9. Dark Brace-2

2049 Words

“My mother is stubborn,” said Blakell. “But when she cares for you, she’s rock solid. And believe me, it may not look like it but she cares for you. If I may make a suggestion? In this area there is a ban on Haydds carrying rifles around. This household itself only has pistols. My mother and I are good with a rifle. If you could leave one for each of us and hide the other discreetly when you may need it. Then call on us when you need us.” With that she passed a card to each of them for their business of fruit vendors. A number was scrawled on the back. “Sounds fair,” said Stork. “Give the steelright to Deep. It’s just plain dangerous in my hands.” Deep put the final touches on pulling his clothes back on and Blakell moved in close to him to speak. “Sir, thank you.” She tapped Deep’s woun

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