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CHAPTER TEN “She said to take any opportunity to escape and to use the ‘sick prisoner’ routine,” Brynn repeated. “What’s that?” Phoenix blinked at him. It was hard to imagine anyone not knowing the oldest escape idea in the book. Maybe that was a good thing. He turned to Heron, who was watching them both eagerly. “Have you heard of the ‘sick prisoner’ escape routine?” Heron shook his head, looking bewildered. “Well,” Phoenix stared at the thick wooden door, “let’s hope the guards haven’t either. Heron, give me that piece of sharp stone you had. Here’s how it goes...” **** Jade took a deep breath and stepped out of the shadows. Calling up a mental image of her oldest sister, she put a hand on her hip and let her eyelids droop. With her hips swaying as she walked, she put her

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