Chapter 29

1110 Words

Stella No... Dread circles around my throat and takes a vise grip that threatens to choke me. I'm barely even breathing, too shocked. It can't be real. This must be a bad dream. The face down in the water must be wrong because I'm staring straight down at alpha Raphael. Blonde hair, muscular build. He is dressed in a black tuxedo, and the scene changes from focusing on him to a more plump version of myself. She seems so happy... Would Raphael make me smile like that? I stare harder. Red hair reaches down to my collar bones, and I'm wearing a beautiful white wedding dress. Raphael and I are smiling at each other, about to get married at some church. There is a severe bump on my stomach. I must be pregnant... "Are you saying I will get married to Raphael?" There is no answer.

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