CH. 6

1228 Words
The sleek black car glided to a stop in front of the Royal Hotel. Its grandeur and sophistication stood out like a beacon amidst the chaotic cityscape outside. "Where on earth have you been?" Kate's voice pierced the silence of the underground parking lot, a mix of worry and frustration lacing her words as they reverberated off the cold, unforgiving concrete walls. Serena could barely register her friend's outrage as she scrambled to restore some semblance of order to her disarrayed appearance. She frantically tried to smooth out the wrinkles in her dress and fix her tousled hair under the faint glow of the car's interior light. Next... Serena practically catapulted herself out of the vehicle without any grace or poise, her high heels teetering dangerously on the edge of stability. "Serena! You can't just vanish into thin air like that! We meticulously planned everything," Kate scolded, a mixture of concern and annoyance tingeing her voice with an edge. Serena met Kate's gaze head-on, defiance flickering in her eyes as she matched her manager-turned-friend’s frustration beat for beat. "Plans have a funny way of shifting," she shot back irritably. "Get the stylist and makeup artist right now. I need to be flawless before I even think about stepping foot inside that venue. And they better be fast!" She ordered, urgency coloring every syllable as she strode towards the entrance with purpose. Kate rolled her eyes at Serena's dramatics but managed to maintain a facade of composure despite the chaos unfolding around them. "They await your royal decree with bated breath, Your Majesty," she quipped sarcastically, trailing after Serena as they made their way to the elevator. As they moved away from their heated exchange and towards their destination, Kate couldn’t help but notice Serena’s uncharacteristically disheveled appearance and unsteady gait. The usually poised beauty queen seemed like a different person altogether. Something told her there was more turbulence beneath Serena’s surface than met the eye. She chose not to comment on it though. At least for now. Serena's mind, on the other hand, was a whirlwind of apprehension and self-doubt as she replayed the previous night's indiscretions. The same hotel, the same bar, and far too many shots had led to an impromptu encounter with a stranger. Now, in the harsh light of day, she couldn't shake off the fear that someone might connect her to that reckless one-night stand. Her confusion deepened when she pondered why her room was already occupied by another guest—who turned out to be a man and ended up ravaging her like a beast. Why on earth would the receptionist hand her a key card to an already occupied room? Was it just a fluke or was there something more sinister at play? Could this be some sort of setup designed to tarnish her reputation? She shuddered at the thought but decided to put it aside for now. There were more pressing matters demanding her attention. The atmosphere around Serena felt heavy with turmoil, an unusual state for this usually poised beauty queen. The curious glances from bystanders only amplified her discomfort as they entered the elevator alongside her. Their eyes seemed to bore into her soul, silently questioning what could have shaken their idol so profoundly. As soon as the elevator doors parted with a soft chime, both women rushed out into a corridor that screamed opulence. Gold-embossed ceilings held chandeliers aloft like stars in a night sky while marble floors mirrored their hasty retreat. Serena felt like she could finally breathe again when they finally entered her private suite. Yet embarrassment nipped at her heels like an unwelcome guest. She couldn't completely escape what had transpired earlier. Her professional team could sense her distress and they sprang into action instantly. Their skilled hands moved swiftly and expertly over her body and hair with one purpose: restoring Serena's glamour. Embarrassment surged through Serena like a tidal wave as she caught sight of the vivid marks littering her once unblemished complexion. Each hickey seemed to scream out a tale of reckless abandon, painting her cheeks with a deep crimson blush of shame. Thank goodness the stitches and swell between her legs were well hidden beneath her panties. The desire to disappear consumed her, wishing fervently for the earth to split open and engulf her whole and spare her from the prying eyes that whispered unspeakable judgments. Despite the silence from her stylists and manager, their exchanged glances spoke volumes, laden with inaudible disappointment that weighed heavily on Serena's fragile heart. Gradually, under their meticulous care, Serena began to transform back into herself. Or rather, into the version of herself the world was accustomed to seeing. Her hair was now sleek and elegantly styled into a sophisticated updo. Her makeup, once smudged and uneven, was now flawless, enhancing her natural beauty without overshadowing it. Finally, she stepped into a breathtaking gown that seemed to erase all traces of her earlier disarray. Serena moved to stand before the full-length mirror and admired her reflection. The midnight blue silk dress clung to her body like a second skin, highlighting every curve with delicate precision. Tilting her head ever so slightly, a soft smile played on her lips as she admired the intricate updo that exposed her delicate neck to the world. Each strand of hair was carefully woven in place and elegantly framed her face. A surge of gratitude washed over her for the skilled hands that had transformed her locks into a work of art. Her heart fluttered with a mix of relief and amusement as she recalled the deft touch of her makeup artist, expertly concealing the telltale signs of passion that lingered on her skin. The faint blush of embarrassment mingled with a sense of secret pleasure at the hidden marks now safely veiled beneath flawless makeup. A single diamond earring winked at her from the mirror, casting prismatic flares onto the surrounding walls. "Perfect," she whispered to herself – though more than just an assessment of her appearance. The dress wasn't merely clothing; it was armor - a shield to project confidence even as anxiety gnawed at the pit of her stomach. "Thank you," Serena said quietly, looking at herself in the mirror with satisfaction and weariness etched on her face. "You're fortunate we excel at our craft," replied the head stylist with a smirk playing on his lips. Serena took a deep breath. She couldn't let last night’s unexpected events jeopardize her chances at the award ceremony. With paparazzi and rivals lying in wait for any sign of vulnerability, she knew she had to be strong. "Thank you, guys!" Serena called out, her voice betraying none of the jittery energy that buzzed beneath her poised exterior. She reached for the perfume bottle on one of the dressers, spritzing the air and walking through the mist. The scent settled on her skin, a mixture of jasmine and cedarwood. It was a comforting aroma that always seemed to ground her. "Are you sure you don't need anything else?" Kate asked with concern woven into her words. "Nothing; I've got everything," Serena replied, though her hand hovered over the clutch, which held not only her essentials but also the speech she might—or might not—have the chance to give tonight. “Let’s go!” She said with newfound confidence.
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