10. The Poet and The Pen Pusher-1

2019 Words

10. The Poet and The Pen Pusher“Burn them,” cried Stork. “I’m not burning them. They’re hand-made. Here. I’ll wash them,” said Dark Brace. As much as Stork insisted that Dark Brace should burn her five garments, he had to settle for the stubborn woman’s plea that they be laundered in the clean waters of the ocean. She placed them aside for the chore later. But now was for swimming. The six of them had stripped down to their trunks and under-garments and although the reason they were in the ocean was apparently serious, Sabienn couldn’t help squirting some water off at Blakell and Dark Brace. It was the best part of the day. He faced the sea as the morning light diffused from its place in the landscape behind them to embolden the clouds to be pink and crimson. The sister moons sat green

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