2420 Words

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN In one swift move, Phoenix stood up and pushed the remains of their scanty meal to one side. He snatched up the maps of Alexandria that Heron had sent for and spread them out on the dining table. “Heron’s right. It’s too much of a co-incidence that this night is sacred to the Set priests and Brynn is taken by them and I’m sure they’ve been working deliberately to stop us releasing Anuket. We’ve run out of time. It’s tonight. Heron, show me where the Temple is,” he demanded. Heron pointed at a spot on the western edge of the harbour. “It’s in the Rhakotis, the area of town where most of the Egyptian population live.” “And how can we gain access to it?” Marcus frowned over the map, tracing the streets with one finger. The Temple was bounded on the north by the h

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