2224 Words

CHAPTER TWELVE Sheathing his dagger, Phoenix picked up a lit candle and threw it into the largest pile of papers he could see. The flames caught and raced across the surface like it was soaked in petrol. Each flicker danced with purple-blue after-images. The black smoke it gave off reeked and stung the eyes. That got a reaction. With an angry shriek, the Priest of Set snatched at his precious artefacts and papers. Phoenix smiled as the gold-masked sorcerer began ordering his henchmen to put out the rapidly-spreading fire. That should keep them busy enough not to chase him. He sheathed his sword, silencing its song. Clambering up onto the windowsill, he balanced on it and tried to watch the entire room at once. With a grin, he threw the coughing guards a mocking salute. Before t

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