2893 Words

CHAPTER EIGHT Full night swept in across the dusty desert and with it the temperature plummeted. By the time they reached the horses, Jade shivered with cold and exhaustion. Inside the safety of the tomb, she dragged coats out of the Hyllion Bagia and they wrapped themselves gratefully in warm furs. Marcus stood at the door, staring out into the star-strewn night. “We can’t stay here,” he finally said. Jade agreed. “I know. The soldiers might find us. Besides, the horses need food and water and there’s nothing here. We’ll have to get to Memphis tonight and find somewhere to stay.” She shivered. Marcus stepped closer and put an extra fur around her. “You need to rest and eat to replenish your strength. You’re no use to Phoenix and Brynn if you’re exhausted.” She leaned her he

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