Chapter 2

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CHAPTER TWO: ENGAGEMENT HAS BEEN DECIDED ✧THIRD PERSON's POV✧ "Hi, darling!" Stephanie greeted her handsome grandchildren with a series of kisses, her smile wide and welcoming. She greeted Summer the same way. "How are you all?" Behind her were her husband, Carlo Vivar, a well-known business executive, and their youngest child, Amethyst, affectionately called Aunt Baby by the triplets and Summer. Amethyst, now twenty-three, was only a year younger than the triplets. "We're fine, Mommyla. But Faith isn’t so fine." Hope grinned mischievously, earning a disapproving look from their father, Ace. Hope was being a nuisance. Faith was already nervous about the visit, and Hope's teasing only made things worse. They all knew the real reason for their Mommyla's visit today. They continued their conversation as they made their way to the dining area. The two couples led the way, while the younger ones followed behind. Summer and Amethyst, both close in age and affection, walked arm in arm, giggling together. "I heard you haven’t been answering her calls," Amethyst quietly told her niece, Summer. The triplets overheard their conversation. "Tita Baby, my phone speaker is broken. Even if I answer a call, the person on the other end can't hear me. So I just don’t pick up." "I have an extra iPhone at home. A 15 Pro Max, still sealed and unused. I’ll give it to you next time we meet." "Oh my gosh! Really?!" Hope couldn't resist teasing Summer and the others. "Oh, now you're all about iPhones! Back in the day, you were thrilled with your Chinese phone. Ting-ting-ting wayayu! Ting-ting-ting arf, arf! I, I, I, I'm your little butterfly." When they arrived in the dining room and everyone was settled into their seats, the meal began. The triplets, their parents, their grandparents, and even Amethyst and Summer were all seated together. As they ate, their Mommyla, Stephanie, initiated the discussion. "Kids," Stephanie began, her gaze sweeping over everyone. "I have an announcement to make." This was about Faith's upcoming engagement to the eldest child of Lucio and Jody Herald. "I know you probably have some idea of what I'm about to say, since Hope came from the house this morning." "Mommyla," Hope immediately protested. "The way you say it makes me sound like gossip. You’re hurting my feelings." "Oh? Are you not?" Stephanie teased with a laugh. "Anyway," she turned her attention back to Faith. "Faith, your engagement has been decided." The room fell silent. All eyes were on Faith, including those of their parents, Keycee and Ace. Faith Zeican sighed, accepting his fate. He had always known that arranged marriage was in his future. "Who is it, Mommyla?" he asked. "Chloe Herald, daughter of Jody and Lucio Herald and heiress to an oil empire. As you know, oil is an industry we haven't ventured into yet, so this is our opportunity. Chloe is twenty-two. I haven't met her yet myself. I only met her parents this morning, as they visited our home." "Mom," Keycee interjected, concern evident on her face. "Shouldn't this be happening next year? The triplets are only twenty-four. As far as I recall, they’re supposed to meet their matches only when they turn twenty-five." "Keycee, dear. It’s basically the same thing. It’s just a few months early. Besides, it’s better for Faith to meet his future fiancée now so they can get to know each other. It’s just an engagement, not a wedding. The engagement will be set up first to align with the merger. Faith, sweetie?" Stephanie turned to Faith. "You’ll meet her next week, okay?" Faith stared at his grandmother for a moment, his heart heavy. Then, having no choice, he nodded. "Okay, Mommyla." Having earned a degree in Business Management, Faith was already an integral part of the companies left behind by Don Adolfo by the age of twenty-four. Therefore, he wasn't surprised that their future might involve business deals. Still, he had great trust in Don Adolfo’s reputation as the King of Matchmakers, and that was all he held on to. Among the triplets, Faith Zeican was entrusted with the Electronics Company, while his brother Hope was tasked with overseeing the Entertainment Industry. Although neither had yet been appointed as CEO due to their relative inexperience, it was clear to everyone that they were being groomed for these roles. In contrast, Love Andrei chose a different path. He opted out of a business course and is currently studying to become a scientist. Their youngest sibling, Summer, is in her third year of college, also pursuing a degree in business. From a young age, they all understood that they would eventually be needed to help manage the businesses left by not only Don Adolfo but also their late great-grandmother, Marlette Tan, Stephanie's mother. Currently, their father, Ace Lee, has taken on the role of Director at Lee University, a position he inherited after the passing of his grandfather, Don Adolfo. Ace has fully committed to his new responsibilities, ensuring the university flourishes under his leadership. Meanwhile, his wife, Keycee, enjoys a life of leisure as a pampered housewife. Ace has been firm about her not working, despite her occasional interest in pursuing a career. This arrangement has allowed Keycee to focus on managing their home and supporting the family in other ways. -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ After dinner and once Mommyla's family had left, Ace and Keycee gathered in the living room with their children to discuss Faith’s engagement. "Faith?" Ace called out seriously to his quiet son, who was clearly deep in thought. The triplets sat together on the couch, with Summer positioned between them and the couple. "Yes, Dad?" "You seem distant. Tell me, is the arrangement not okay with you?" Concern was evident in Ace's voice. He knew this feeling well, having experienced it himself when he and Keycee were first being set up. "No, Dad. It's, uhm, I-I'm okay." "You're not. You can fool yourself, son, but not me." Ace sighed. "Just meet her for a week and see how it goes. If you don’t feel good about her or if you think you’re not compatible, let me know." "What will you do, hubby?" their mother asked in surprise. "We’ll put Hope in the spotlight first," Ace joked, causing Hope to roll his eyes. "Nobody loves me in this family. Admit it, am I just an adopted kid here?" Hope lamented. Summer rolled her eyes at him as well. "You’re such a mess! If there’s anyone adopted among us, I’d think it’s me, because I look different. You three look like identical toilets!" "Shut up, you sunburned mess!" Hope retorted. "Hope, really, calling your siblings all sorts of names," their mother scolded. "Well, it suits Summer. Her name means summer, so it's fitting she’s the sunburned one," Hope laughed, but his laughter quickly faded when Love elbowed him. "Dad, I don’t want to get married yet. Let Faith go first," Hope continued. "Or maybe Andreng—" "No," Love interrupted him. "I'm still studying." Ace sighed again and turned his attention back to Faith. “Just one week, Faith Zeican. If you meet Chloe and feel that you don’t get along, your mom and I will do our best to talk to your grandmother about calling off the engagement. Do you hear me?” “Dad, why are you treating me like a child? I can handle it. Don’t worry.” “You’re still our baby, Faith Zeican,” Keycee chimed in. “No matter how old you get, you’ll always be our baby.” As the family chatted, Hope suddenly went quiet, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out, opened the chat, and then turned to Faith with wide eyes and a laugh. “Hell. You’re in trouble, Faith!” He caught the attention of his family. "I've just found out that your soon-to-be fiancée is b*tchy and whiny. The ultimate spoiled, materialistic airhead of the Herald family."
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