CH. 2

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The chauffeur, a gentleman of advanced years, turned slightly in his seat to address the distraught woman occupying the back of the plush vehicle. "Where shall I take you, young, Miss?" His voice was soft like a lullaby attempting to soothe a crying child. Serena hastily smeared away her tears with the heel of her hand and sniffed loudly. Her voice wavered as she commanded in a broken whisper, "Take me to the nearest bar." The chauffeur's lips parted as if he intended to protest but then sealed themselves shut again. He paused for several heartbeats before gathering enough courage to voice his concerns. “Miss Serena," he began cautiously, "I fear that going to a bar in your current state might not be advisable. His Excellency would surely disapprove if he were to discover this... And we are unaccompanied by guards. Plus, there's always the risk of unsavory characters taking advantage of your vulnerability." "I don't care! Just drive!" Serena snapped back fiercely at him. She reclined against the luxurious leather headrest of their Brabus G63 and closed her eyes tightly as fresh tears trickled down her cheeks. The images from earlier events haunted her relentlessly despite her desperate attempts to expel them from her mind. The pain they brought was too sharp and raw to ignore or suppress. Reaching into her designer purse, she retrieved her phone and swiftly dialed her lawyer's number. “Your timing could never be better.” Answered a masculine voice with an unmistakable note of disapproval in his tone. “I need you to draft me a divorce agreement by tomorrow!” Serena demanded harshly. A beat passed before he responded skeptically, “Who is it for?” “Mine! I'm divorcing that cheating bastard,” she spat out venomously. A stunned silence stretched between them on the line while within the car, the chauffeur was visibly taken aback by this revelation. He had always been under the impression that Miss Serena was unmarried. How had everyone missed this? On the other side of the call, her lawyer sighed deeply. “I warned you to sign a prenuptial agreement when you decided on this marriage. We can try to settle for an amicable divorce if both parties are willing. But if not, things could get ugly for you. Despite his own wealth, he has every right to fight for your assets. Do you have any evidence to use against him?” A sharp intake of breath echoed in the confined space of the car as Serena recalled her impulsive decision to marry Alex against her father's wishes. The political rivalry between their families had made it impossible for them to openly acknowledge their union and despite being married for over two years now, Alex had shown no inclination towards making peace with her father or making their relationship public. She should have known the jerk couldn’t be trusted. “I caught him in bed with my best friend,” she finally admitted through gritted teeth as the memory resurfaced painfully vivid in her mind. “I don’t have hard evidence and I don’t care how you do it, but I need this mockery of a marriage dissolved by dawn.” Serena's voice dropped lower, imbued with a steely determination that belied her earlier tears. "I've made up my mind about this divorce and I want it expedited." Her lawyer sighed again at the other end of the line. "Serena, while I understand your feelings, you must comprehend the implications of this decision... You didn't sign a prenup when you married Alex and if he refuses to agree to a divorce, things could spiral out of control." "I don't care," she retorted defiantly. "I saw him cheating on me with my own eyes; that's all the proof I need." The lawyer persisted, "In court though, that's not enough. We need concrete evidence. Do you have any incriminating texts or emails?" "No," she admitted after a moment's consideration. "We need to amass as much evidence as possible in case Alex decides to fight dirty. He is a powerful man, and he won't relinquish his rights to yours or his assets without a battle." "I don’t give a damn about his assets. Just do what you can to prevent him from claiming mine." "Alright, Serena," the lawyer conceded finally. "But are you absolutely certain about this? Divorce is a grave decision..." "I've never been more sure of anything in my life," she interrupted him firmly. "I deserve better than being married to a man who doesn't respect me." Serena disconnected the call and leaned back into her seat, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths to regain her composure. The chauffeur glanced at her worriedly through the rearview mirror: "Are you okay, young Miss?" She forced herself to smile reassuringly at him. "I'm fine. Just bring me to the bar." As they drove off into the night, Serena watched the city lights blur past outside, each one representing an unknown future full of challenges that she was ready to face head-on. She was done playing the fool; it was time for her to regain control of her life and start afresh. The Brabus G63 glided through the city streets, its powerful engine a subdued purr against the cacophony of the night. Inside, the atmosphere was thick with the weight of unspoken thoughts and the remnants of a conversation that would change everything. Serena sat motionless. her gaze fixed on the blur of city lights that streaked past the tinted windows. Her mind, however, was far from still. It churned with a turmoil of emotions - betrayal, anger, hurt, and a burgeoning sense of resolve. The love she thought had once seemed so invincible was now irreparably tarnished by his betrayal. 'How could he?' she wondered, the sting of his deceit still fresh. 'Was it all a lie?' Divorce... it was really happening. she thought. The finality of the word echoed in her mind. Despite her determination, a part of her mourned the loss of what could have been, the dreams and hopes she had woven so tightly around her secret marriage with Alex. The car slowed to a stop at the underground parking lot of a huge establishment, its sign flickering with a vibrant luminescence. The chauffeur turned to her. The man’s face was etched with concern. "We're here, Young Miss. Are you certain you wish to go in?" Serena took a deep breath to steel herself. "Yes, John. I need some time alone." Her voice was firmer now and the resolve clear in her tone. He nodded, understanding yet worried. "I'll be right here if you need me." Stepping out of the car, Serena felt the cool night air brush against her face. It was a sharp contrast to the stifling confines of her luxurious but lonesome world. The bar's entrance loomed before her like a gateway to a temporary escape from her reality.
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