Chapter 6

1154 Words
Stella My eyes stare down at Evan's last message. He wants me to send him more nudes, and the mere thought makes my heart pound. I can't show him more of my body, or he will know I'm not Ashley. And I won't allow that to happen. Evan is attracted to me, the bullied and unwanted lone wolf, and that knowledge make my days brighter. When I see a new notification from Evan, I smile. I need his text messages in my life. They make me feel less pathetic and disgusting. I look around the schoolyard. I'm entirely alone, which means it's safe to reply to Evan's message. I fish up my phone, only to pause when a black limousine drives up to the curb in front of the school. It isn't one I recognize belonging to any of the vampire families. The air smells... Like werewolf. Suddenly, a hand is on my shoulder, and Evan's voice is in my ear, speaking in a low tone. "That would be the car of the alpha claiming you're his mate. His pack is new in town." I freeze and feel a thousand shudders run down my spine. Evan's touch is electric, and I turn around. Darkness shrouds Evan's eyes, and the color has changed from blue to red, hinting at his irritation. "Uh..." I'm not sure what to say. Evan and I don't really hang out, and to be honest, I don't know what he is doing here. Most people have gone home. I'm just here since I spent many hours studying at the library. "Look," Evan grabs my chin, forcing me to face the car. He then lowers himself to my level, whispering huskily. "The person stepping out of the limousine is the new alpha in town. Raphael of the Bloodmoon pack." I stare at the werewolf getting out of the car. He has long blonde hair and looks like Thor from the Marvel movie. I keep watching him, forced by Evan since he is holding my face. Raphael stretches his arms, and I blush upon seeing the corded muscles in his thick arms. He is gorgeous, but... Strangely enough, I find Evan hotter, more beautiful. Is something wrong with me? Other female werewolves would be drawn to an alpha, yet my mind is stuck on Evan, the vampire prince. "Do you find him attractive?" Evan asks. "Raphael is a dirty werewolf like you—you would definitely suit each other. You could give birth to his freakish-looking puppies. Would you like that?" Freakish-looking puppies? Wow, Evan must really hate werewolves. That knowledge fills me with dread and hurt. Why don't I want him to hate me? "You must find Raphael hot," Evan says. He sounds darkly amused by the entire situation. "To be fair, he isn't a bad-looking guy. And that says a lot since I find most werewolves incredibly disgusting." "Uh..." "Then again, you've been staring at me too... Could it be that you're drawn to vampires, Stella? You've spent your entire life around my kind, so it would make perfect sense if your taste was peculiar." I turn to stone, and Evan chuckles. Those eyes of his are now back to being an icy blue. "I'm actually curious. What kind of man would you rather have: a vampire or a werewolf? Me or Raphael?" My eyes bulge out of their sockets at his question. I'm attracted to Evan, as twisted as it is, but I can't tell him that. He hates me, and his tone proves it. "Tell me, little wolf..." Evan's lips are pressed to my ear, and his hand slips down to my shoulder. His fingers then touch my collarbone, trailing a path toward my breasts. My n*****s are already hard, and Evan whispers. "Did watching me shirtless on the field turn you on?" I'm speechless, and Evan continues firing dirty questions. "Are you attracted to me? Would you like me to do filthy things to your body, Stella?" Evan licks the salt off my neck, making sure the exchange is witnessed by Raphael. He then whispers into my ear again. "I've always had a taste for werewolf blood. Would you let me taste you if I asked?" My response is an intake of air, and Evan smiles against my skin. Raphael is staring in our direction. Anger flashes over the alpha's handsome face, which seems to amuse Evan. "Raphael is watching us now. We have his full attention. Perfect. Let's give the foolish alpha the show of a lifetime." Evan cups my breasts from behind, pulling me into his chiseled body. He is so muscular. Gorgeous. A shudder wracks my body. I understand that Evan is just putting on a show in front of Raphael. His goal is to make the alpha even angrier, yet I can't fight the heat pooling between my legs. I'm insanely drawn to the vampire, and I resent myself for it. My p***y is swollen and ready, wet for Evan. And the worst part is that I know he will be able to smell it. "Aroused already?" Evan asks darkly. He nibbles my ear, probably to get a reaction from me. When I shudder, there is a low chuckle in my ear. "Do you like me that much?" I don't answer him. I'm struggling to stand straight. My knees are close to giving under because I can't fight my desire when it comes to Evan. He is so big. Strong. Powerful. His scent is addicting too. Inhaling him clouds my senses and makes my cheeks flush. He tightens his hold of me and holy s**t, is that his erection I'm feeling? "I don't like you, but I'm attracted to you, little wolf," Evan's bitter tone is filled with resentment. "I hate werewolves. You're all filthy, dirty animals, but there is something special about you, Stella. I hate how I'm drawn to you. Why you? What makes you unique..." I swallow, and Evan places a hot kiss against my skin. "Do you have any clue, little wolf?" I wet my lips, but not a sound comes out. And when I don't hand Evan a straight answer, his fingers press into my skin. It doesn't hurt, but I drop my phone onto the ground. My eyes swell into the size of saucers, and my blood freezes over when I notice the screen is faced up. The chat with Evan is open, and panic makes my heart thump. No, this can't be happening! No-no-no! What if Evan looks down and sees the conversation?! Please don't look down. Please don't look down. Face the other direction, and don't peer down. No matter how hard I pray, I can't change the hands of fate. Evan stares at the ground, and his grip around my face loosens up. There is even a slight gasp coming out through his lips. "You..." Evan growls. "You're the one who has been texting me?"
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