Chapter 61

1282 Words

Stella I have this odd sense of being inside a dream when I open my eyes. It becomes more apparent when I find myself floating. I'm this ghostly being, and I'm observing another me makeout with Raphael on a couch. A scene from the past? I tilt my head. "Aren't you tired of me already?" Raphael smirks. "I've marked you, made love to you, and you're still in the mood." The other Stella is in his lap, legs tucked on either side of his legs, so she is face-to-face with the handsome alpha. They breathe into each other's faces, and the room smells like s*x. "I'm always in the mood," she drags her hand over Raphael's muscular chest and bites her lower lip. "But I also realize you have somewhere you need to be right now..." "Yes, I promised to take Leonora out for dinner." The other St

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