine was all business.  People would look in mine thinking I was the Alpha and she was the Beta, but no.  I had the Grey walls with my degrees hanging on the walls. Large L-shaped desk with a 42-inch TV on the wall with business news playing on mute. Lizzie tried to make it more feminine, with the bookcase to my left she would bring in kick-knacks and flowers. It was a game to her, see how long it would take for me to notice, usually all of about 5 seconds and out the door it flew. If it broke the better, it felt.     “I know what I said, but I didn’t really think it would happen! Now we have to open the West Wing in a week! I was planning on a surprise spa day for us on Friday! Now we have to prepare for a King!” I said looking at my now blown schedule.     “Do you think HE will be with him?” Lizzie says almost meekly with her arms now crossed in front of her.     I looked up at her in shock, I hadn’t even thought of what this really meant for her. “He is one of his Betas now. He might be.” I said as I stood up and went to her crouching in front of her. “We will get thru it, just like we did a year ago.  You know I will not leave your side, nor will Sarah or Charlie! One of us will always be there with you, besides you are not the same woman you were a year ago. Remember we said it a year ago, we may be rejected, but we are never alone. You are my Soul.”  I looked up at her from my crouched position smiling.       I remember that day like it was just yesterday – Flashback – 1 year ago     I slowly opened the door to her room, the flowers assaulted me as soon as I stepped in, but it was her sent, roses and vanilla. She was still under the mound of covers, I ran and jumped on top of her! “Happy 18th Birthday!” I screamed as she screamed and started swinging like I was an attacker.  I was so used to her moves I knew ducked and dodged easily.      “Good Goddess Gracie!” Lizzie says as she sits up now looking down at me as I shield my face with my arms. “What the hell is wrong with you?  It is my Birthday, can I ever get one day to sleep in?”     “Nope!” I smile up at her. “Besides today is your day to find your forever!”     “Why do you say that? You didn’t.” She says as she goes for her phone on her nightstand.     “I know, but I am not the Alpha daughter, and I have been too focused on school.  Besides its only been 3 months. You know I had to focus on my thesis. And now that my overachievements are done, I can focus on being a good mate, once I find him!” I smile over at her as she rolls her eyes.     “Oh yes, let’s not forget little Miss I-got-my-MBA-at-18! My father is still bragging about you, and your not even his! He was so hopeful you were going to be Lance’s mate, it kinda broke his heart, when Lance told him no.” She said as she leans back against her headboard looking at her i********:.     “Yeah, but Lance found a good one a month later. And Lance is like a brother.” I say as I sit up. The four of us grew up thick as thieves, and sometimes as thieves we stole the cookies the Omegas would be making. Lance and Elizabeth were the Alpha’s children, and Trey and I were the Betas. “Wanta go see if Tray is your mate?” I say knowing it is her 18th birthday and it’s the day the Goddess says we can now discover our soulmate, or mate as we call them.     “Umm, now I know how you felt 3 months ago when Dad threw Lance in your room on your Birthday!” and just like that her door flies open and Trey gets thrown in as if they heard us. Next is my Dad’s head followed by her Dad leaning in. We sat there looking at poor Trey. He was in Jeans and a white tee no shoes hair a mess. We lost it. Laughter spilled from us with tears running out our eyes.        “Dad! You have lost it!” I say thru laughter.  “Trey would have already known she was his mate if she was his mate!” I say laughing the whole time.     “I tried to tell him! He said we had to at least make sure!” Trey says as he walks to the foot of the bed.     “Happy Birthday Baby girl!” He says as she goes to give him a hug.     “Thanks Trey!” Lizzie says, as she gives him a hug. “Sorry, Dad. Nothing. Nada. Nope.”      “DAMMIT!” They both yell. Turning and leaving, not even saying Happy Birthday.        As they leave in walks Luna Marie and my mom, Betty. Both singing happy birthday. Luna with a tray full of pancakes and muffins all with candles. My mom has a pitcher of OJ. As soon as they make it in the door they stop, “Oh no they didn’t?” Luna says as she looks at Trey. “Poor boy, I told them, but do they listen? I am sorry Trey, you can go back to bed, I know you had a long night patrolling.”     “Thank you, Luna.  I am good, you knew they had to try.” He said as he walked to the door. “Hey, Baby Girl, don’t go breaking too many hearts today.” Winking as he left the room.     “I swear that boy of mine, he is just as bad as his father.” Mom says as she pours OJ and hands it to Lizzie.     “So Elizabeth, what shall we do today before the party tonight?” Luna says as she sets the tray down after Lizzie blows out the candles.     “Well I have training at 9, then we can go get Mani and Pedi’s after. Leave about 10:30 make it to the city by 11, then lunch at noon at Louie’s. Then maybe some shopping at Stella’s?” Lizzie says as she picks up a blueberry muffin.     “I already have you covered sista! I booked Mani and Pedi’s for the 4 of us already at Margo’s. Have a Table at Louie’s for 12:30, just to be safe for time, and spoke to Stella yesterday about dresses for tonight!” I say looking at my phone schedule double checking. “I have a conference call at 9 about the land on the other side of the river for an investment idea I have. So, I will be ready when you are done training.”     Our mothers in the meantime just look at us as if we have sprouted another head. We look up after a moment of silence and in unison say, “What?”     Shaking their heads, Luna says, “You two, it’s like your mates, what will you do if you find your mates?”     I look over at Lizzie realizing we never thought of it. As she looks at me and says, “Easy, she comes with me or it’s a no go. I am a package deal.” She giggles.     I look at her and throw my arms around her giving her the best sisterly hug ever as my phone chimes. It’s Alpha Brent. Alpha:  What is my schedule again? Me:  Its on your desk printed. I will be gone until 3, but I will be back in time for the meeting with Alpha Henry at 3:30 then the party at 6. Alpha:  Why do we have a meeting with AH? Me: He request an extension on the peace treaty.  I already have it written up and on your desk in a file marked Dark Moon Treaty.  There is also a copy in your e-mail. Why are you not just Linking me? Alpha:  You answer your texts faster than my links to you! What’s my password again?     He has a point when he mind-links me, we call it linking, I don’t always respond or shut him off sometimes, because if I let him he would link me all day! At that point I sighed and rolled my eyes, how many times do I need to tell this man his password as well? Me:  MyGrace1     “Did you really make my Dad’s password your name?” Lizzy says looking over my shoulder.     “That I did, you think he would remember it!” I say smugly. As they all start laughing.     Lizzie jumps up and runs to the bathroom almost knocking over the tray of food. “I gotta shower! Its late!”     “It 7:48? What are we late for?” pulling up my schedule again.     “I have to get ready for training! What if my mate is there?” she yells from the bathroom.     “And with that I will leave you to deal with that.” Luna says to me as she and my mom get up from the bed. “We will be ready to leave here at your scheduled time of 10:30.” Luna says smiling at me, she knows I am a stickler for time and schedules.     “Thank you, see you soon. Love you!” I say as they walk out. “Hey Lizzie, I am going to get ready, I will be in my room come see me before you go down!” I yell into the bathroom door.     “Gotcha Gracie, will do!” she yells from the shower. “Oh, and Gracie, you are my soul!”     “I know, and you are mine.”  I say lightly knowing she can hear with her werewolf hearing.     I am sitting at my desk in my room, surrounded by monitors watching the markets, I had gotten out of the shower putting on my black sheath dress, my uniform as Lizzie calls it, when the door flies open. “Do you smell that!?!” Lizzie comes in wearing her uniform as I call it, Black leggings and matching sports bra.     “Smell what?” I say looking at the screen as the numbers go up, it only needs 5 more points then I am out with maximum return.     “I think it is my mate!  Celeste is going crazy and I can’t sit still.” Lizzie says as she bounces on my bed.      “Lizzie, give me 10 minutes then we can celebrate. It has 2 points.” I say still locked on the screen with my finger on the button.     “LAURA GRACE!” She screams!     Reactively my finger hits the enter key! I scream! “WHAT! OH GODDESS! WHAT THE FU@K WAS IT AT!” I look down and it had jumped past the 5 I needed. Oh, that girl was lucky.  I just earned a cool 2 million with that click.  I was not at an even 10 in my account, not that anyone knew. I kept it all private and offshore.     Turning to Lizzie, who is still jumping on my bed, I say, “Ok now that you have my full attention, lets go find this, sent” Using air quotes around sent. I slide on my black stilettos and slap on some red lip stain.     She jumps off the bed and runs to me. “Thank you!” As we bound down the 2 flights of stairs in the pack house, she turns to me and looks me in the eyes. “I can smell him. Cedar and Sage.” She smiles.     “Oh, lovely.” I say deadpanned.     “Let’s go!” As she grabs my hand and runs towards the front doors. Thankfully I run in heels as good as she runs in Athletic Shoes.      We finally stop in front of the training field. “Really, if you wanted me to work out with you on your birthday, I would have done it! And these are Ferragamo’s!” I say looking at my shoes covered in mud.     “He’s here! I know it!” Lizzie says jumping up and down looking around as Lance walks up.     “A little overdressed LG. What’s wrong with Baby Girl?” Lance says looking at me.     I overlook the comment about my attire as he stands in red athletic shorts and a black tank. His blonde hair cut military short. “If you must know, she says her mate is out here. Were looking for Cedar and Sage?” I say looking at him as if I am board.     “Oh Wow, well most of these guys are going to the Kings guard today.” He says looking sad. Lizzie was not paying any attention; she was still looking around.     I turned to Lance and asked what I already knew to be true. “If he is here then he is as good as gone.” Looking at me with sad eyes he nodded.     It was at this moment Kyle comes running up to Lizzie. I watched holding my breath. Lance was beside me, holding my hand as he took hold of Lizzie’s other hand.     “Why are you both holding me back?  Hi Kyle, you’re my mate!” She says trying to rid herself of Lance and my hold on her hands.     “Miss Elizabeth, I apologize.” He stands straight with sad eyes. “I thought I would be gone by now. Our bus leaves in an hour. You weren’t supposed to come out.”     “I don’t understand, where are you going? Why are you not helping me get out of their hold?”  She says back as I look at Lance with tears in my eyes.     “Don’t do it Kyle.” I say swallowing.     “I have no choice. I signed up an hour before I figured it out 3 days ago.” Kyle says looking down.     “Do what? No choice in what? I don’t understand, aren’t you happy to be my mate?” Lizzies says now standing still.     Lance turns her to him, putting her between us, “Baby girl, Kyle is leaving today to be in the Kings Guard. He was requested and given the option of future Beta of the King.” He says with tears in his eyes.  As he tells her I have already linked the Mom’s and Dad’s.     “So, I can go with you?” Lizzie says as she turns back to Kyle.     “I don’t want to put you in danger or take you away.” Kyle says as he stands up straighter and looks her in the eyes. “I will always have you in my mind.”     “What is it you’re saying?” She says now with tears in her eyes.     “I Kyle Robertson, Warrior of the Kings Guard and future Beta, reject you Elizabeth Gold of the Golden Moon pack as my Mate.” Kyle says as he turns his back to her.     Lizzie crumples to my feet. I go down with her holding in my tears as she cries out. “NO, NO, NO!” As I go to hold her, she jumps up and starts running and shifts to her golden wolf.  Lance shifts to his Black Alpha Wolf and runs after her.     “Sh!t! Really Kyle it is her Birthday dammit! Could you have just walked away!” I yell at him as Luna and my mom come up behind me holding me back.     “I have no choice! I am never going to be good enough for her and I would never put her in a place of danger!” he yells back     I break away from Luna and Mom’s hold and walk over to him slapping him in the face. “You will regret this, mark my words, you will come running back one day and it will be your undoing!” 

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