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Ayla's POV "Tell me why you're holding back," Alpha Liam said in a monotonous voice. I heard the implications in his words, but refuse to acknowledge it. "Are you still worried about the Betas?" Gazing upon his expression, I know I have no right to remain silent. All I have to do is to be truthful with my words. "Yes, Alpha." With a deep sigh, he leaned forward and stared at me intently. He gave me a convincing look like he would really insist to everyone that we both felt a certain type of attraction a while ago. "I am the Alpha of this pack, so if you want, I could give him a new servant." Seriously? He's willing to hire a new helper for the Beta? "You are so kind, Alpha..." I guess giving him another compliment wasn't so hard at all. "So nice that it seems too good to be true." An unfamiliar expression softened his chiseled jaw as his shiny black hair flopped enticingly over his forehead. "I think that's something I got from my mother." I smiled at him. "She might be the greatest she-wolf in her prime, Alpha. But I haven’t heard anything about your mother since the Beta took me in." I secretly draw a deep breath while staring at Alpha Liam. I found the topic interesting but I knew going any further would only attract the elder's attention, and that's what I need to avoid at this moment. "She’s with the Moon Goddess." A pint of sadness was painted on his face, that explains the soft expression I got from him a while ago. "I’m so sorry to hear that, Alpha..." I told him, trying to sound as empathetic as possible. I'm about to ask him another question, but he gave me a deep, intense look that made me avert my face. I inhaled deeply and tried to get a brief sight of the Betas, but they were all warily staring at me while smiling pleasantly in our direction. I looked down upon feeling everyone's eyes on us and started thinking if there's something I could do to escape from the man standing in front of me. There, I noticed that the pack's elders were glaring at me and acting startled by the Alpha's unusual actions. It's their job to stop him from doing things that wouldn't benefit the pack, right? That also includes stopping him from talking and getting close to the rogue's daughter. "Do you want me to stop them from staring at you?" I snorted out a laugh and immediately shook my head. "There's no need to do that, Alpha. Perhaps they believed I had cast some kind of magic spell for you to choose me." His brows furrowed. "A spell?" he asked with a grim expression painted on his face. "All of them knew that spells won't work on me." For the nth time, I wasn't able to stop my amusement. "Do you really possess that much power?" "Yes…" he answered proudly. "More than you could imagine, my Luna." Alpha Liam stared at me in the eyes but I just gave him an apologetic look. How can I convince his greatness that I am not worthy of accepting a lovely fair treatment from a man like him? "You should choose a woman who is capable of wielding that power, Alpha." He shouldn't have accepted my presence in the first place and should have choose to bury my existence in the farthest corner of his mind. "I'm done searching..." His expressions turned brighter and clear as the sunlight. I bit my lips but he smiled at me and gave me another look. "I am in front of that woman right now." And just like that, the night passed by quickly with the thought of Alpha Liam claiming the wrong she-wolf as his Luna. I couldn’t remember how I got home as I woke up the next day with a slight headache. It was already late and I immediately got up to prepare myself for this day’s duties. However, before I could even step into the kitchen, Beta Damian immediately stopped me on my tracks. “I bet you had a good night’s sleep...OUR LUNA,” he greeted me with a gentle expression on his face. My mind took a moment to catch up with his statement. “Luna?” I asked with confusion painted all over my face. I looked at him, looking for answers while trying to remember what happened last night. Finally, it dawned on me. "Don't you remember? Liam Grayson, the Alpha of the Azteca Creed Pack, has just revealed to everyone that you are his Luna." I returned his smile with a deep sigh. "Yes, I do remember now." "Does this cause for a celebration?" he asked with eyes full of excitement. I wasn't able to hide my true emotions in front of the Beta. Yes, it would be nice to celebrate having a fated mate, but not like this. "There’s no need to celebrate, Beta." "Why? You just found your fated mate, Ayla. And he’s the Alpha!" I bit my lower lip. "I’m still confused, Beta. His offer, it seems so good to be true." I'm not sure why I'm still thinking this way. I know it may sound terrible, but I couldn't stop myself from questioning Alpha Liam's choice. "Why did you say so? Alpha Liam is a great man, Ayla. Even the Goddess knew you deserve a better life with him." I wasn't able to stop myself from protesting. "No! You are my family and serving you is my life, Beta." I'm on the verge of telling the Beta about my true feelings for him, but eventually I was stunned by his warm smile. "Believe me, Ayla, your journey has a long way to go. I admire your dedication to this family, but you must embrace your sweet destiny." Here comes his way of reassuring people through his gentleness. "But everyone in this pack hates me. They consider me as a curse in their lives, especially to the victims and bereaved families of the Creeze Bloody War." "You didn't kill anyone." Beta Damian respond promptly and places a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head in dismay. "M-My family did. They killed thousands of people, including innocent wolves...and children." "It's not your fault." I answered him with a heavy heart. "I am still accountable because they are my parents." Beta Damian leans forward, shaking his head. "No! Always remember that you have a good heart. The past doesn’t define you." I paused for a second to ponder. I knew how he wants me to see things positively. He wished for me to accept someone who can give me the ideal life that I deserves. But how? “I gotta go, Beta. Please allow me to leave the mansion for an hour." His right brow quivered as he looked down at me. "Where are you going?" I closed my mouth, pressing my lips together while trying to assess the situation. Is there any other choice? I think, there's none. "I need to talk to Alpha Liam right now." I rushed out of the mansion upon getting his consent and ran towards the Alpha's main office. Do I have the right to question Alpha Liam about his choice? If so, will he have the option to choose another woman? I arrived at the main office and got stunned for a moment when I felt all eyes on me. And as I passed by them, everyone’s faces were exhibiting different emotions brought by last night’s event. I became somewhat uncomfortable. I quickly walked to the front desk and asked the receptionist what floor was Alpha Liam’s office. I tried my best to convince her even though I knew that she would strictly ask me for an appointment. I knew he's a busy man, but do I have another choice? This matter needs to be rectified as soon as possible! The receptionist stared at me with a hint of jealousy and that made me shiver for a bit. Oh boy! I think she's upset with me because I snagged an alpha last night. Later on, she called Alpha Liam’s office and informed him of my arrival. “Yes, Alpha. Understood. Thank you.” I heard the receptionist. She then told me the room to Alpha Liam’s office. And the closer I get to him; the more I’m starting to feel restless once again. 'You can do this, Ayla!' I tried to hide the fear and cheer myself up. As I stepped out of the elevator of the penthouse suite, I felt my hands shaking and my knees becoming weaker. I knocked at his door and was immediately welcomed by his secretary. “The Alpha is waiting for you. Please come inside,” she told me. I walked in and she left right away, closing the doors behind her. “Good morning, Alpha Liam." I tried to greet him with a respectful tone. “Hi, Ayla. What brings you here? I assume it’s because of the party last night, right?” he replied, casually. “Yes, Alpha. If I may, I’d like to talk to you about it.” Alpha Liam paused at his writing and I slowly sat down on the couch. “Go ahead, then. I don’t have much time,” he said flatly. Wasting his time wasn't part of my plan, so I immediately pleaded in a low voice, "Please spare my life, Alpha Liam." I had no way of questioning his choice; all I could do was beg for him to let me live in freedom as the rouge's daughter. But instead of letting me go, he stood up, grabbed my arm and jerked me towards him before I could even take a single step away from where I stand. "Alpha," my voice trembled. “Please let me go. There are other women far more deserving to be your Luna. I… I am just a nobody. I could leave the pack if it’s necessary.”
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