8. The Rodneez Brothers-1

2023 Words

8. The Rodneez BrothersThe sweet new light of day gave incomplete definition to the trees within Blister Park. Yet the birds knew where they were. Sabienn heard the screeching of colourful parrots as he approached the playground where he was yesterday. He saw the animals find food in the branches and then upon a pinpoint scatter and fly away in unison. He was flanked by Stork and Deep and was about to ask where the meeting may be when he was greeted by a strange sight; it was a sight that just had to be for them. Nearby a picnic table were two Turr gentlemen sitting at a portable table playing cards. Sabienn knew this activity well having lived in Hayddland with its predominantly human population. He knew the game only by the name Bluff and also knew the activity survived thousands of ye

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