Chapter 74

1301 Words

Stella I'm unsure what to do. The turbulent weather, along with the rain and the purple clouds, can't be good. I can physically feel Arachne's presence, and my hairs stand on edge. There is a bad feeling in my gut. I reach to grab Evan's more giant hand with my right one and peer up at Raphael before taking his hand in the other. They squeeze my hands, showing me they are here with me and not going anywhere. "What do we do?" Raphael asks. "We wait and see what happens," Evan squints his eyes, and his nostrils flare before he hisses. "Demons are appearing. There are plenty of them, and they are here to fight." I wet my lips. "Any plan or plans?" "No, but... I should probably inform the other vampires about what will go down. Lunaris will turn into a warzone." I suck in a deep

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