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I stared down at the ring on my finger, hoping that this was all some dream I could wake up from. He held my hand tighter and started to lead me towards the room. Elizabeth had prepared me as quickly as she could. I was wearing a long white sheer gown. It was so sheer that it covered nothing. I gently tugged on his arm as he pulled me towards the room; I didn't want to go. He stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at me. I could not meet his eyes because I was afraid. I was denying him, and I knew that it made him upset. The more I thought about it, my fear was starting to turn to anger. There was no way that I was going to do this. I didn't want to marry him and now I was being forced to give him my virginity. I remembered what me and Elizabeth talked about but I couldn't go through with this until I got answers. "I won't do this," I said softly, surprised at the sound of my voice. He pulled me towards his body roughly. "You are my wife." He said simply; strong and straight-forward. I was about to run but he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back to him. "No." I gasped as he pulled me into the bedroom that we now shared. He pulled me so effortlessly as if I was a piece of paper. His strength was overwhelming and that caused me to fear him more. Once we were in the room, he closed the door and faced me. "Please, I don't want to go any further with you." I pleaded softly, shaking my head. He didn't say anything, just walked forward and put his hands on my waist. His hands slid up and down my back as he felt for the button that held my nightgown together. I started to push against his body again in hopes of escaping. "Don't touch me," I whispered trying to pry his hand off my waist. He chuckled burying his face into my neck, kissing it, and smelling my hair. "I've already touched you so many times before. Why is this time any different? Have you forgotten already? I can help refresh your memory if you want me to." "I don't want to be your," I stopped when I felt his lips on my skin. I couldn't control it and I never could. He always made me feel nervous and shy. This feeling was no different from the previous times he touched me. He continued to kiss and suck on my neck, and I felt tingles start to spread all over my body. "Alpha, please. You have to," I attempted to say once again but I couldn't finish as he continued his assault on my neck. He released me and I wasted no time running towards the door. I was grabbed roughly by the back of the neck and pulled back against his body. "You are worth nothing," he hissed in my ear. "You are a thing, my thing. Wife is just a meaningless title. You are an object for my use and a womb to make my heir." "I won't give you a child." I cried, feeling tears slide down my cheeks. "Eden, you can fight all you want but it won't change anything. You are mine and I will do whatever I want to you when I want. That includes putting as many children as I desire inside you. You can fight, cry, or scream it won't change anything. You are mine to enjoy and I'm going to do just that." "I am not your breeder." I cried, ignoring the wedding ring on my finger. "You are" he replied simply, turning me to face the wall. He unbuttoned my gown and I felt it fall to the floor leaving me in my white lace panties. "No," I cried. He had seen me n***d before, but I still felt nervous. I could see the look in his eyes as he stepped back. I was perfect for him, and he wanted every single part of me. I was breathing heavily; nervous and afraid. He looked deep into my eyes, his eyes dark with l**t. He stooped down and lifted me into his arms, placing me on the large bed. As soon as I was on the bed, I looked around desperately for an escape. I started to crawl over to the other side to escape him, but he grabbed me and brought me back to him. "I want you." He said, this time softly as if he was telling me a deep dark secret. "It will be easier for the both of us if you stop fighting this. I'm going to make you feel exactly how you've made me feel. I want to hear you moan like you did the night I joined you in the shower." He let go of me and took off his shirt. I looked away quickly; he was huge. I didn't know if I could handle him. This wasn't my first time seeing him shirtless, but I still blushed in embarrassment. He grabbed my panties and yanked them down my legs. "Tristan," I whispered. He slowly caressed my thighs causing me to shiver. Despite his large, rough fingers he somehow managed to touch me softly and gently. "No," I moaned, feeling wetter and wetter between my legs. I tried to keep them shut as tightly as I could. I tried to move away as he placed his lips on my stomach but felt weak again. He continued to move his lips down my body slowly, making sure to look at me. "Why did you choose me?" "Why not? You're a virgin and I wanted you to stop denying me." Suddenly he grabbed my thighs, pulling them open with ease. I closed my eyes tight as I lay there exposed to him. I wanted to fight but there was nothing I could do. He was my husband now and he would have my virginity. "Eden," he groaned. "This is the only time that I will ever worship you. So, you better enjoy the pleasure." I didn't understand what he meant by that. With a hungry look, he swept down and started to devour me. I arched my back and gasped in surprise. What was he doing? Why would he want to do something like this? I squirmed and screamed as he licked my parting lips that were swollen and wet with arousal. His tongue made its way inside me, and I couldn't stop myself from gripping the bedsheets. No matter how much I squirmed, my body fell weak to his tongue. He was controlling me in every way that he knew how. I closed my mouth to stop my cries of pleasure; I wouldn't reward him by letting him hear me. But I failed miserably. This pleasure was new to me, and I didn't know how to control it. I couldn't take it anymore, and I screamed. "ALPHA, I." I arched my back involuntarily; my whole body was reacting to him just how he wanted. I could not help but moan; it just felt "So good," I moaned. Finally admitting to the feeling that was building inside me. "Tristan, I'm." I gasped for air. I felt myself building and building and then, suddenly, my whole body burst into an intense o****m. I screamed at the sensation as he continued to lick and suck me roughly. He lifted himself up and looked down at my heaving body. The corner of his mouth lifted into a small smile. I swallowed hard, overwhelmed by my body's reaction to him. "Alpha," I managed to say through heaving breaths. "Giving in?" He said with a little laugh and put his head back down. My eyes rolled back as his tongue connected with my clit. He sucked it into his mouth eagerly as he reached up and grabbed my breast. My orgasms came one after another, seemingly overlapping. I had lost count of the number of times he made me come undone. I begged him to stop, but he wouldn't. He finally stopped and crawled on top of me again. He licked his lips and looked down at me. I met his eyes with fear and vulnerability. "It's not too late to choose another mate." I stuttered, fear clouding my voice. He softened his expression and leaned down to kiss my jaw and neck. He came up again and started to remove his pants. I gasped at the sight of him. He was thick and long. I knew that he had something monstrous in his pants, but I would have never imagined this. The veins that ran along his shaft looked angry. I could see pre-c*m dripping from him. "Oh my gosh." I cried and immediately backed into the headboard. "No, you're too big. There is no way that you will fit inside me," I said shaking my head. "Yes, it will," he said calmly. "You are wet enough." He grabbed my ankle and yanked me towards him with ease. I wanted to fight him, but I remembered his words. There was no escaping him. He made it very clear that my virginity would belong to him. I knew what needed to be done and so I forced myself to submit to him. He grabbed my thighs and ripped them open. He pressed his tip to my lips and felt his way around slowly. I moaned and gasped, as he rubbed himself against me. He started to push inside me slowly and I grabbed his shoulder. He stared at me and smirked, "I have never been with a virgin before." "If you expect me to feel're mistaken," I said through clenched teeth. It hurt and he hadn't even gotten himself all the way inside me yet. There was more pain to come but I wouldn't scream. He would not get to savor the experience of taking what belonged to me. He smirked, "you want to act tough, huh?" He started to move forward, and I closed my eyes tight. "It hurts, doesn't it?" He pushed again and I cried out pushing against him. "Answer me, Eden. Does it hurt?" He whispered nibbling on my earlobe. "Why do you want to know? You're already taking it from me." "You wanted me to have it. You came here to be my bride and you got your wish." He started to push inside me again. "Now, tell me what I want to know." "It hurts... It hurts so much," I whispered as he dug a little deeper at my words, making me scream more. "Stop it, you're too deep." My back arched, as I felt all of him inside me. He started to thrust in and out of me slowly, going as deep as he could with each thrust. My eyes widened as he pushed himself all the way in. I couldn't believe something so big was inside of me. Suddenly, he grabbed my thighs tighter and started to thrust in and out of me rapidly and roughly. I screamed at the pain and pleasure. He was so strong and rough that I was being lifted from the bed at every thrust he made. "Tristian," I screamed. This only seemed to arouse him more, and he went faster. Suddenly, I screamed, reaching my o****m. It pulsated throughout my entire body. It was the most euphoric feeling I had ever experienced in my life. He had not reached his yet and continued to thrust inside me with no mercy. "You're so tight," he groaned. I clung to him as he took from me what he wanted. The pleasure, pain, and submission. The pleasure was overwhelming, and I could tell he felt the same way. He cursed loudly and buried his face in my neck. "You feel so much better than I would have ever imagined." He growled sucking on my n*****s gently. He swirled his tongue around my right n****e while staring into my eyes. He gave my left n****e equal treatment, before bringing his kisses back up to my neck. Hazily I looked up at him, his eyes were not their normal grey, but they were green. His hair clung to his forehead, his breathing uneven as my name left his lips. I couldn't drown out the delicious sound of our skin connecting. That sound alone almost took me over the edge. He pulled out of me, and I sighed in relief but that only lasted a second. He flipped me on my stomach and lifted my hips slightly. I was curious about what he was going to do to me next. He grabbed me by the throat and forced my head back to look at him. "You're so beautiful," he whispered before kissing me with so much passion. The kiss took me by surprise as I moaned in his mouth. Without any warning, he thrust himself deep inside me, I cried out in pleasure. My cries for him were muffled by his tongue in my mouth. His hands gripped my waist bringing my body back against his, the depth he went was mind-blowing. I gripped the bedsheet tightly as he became rougher. His thrusts were punishable but had me begging for more. "P-please, I'm going to." I was so close, and I knew that he could tell. I clenched tightly around his length as he growled gripping my waist so tightly, I thought he would leave a bruise. "Don't hold it in... c*m for me, my beautiful wife." Those words alone sent me over the edge. I buried my face in the pillow and screamed. My body trembled as sparks shot through me. His release followed closely behind mine, gripping my waist he threw his head back and groaned. I could feel his thrusts getting desperate and sloppy. With one final thrust, he filled me with his seed. That feeling alone made me o****m again. He continued to move his hips in and out of me until he was satisfied that I took every single drop of his semen. He kept himself inside of me until he went limp and then took himself out. He looked into my eyes, tired but satisfied. I felt like I could suffocate underneath him, but he made sure not to lean all his weight on me. We stayed that way for a while, panting and sweating. He finally got up and laid on the other side of the bed. I wrapped the sheets around my body and stared up at the ceiling. Was that s*x? Was that the feeling that I was missing out on?
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