Safe in the Dark

3952 Words
The next day was a different day. Cielle and Alex weren't even awake when an unfamiliar man and a woman in shirt and jeans stepped inside. "There, take the boy!" shouted the man in his native tongue to his companion. The woman with a short bob nodded. Cielle immediately sat up and embraced Alex in her arms, trying to protect him. "Oi, give him to me, " said the woman. Cielle shook her head vigorously and gave them sharp glares. "What are you going to do with him?" "Huh, Engleesh speaking!" the man mocked and both he and his companion, grinned. "The boss needs the boy. His mother wants to speak to him to ensure that he is still alive, " the woman explained. "Then I will go with him!" declared Cielle. If they weren't saying the truth, at least she would be there to protect the boy whatever happens. The woman looked at her comrade and waited for his decision. After a few seconds of deliberating, he nodded. "Okay, that would be better. The boy won't be thrashing around if you are with him." Cielle nodded and then quickly got up. In one scoop, she brought the silent but confused Alex in her arms. "Hey, we are going to talk to your mommy on the phone. Do you like it?" Alex quickly bobbed his head with a beaming smile. "Yes!" Then, the three of them strolled out of the room and into the hallway. The man led them to another concrete house just a few meters away from their underground prison. This side of the island not only has coconut trees but also huge acacia and mango trees. Cielle was in awe with how the house looked like. It was two-storey with elegant balconies in every side, well-painted with white and boasted a front portico and a mahogany door. If she were to judge it, they were about to go inside the criminal boss' lair. Alex was still in her arms, putting his small palms on her neck while she climbed up the stairs. Before she could step in the entrance door though, she heard a male voice shout, "Wooohooo! Here is the man who got some points last night!" She paused and looked at the source, Don, who was standing in the front yard of the house patting Nic's back as if congratulating him. The latter didn't show any expression on his face whatsoever and it got Cielle raising a brow. How could Don say that when in fact nothing happened between Nic and her? "What a beautiful sound man. It is like you are in heaven, " was his remark then. "I feel jealous of you. You are so lucky!" "I knew you guys were listening last night, " Nic replied, not denying anything. Then, he glanced at Cielle with an unreadable face. Cielle held Nic's gaze and from that, she felt herself being burned to the core. Hastily, she blinked a couple of times and continued her way without a backward glance. In a room void of windows, the two of them were placed and made to wait for two more hours. There was a wall clock in it that read ten thirty when the boss stepped in, holding a cellphone in her hand. Yes, the kidnap-for-ransom boss was a woman. Her skin showed a white complexion. She had platinum blond hair, a heavy make-up and red lipstick. It didn't hide the fact that she had excessive wrinkles in her forehead though. She appeared to be shorter than Cielle without heels on and had brownish-green eyes. If anything, she looked like a desperate-for-attention wife or mistress of the real criminal boss. "Alexander Araneta Lee, " she spoke putting the Blackberry in their front, "Your mom wants to speak to you, " and it was surprisingly in fluent English. Alex, acting as innocent as ever, smiled from ear to ear and took the phone from her. The whole time he talked, Cielle and the female boss underwent a staring contest. "You must be the woman my men are talking about, " she stated, crossing her arms against her busty chest. Cielle nodded without a word. "I heard you had a great night with Nicholas, " she added. Cielle's mouth dropped for a fraction of a second, surprised, but then collected herself with poise and ease. "Great would not be the best word I want to describe it, " she spat out. "Huh? You hate it? Wow. But it is hard to believe that you know because I don't see any bruises in you." She swept her hand to gesture everything of Cielle's flawless skin. "You must have liked it secretly." Cielle in response dipped her head. They didn't know... They didn't know that Nic spared her virtue last night. The least she could do now was to appear distraught if she couldn't pull off the physically maltreated victim with the lack of the said bruises. "Well, sweetheart, if I were you, you should consider yourself worthy if he touches you again with consent or not. The man is a fine piece of male specimen. I would have seduced him many times if not for my husband." "I am not a w***e, " Cielle remarked in her thoughts. Their conversation was cut off when Alex handed the phone back to the wife boss. She stared at the boy, frowned at his friendliness and then turned around. "Now, is that enough? We have proven that your son is alive, " she started pacing the room with the cellphone near her ear. Cielle looked at Alex and smiled at him. "Mommy says that we will see each other soon, " he informed. "That's good to hear, " Cielle replied, giving him a tight hug. "Yes, I want ten million dollars, cash. I have already instructed you how to go about it, " she heard the wife boss say and gaped. Ten million dollars? Were Alex's parents really that rich?! As much as she wanted to, she didn't hear the rest of the conversation because they were pulled out of the room immediately. When they left the boss' house with the same two guards guiding them, Cielle felt like she was put on display. Many men standing a few feet away from the house looked at her like she was a piece of delicious cake. They were snickering, grinning and some were eyeing her as if she was a tainted soul. It was a shame they didn't know the truth. But one man in particular caught her attention more when they almost reached their prison house. No, it wasn't Nic. It wasn't Don. It was Theo who stared at her with overflowing lust in his eyes. Come evening, Cielle thought that Nic wouldn't visit her anymore, but she was wrong. He came back hours after Alex had fallen asleep. Cielle cried and pleaded thinking that this time he would take her virtue away, but like last night, he blindfolded her, requested her to cry and whimper some more, made her face the wall and got to his own business when she did. He treated her the same way: partly callous and partly sympathetic. This happened every night for the whole nine days with each passing night turning her confused more than ever: both with his actions and her troubled heart. In the tenth night though, when still the ransom money oddly wasn't delivered, Cielle noticed a small change from the way Nic held her. When usually he would turn her around immediately after blindfolding, he stalled this time and allowed his hands to roam her arms and neck freely. "Nicholas?" she breathed shakily, finding the unwelcomed tingling sensations too traitorously good. Then, she felt the lightest touch of something in her lips followed by a warm breath fanning her nose. Surprised, she stepped back and raised her hands in between them. "What are you doing?" In reply, she was turned around to face the wall quickly. "Just whimper for me, Cielle. Don't ask questions, " was Nic's order against her ear. She shivered when he trailed his fingers along her spine. Despite her fear, a true moan escaped from her mouth. She shook her head immediately, not liking where this conflicted attraction had just brought her. And then, his fingers were gone. The next thing she knew, he was already groaning and grunting in a mixture of torture and pleasure some distance away from her. The following day turned out normal for her; too normal in fact and too safe because for some reason, there were less armed men surrounding the vicinity when she peeked on the vent. They must have gone in the mainland for another criminal operation, her thoughts concluded, or maybe to get the ransom money. It wasn't like she'd be released too once the boy's ransom would be given, but she'd be happy because at least his nightmare would come to an end. Thinking about her parents and the income they have in a year, it was possible that these kidnappers will also negotiate her ransom and release. But only time will tell if that was the case though. Cielle sat next to Alex in bed and told him stories that she had created on the spot. After a few more hours of doing nothing, the door suddenly opened and in came Don who was smiling widely. "Come boy, let's get you home, " he stated whilst pulling the boy's hand. Cielle retracted it back. "Where are you taking him?!" she glowered at him. "To his mother of course. They already paid, " he announced, looking every bit delighted of the success of their shady business. The boy however clung to her. "Big Sis, let's go, " he said to which she hesitated. "Opps, opps!" Don stepped closer in bed, "Your Big Sis is not yet allowed to leave boy." Just as she thought. "No, I want to be with her!" Alex' voice shrilled when Don grabbed his waist and pulled him out of Cielle's grasp. "No, no, no. That can't be." Don shook his head. Cielle's heart sank. She had made a bond with this boy like a sister to her brother and it was truly painful to watch him struggle. Knowing what was right, she didn't move an inch in bed and just stared at him as he was dragged by the man. "Big Sis!" Alex shouted, desperately stretching his arms to her, still holding the toy figurine. This pricked her conscience real good and so, before her mind would change, she jumped out of bed and halted them. "Wait!" Don paused and looked at her ready to lash out. "I am just going to say goodbye to the boy, " she informed. Then, she crouched down at eye level with Alex, smiled, and wiped his fresh tears with her thumb. "Hey, don't cry. Go. Just go. Your mommy...needs you. I'll be fine here." Her voice broke, but the boy didn't notice it. "But Sis...sister Cielle." "Go, " she cut in, "Didn't I tell you we will soon go eat together?" The boy nodded slowly. "It's a promise okay? When I get out of here, I will immediately call your mommy and we will go together." Somehow this lightened the child's sad face. "Promise, " Alex stated and then gave her a tight hug, wrapping his slim arms around her neck. Cielle battled herself from breaking down. She pressed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. Their embrace took a full minute and it would have been more if not for the clearing of a throat. "Now go and be careful, " she then stated after pulling out. Alex nodded and waved his hand as a gesture of goodbye. Evening came with Cielle now alone in bed. She missed the boy's company dearly, but she felt happy he was with his mother now; felt relieved that he was safe from these criminals. Sleep came to her easily owing to the exhaustion of simply crying herself out. Since last week of staying in the island, this was her first time really freeing herself from the heavy burden that her situation gave. Crying may have been an act of weakness for some, but for Cielle, it was to renew her courage. It would have been a goodnight's sleep all the way through knowing that Nic, who was in the mainland, wouldn't be visiting her, but just as the clock hit eleven in the evening, a hand reached up to touch her bare shoulder. "Mhm, " she stirred slightly, but in the confines of sleep still. Then, the hand roamed down her thigh and lingered there for a minute with digits pressing against her dark blue jeans sensually. Amidst this, Cielle still didn't wake up. But when the hand placed pressure when it reached her buttock, her eyes quickly shot open. She straightened from the bed and twisted her spine to see the intruder standing at the edge. "Nic?" she, on impulse, called out, but no, it wasn't him that touched her intimately. It was another man. Theo to be exact. "No! Get off me!" she quickly ordered, shoving him aside when he attempted to sit on the bed. Panic and concern on her safety rose up her throat. Why would he come here?! What does he want?! In response, he seized her wrists with his powerful hands and pushed her down the mattress. She tried to kick him when he inched closer, but these too were subdued by his clamp-like legs. "No!" She bucked and wiggled out of his hold, but it was to no avail. "Ahh, you smell so good Cielle, " Theo stated when he brought his nose to touch her neck. "I am definitely going to enjoy you." "Stop it! Stop it you bastard!" Cielle yelled, feeling sick with the way he caressed her neck. "Oww, don't fight. I know you like this. Just like Nic. He is busy today so I will be the one who will make you happy." He darted his tongue out and licked the shell of her ear. She felt disgusted with it and clenched her jaw. "No, you can't! I won't let you f*cking touch me! I'd rather die!" And she yelped, closing her eyes when she felt his tongue move down her throat. Is this her future now? Being fondled by vile men? Tears welled up her eyes but she blinked it out. Like she had planned days earlier, she was going to fight back. It would be a hard try of course but she would, for her family and friends who cared for her, and for herself. Yes, for herself. But in the middle of her thoughts, a face of a certain man flashed in her mind — Nicholas — to which she couldn't understand why. The man was also a criminal. A criminal. Just like Theo. She couldn't possibly welcome any blooming feelings for him. She couldn't possibly have...fallen for that man. No, definitely couldn't. "Nicholas..." Yet, she muttered his name anyway, speaking it as if it had the power to summon him. Whatever she felt for him, whatever her traitorous heart yearned for, she sure would like that he rescue her first. Right now. As in right now. "Get your f*****g hands off of her!" out-of-the-blue and as if on cue, Nic's voice resounded in the room. Cielle shot open her eyes and saw his whole being standing next to the bed. The little light from the moon may have prevented it, but she was sure as hell he was murderously angry. In an instant, she felt Theo's body weight on her disappear. "Nic!" Theo shouted when he was shoved to the cemented floor. His eyes widened like that of a deer in headlights, but it didn't affect Nic at all. "I thought it was already clear what Don's rule was?" he pointed out calmly, stepping to shield Cielle from the man's hungry eyes. In her current spot sitting on the bed, Cielle could see how tightly Nic clenched his fists and how much his tall frame tensed. "Well man, don't be too greedy. I want to taste her too, " reasoned Theo, who seemed not at all guilty with what he did. To Cielle's horror, Nic pulled out a gun from his back and pointed it to his comrade. "Shut the f**k up or I'll blow your head off." Theo, in haste, raised his hands up in surrender. "Cool, cool man." "Get out!" Nic ordered with such authority. This made Cielle drop her jaw in awe. After gathering himself up, Theo walked out of the room whilst brushing his hair with his fingers. He didn't dare look back at Cielle knowing this would explode Nic's anger even more. When they were left alone, Nic whirled around to inspect her. "Nicholas..." she breathed out, using his complete name for the first time. One hand was on the bed in a tight fist while the other was pressed against her chest like it was protecting her heart from leaping out. At the back of her mind, she felt relieved that he was on time... that she didn't receive much damage from Theo's attack. She dreaded the fact that he almost came close to not saving her, but still she was thankful on his late presence. "Cielle, you're not safe here, " Nic stated after loosening his fists. He looked lost for a moment, and conflicted and confused. "I'm aware of that since the beginning, " she replied, lowering her face to look at her shaking knees. Nic inched closer. "Hey, look at me, " he ordered and she did without delay. "Are you afraid of me? Surprisingly, there were emotions in his eyes, emotions that spoke of warmth she couldn't detail out. "Yes, " was her plain reply considering he was still a criminal no matter how much he acted like a knight to her and considering that he was still holding the damn gun with his other hand. "Then don't be." Nic bent to tilt her chin up. "I won't hurt you." Then, their gazes rested on each other's mouths. She knew she was turning crazy now for in a flicker of a moment she wanted to taste those damnable, sinful lips of his. Nic thumbed her bottom lip, traced its outline and bent closer, closer towards her face. Despite the shouts of warning in her mind, Cielle just stayed silent, waiting, waiting for the collision but then the spell broke down when Nic abruptly pulled away. "I'll guard your room. You don't need to worry, " he stated and then retreated backward; his expression set in neutral once again. Cielle blinked many times and furrowed her brows. "No, stop doing it!" she shouted before he could step out of the threshold. This made him pause on the spot and turn to look over his shoulder; his profile slightly kissed by the soft moonlight. "Do what?" he asked, confused. "You—you keep on confusing my heart." Her lips trembled. "So stop. Stop doing it." She stared at him; stared at him like she was boring a hole in his profile; stared at him like he was the harbinger of her death; stared at him as if she wanted to free her locked emotions that were too overwhelming to acknowledge. Nic's eyes turned arctic. He clenched his fists first as if being tortured by an invisible force before replying in a hard tone, "You keep on confusing mine too, Cielle. I am troubled on what to do, but for now, I suggest you keep yours in a safe place where I won't be able to touch." And he left closing the door along the way and leaving Cielle to press a hand on her chest where the heart lay. A confession? A threat? Or a warning? She couldn't be sure what, but it gave her all the more reason to stop whatever feeling that was blooming inside her for him. She hauled a deep breath and shook her head. He did say he'll guard her room, so all this time she thought he would stand guard in front of her door, but it wasn't the case though. As she spun and looked overhead when she noticed footsteps near the vent, she saw the tall frame of Nic, sitting without a care that his pants would be soiled. His long legs were flexed and drawn forward, elbows resting on top of them. His head along with his spine was pressed against the house wall and his face kept straight, looking ahead. What a safe position they were in indeed. Cielle smiled and pressed her head against the same wall, closing her eyes feeling safe and secure. "Hey, " she spoke after a long moment, ultimately breaking the silence that surrounded them. Nic didn't reply, but she could hear him shift from sitting. "Nic, " she tried again. "What?" he replied, somewhat in a flat tone. "I know it is not appropriate to ask you - a member of this gang, but I have to ask." "What?" "Will I be able to get out of here?" She heard a small groan first and then he replied, "You will, soon." "Did your boss contact my parents to ask for a ransom?" She clasped her hands, feeling all of a sudden scared for her parent's condition. They were healthy old people, but that didn't mean their mental state wouldn't be affected with a bad news like their daughter getting kidnapped. "Yes, " Nic answered, unbeknownst of her worries. "But you will escape out of here sooner than you think." Cielle's brows twitched and in a sudden move, looked up to glance at his stern profile the vent had provided. "What do you mean?" He remained silent. "Nicholas, what do you mean?" There was confusion in her voice and she knew he noticed it for he shifted in his seat again and dragged his face to look at her, or at least what the shadows could show. He could only see a small part of her forehead and one side of her arched brow, her hands clasped near her chin and her legs that were pressed together. It provided little to his imagination but still an enticing view nonetheless. "Sleep Cielle. Worry not of tomorrow. Let me handle it, " he answered and this made Cielle twist her lip in disappointment. "Huh, you really are a mysterious man, you know that?" Again, no reply, so she continued. "How did you get mixed up with these people anyway? I don't see you as someone who needs money and judging from your actions, you ain't that bad of a person." The last part may have been unintended, but heck, it was too late for Cielle to back out now. "Hey, " she furrowed her brows when still she got no response from him. "Hey, are you there?" Through the vent, his frame was still visible, yet it seemed that he had chosen to ignore her deliberately. "Nicholas?" "Sleep." Finally, he managed to say and this, for a twisted moment, made Cielle grin. She shifted in the bed and pulled out the thin bedcover up her chest before lying. "Nic, before I forgot... uhm, thanks for saving me back there, " she stated, opting to set aside the conversation they had earlier about their hearts in confusion. "Don't mention it, " was all he replied. "Good night." When her head hit the pillow, she waited for him to greet her the same but it never came, not until she was fast asleep though. "Good night Cielle."
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